Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 11, 2001, Image 32

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    A32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 11,2001
Plainfield Fanners’ Fair
(Continued from Page A3l)
Junior champion: 1 Bryant Hlavaty.
Reserve junior champion. Charlene Bar
Junior 2-year-old. 1. Brewer Farms 2
Jacob Klein
Senior 2-year-old 1 Bryant Hlavaty 2
Enc Longenbach
Junior 3-year-old- 1 Keystone Farms 2.
Brandy Hahn 3. Bailey Reichard
Senior 3-year-old. 1. Keystone Farms. 2.
Enc Longenbach 3 Layne Klein.
4-year-old. 1. Enc Longenbach. 2 Char
lene Barlieb. 3. Jacob Klein.
Aged cow; 1 Keystone Farms. 2. Brewer
Farms 3. Brandy Hahn.
Dry cow: 1. Brewer Farms. 2 Brandy
125,000 pounds cows: 1. Bryant Hlavaty.
Senior champion; Bryant Hlavaty.
Reserve senior champion. Eric Longen
Grand champion: Bryant Hlavaty.
Reserve grand champion; Enc Longen
Cow in milk best udder 1. Longen
bach. 2. Bryant Hlavaty.
Best three females: 1. Keystone Farms.
2. Red Maple Farms. 3. Klein Farms.
Dairy herd: 1. Keystone Farms. 2. Red
Maple Farms. 3. Klein Farms.
Produce of dam: 1. Jacob Klein. 2. Bry
ant Hlavaty. 3. Bryant Hlavaty.
Land O’Lakes, Inc., Maryland
and Virginia Milk Producers Co
operative Association, Lone Star
Milk Producers, Inc., and Arkan
sas Dairy Cooperative Associa
tion have signed letters of intent
to develop a plan for merger,
according to officials of the four
cooperative organizations.
A new Eastern Fluid Milk
Marketing Division of Land
O’Lakes would be created and
would operate under the estab
lished Advantage Dairy Group
Advantage Dairy Group was
established in January 2000 as an
East Coast milk- marketing joint
venture involving Maryland and
Virginia Milk Producers, Land
O’Lakes, and Southeast Milk,
Inc. (SMI). The South East Milk
Marketing Agency, which in
cludes Lone Star Milk Producers
and Arkansas Dairy Cooperative
Association, joined in June 2000.
While SMI will not be part of the
merger, it is anticipated that SMI
will continue its mutually benefi
cial marketing relationship with
the new Advantage Dairy Group.
“This consolidation will bring
together four organizations that
share a commitment to the dairy
industry and dairy-producer suc
cess, as well as a dedication to
quality and operational excel
lence,” Land O’Lakes President
and Chief Executive Officer John
E. Gherty said. “In addition, it
will continue the successful east
ern milk-marketing efforts of Ad
vantage Dairy Group. Ultimate
ly, it will put us in a better
position to compete effectively
and deliver maximum value to
members and customers.”
Maryland and Virginia Milk
Producers Cooperative Associa
tion General Manager Robert
Shore, who will manage the new
Land O’Lakes Eastern Fluid
Milk Marketing Division, said
Advantage Dairy Group would
address current industry forces
on behalf of member-owners.
“We are operating in a rapidly
consolidating industry, in which
success is increasingly de
termined by the ability to main
tain competitive size and scale,”
Shore said. ‘This addresses that
issue and continues the strong
member and customer relation
ships that are part of Advantage
Dairy Group. The new organiza
tion will enable us to improve
milk-marketing efficiencies and
market access for members.”
“Establishing and maintaining
a national procurement, process
ing and marketing system are
also critical to success in today’s
Dam and daughter 1. Bryant Hlavaty. 2.
Bryant Hlavaty. 3. Jacob Klein.
Junior get of sire- Keystone Farms.
Breeder's junior herd; Juniperdale
Senior fitter 1. Brian Kromer. 2. Bryant
Hlavaty 3. Brandy Hahn.
Senior showmanship: 1. Brian Kromer. 2.
Bryant Hlavaty. 3. Jimmy Kromer.
Intermediate fitter 1. Stephanie Brewer.
2. Taralee Fulmer. 3. Cassie Fulmer.
Intermediate showmanship: 1. Taralee
Fulmer. 2. Diane Hahn. 3. Cassie Fulmer.
Junior fitter 1. Stacy Brewer. 2. Timmy
Selpt. 3. Amanda Fehnel.
Junior showmanship: 1. Stacy Brewer. 2.
Margaret Seipt. 3. Timmy Seipt.
Champion fitter Brian Kromer.
Reserve fitter Bryant Hlavaty.
Champion showman: Bnan Kromer.
Reserve showman: Bryant Hlavaty.
Summer yearling; 1. Charlene Barlieb.
Junior calf: 1. Diane Hahn.
Junior yearling: 1. Diane Hahn.
Senior 3-year-old; 1. Diane Hahn.
Senior calf: 1. Brian Kramer.
Intermediate yearling; 1. Stacy Brewer.
Cooperatives Unify
dairy industry environment,”
Gherty said. ‘The merger being
explored will create a strength
ened Eastern Fluid Milk Market
ing Division within Land
O’Lakes farmer-owned organiza
tion. Land O’Lakes has a well-es
tablished national presence in
dairy foods manufacturing, milk
marketing and value-added
product marketing.”
Maryland and Virginia Milk
Producers Cooperative Associa
tion President Jack Hardesty said
that the four organizations were
well-suited for unification.
“We have a proven record of
working together,” Hardesty
said. “And we share a coopera
tive commitment to generating
and preserving market access for
member milk, adding value to
that milk and generating positive
returns for producer-members.”
Lone Star Milk Producers
General Manager Jim Baird said,
“When you look at customer con
solidation and federal order re
form, we’re operating in an envi
ronment that makes this an
important, positive, strategic de
Officials of the four organiza
tions did not release further de
tails of the merger discussions,
but indicated a target of early fall
for the development of a defini
tive merger agreement. That
agreement would be subject to
approval by the members of each
participating cooperative.
Land O’Lakes annually pro
cures and processes approxi
mately 12 billion pounds of milk,
relatively equally divided among
its eastern, upper midwest and
California dairy producer re
gions. Maryland and Virginia
Milk Producers Cooperative As
sociation, which markets milk for
members in
ten eastern
and south-
states, han-
dies over
three billion
pounds of
milk annu-
ally. Lone
Star Milk
markets 700
pounds of
milk in eight
states from
Kansas to
Dairy Coop-
erative As-
Junior 2-year-old: 1. Stephanie Brewer.
Junior champion: Charlene Bariieb.
Reserve Junior champion- Stacy Brewer.
Junior 3-year-old: 1. Bnan Kromer. 2.
Jimmy Kromer.
4-year-old-1. Bailey Reichard.
Aged cow; 1. Bnan Kromer. 2. Brian
Senior champion; Brian Kromer.
Reserve senior champion: Stephanie
Brian Kromer
Charlene Bariieb
Junior calf. 1. Bryant Hlavaty. 2. Bryant
Hlavaty. 3. Stephanie Brewer.
Intermediate calf 1. Margaret Seipt. 2.
Stephanie Brewer.
Senior calf: 1. Charlene Bariieb. 2. Jere
my Smith. 3. Stacy Brewer.
Summer yearling: 1. Taralee Fulmer. 2.
Cassie Fulmer.
Junior yearling; 1. Timmy Seipt. 2. Zach
Fulmer. 3. Charlene Bariieb.
Intermediate yearling: 1. Bryant Hlavaty.
2. Stephanie Brewer. 3. Bailey Reichard.
Senior yearling: 1. Jeremy Smith.
Junior champion: Timmy Seipt
Reserve junior champion: Taralee Fulm
Senior 2-year-dd: 1. Bryant Hlavaty.
Junior 3-year-old: 1. Brandy Hahn. 2.
Bailey Reichard.
4-year-old: 1. Charlene Barlieb.
Aged cow: 1. Bryant Hlavaty. 2. Brandy
handles 300 million pounds of
milk in four mid-southern states.
Land O’Lakes (www.landola is a national, farmer
owned food and agricultural co
operative, with sales approaching
$6 billion. Land O’Lakes does
business in all fifty states and
more than fifty countries. It is a
leading marketer of a full line of
dairy-based consumer, foodser
vice and food ingredient products
across the U.S.; serves its interna
tional customers with a variety of
food and animal feed ingredients;
and provides farmers and local
cooperatives with an extensive
line of agricultural supplies (feed,
seed, crop nutrients and crop
protection products) and services.
Champions of Northampton County 4-H Dairy Round-
Up Holstein Show, from left, William Lasher, Judge; Timmy
Seipt with Keystone Mattie Jewel, Junior champion; Zach
Fulmer for Bryant Hlavaty with Keystone Rudolph Lolipop,
reserve senior and reserve grand champion; and Bryant
Hlavaty with Keystone Highlight Lake, the senior and
grand champion.
Dry cow; 1. Brandy Hahn.
Senior champion: Bryant Hlavaty.
Reserve senior champion; Bryant Hlava-
Bryant Hlavaty
Maryland and Virginia Milk
Producers Cooperative Associa
tion (www.mdvamilk.OMn) is a
milk marketing and processing
cooperative which markets milk
for nearly 1,600 dairy farmers in
10 states from Pennsylvania to
Alabama. Headquartered in Res
ton, Va., the cooperative includes
a fluid milk processing plant in
Newport News, Va.; two manu
facturing plants in Laurel, Md.
and Strasburg, Va.; and an equip
ment warehouse in Frederick,
Lone Star Milk Producers,
Windthorst, Texas, markets 700
million pounds of milk for 130
dairy farmers in Texas, Oklaho
Bryant Hlavaty
Dam and daughter 1. Bryant Hlavaty. 2.
Brian Kromar.
ma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas,
Louisiana, Mississippi and Ala
Arkansas Dairy Cooperative
Association, Damascus, Ark.,
represents 300 million pounds of
milk and 185 dairy farmers in
Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas and