Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 30, 2001, Image 48

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    88-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 30,2001
If you are looking for a recipe but can’t find it, send
your recipe request to Lou Ann Good, Cook’s Question
Corner, in care of Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609,
Ephrata, PA 17522. There’s no need to send a self-ad
dressed stamped envelope. If we receive an answer to
your question, we will publish it as soon as possible.
Check your recipe to make sure you copy the right
amounts and complete instructions for making the reci
pe. Sometimes we receive numerous answers to the
same request, but cannot print each one.
Answers to recipe requests should be sent to the same
address. You may also e-mail questions and answers to
Notice: Several readers write that they have
problems accessing this address. The common
mistake is that readers are substituting an “i”
for the lowercase “I (L)” needed in two places.
If you are having problems reaching this ad
dress, please check to make sure you are typ
ing a lowercase “I (L)” in both places and not a
lower or uppercase “i” or “I.”
QUESTION Henry Smith Jr. requests a rec
ipe for pumpkin cookies with chocolate chips
and white icing
QUESTION A Hamburg reader requests a
recipe for honey dipped chicken that tastes
similar to that served in restaurants.
QUESTION The Sensenigs for Ephrata
would like a good stewed tomato recipe.
QUESTION - J. Liston, Preston Co., W.Va.
requests a recipe for canning ramps (wild gar
lic). She wants the ramps to be firm and not
soft when the jar is opened.
QUESTION - Stella Hager, Kintnersville,
wants a recipe for Never Fail Molasses Crumb
QUESTION Mary Fisher, Paradise, is look
ing for a recipe for kiwi jam, preferably the
cooked type.
QUESTION Sarah Algoe requests a recipe
for ice cream cake that has a decorative frost
ing like Carvel ice cream cakes.
QUESTION Bethany Keeney, Seven Val
leys, wants a recipe for baked macaroni made
with Cheez Whiz.
QUESTION Loretta Blaine, Stevensville, is
looking for recipes to make Italian-style spa
ghetti sauce that tastes like that sold in super
markets. She writes that her family likes a
strong flavor. I’m not sure if she means strong
tomato flavor or a spicy sauce.
QUESTION Helen Krupski, Peconi, N.Y.,
wants a recipe for cabbage relish that is served
at Plain and Fancy Restaurant, Bird-in-Hand.
QUESTION Barb Peachey, McAlisterville,
wants a recipe for teddy bear paws.
QUESTION C. Kessel, Hanover, wants a
recipe for a dessert called lime cooler, which
combines lime Jell-0 and finely grated lemon/
lime peel. She believes the fluffy dessert is
popular among Amish and Mennonite families.
QUESTION Retired dairy farmer Don War
yanka, Irwin, writes that at the York Farmer’s
Market, he ordered a creamy macaroni dish
that was served with stewed tomatoes. That
was two years ago, but he has never forgotten
how tasty it was. He would like the recipe.
QUESTION Donna Good, Etters, would like
a recipe for cooking sausage, mainly in brown
QUESTION Zayn Muhsin, Philadelphia,
would like to have recipes for making pro
cessed meats such as sausage, salami, turkey
ham, corned beef, bacon, or turkey bacon.
QUESTION Virginia Zimmerman, Lititz,
wants a recipe for making beef or pork pud
QUESTION A York County reader wants a
recipe for Chicken-Peanut Casserole that
tastes like that served at Hershey Farms Res
ANSWER N.E. Koons requested a recipe
for a high and light angel food cake. Thanks to
Tessie Kizis, Newsoms, Va., who e-mailed a
recipe that she said is from a 1950’s Betty
Crocker cookbook. “Sure beats any boxed mix,”
she writes.
Angel Food Cake
Set out but do not grease 10-inch tube pan
that is 4-inches deep.
1 cup sifted cake flour
Vs cup granulated sugar
Sift flour and sugar together three times. Set
IVfe cups (12) egg whites
1 Vi teaspoons cream of tartar
V* teaspoon salt
1 Vi teaspoon vanilla
Vi teaspoon almond extract
3 /« cup granulated sugar
Measure the egg whites, cream of tartar,
salt, and flavorings into a large bowl. Beat with
wire whip on medium speed of mixer until
foamy. Add the % cup granulated sugar gradu
ally, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating 10 sec
onds after each addition. Continue beating
(using high speed on mixer) until meringue is
very firm and holds stiff, straight peaks.
Gradually sift the flour-sugar mixture over
the meringue, 3 tablespoons at a time, cut and
fold in with spatula until the dry ingredients
disappear each time. Push the batter into un
greased tube pan. Even up surface of batter.
Gently cut through batter with a knife in wid
ening circles to break up air bubbles. Bake 375
degree oven for 30-35 minutes or until no im
print remains when finger lightly touches top of
cake. Invert and let hang until cold before re
moving from pan.
ANSWER Thanks to Kari Martin, Lancaster
County dairy ambassador from Ephrata, for
sending in her favorite dessert for both summer
and winter. Not only is it fun and easy to make
but it also has a dairy product in it. Kari writes
that the dessert is quickly gone at her house
and her whole family loves it. She hopes you
will too.
Double Chocolate Crumble Bars
Vs cup butter
% cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 A cup flour
2 tablespoons- unsweetened cocoa
V«teaspoon baking powder
V* teaspoon salt
2 cups tiny marshmallows
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup peanut butter
I V2 cups rice crispy cereal
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream butter
and sugar. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Add flour,
cocoa, baking powder, and salt. Spread in
greased 13x9x2-inch baking pan. Bake in 350
degree oven for 15-20 minutes or until bars
test done. Sprinkle marshmallows evenly on
top. Bake three more minutes. Cool. In sauce
pan combine chocolate chips and peanut but
ter. Cook and stir over low heat until chocolate
is melted. Stir In cereal. Spread mixture on top
of cooled bars. Chill and cut into bars. Refriger
ANSWER Here is a recipe from Bethany
Eberly who sent in the recipe without an ad
dress. Bethany writes that this is her favorite
recipe because it is easy to make. The Eberlys
live on a beef farm, but use many dairy prod
ucts. She comes from a family of six children (3
sisters and 2 brothers).
One Bowl Chocolate Cake
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar (scant)
Vz cup baking cocoa
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
'/a teaspoon salt
1 cup oil
1 cup buttermilk
2 eggs
1 cup hot water
Combine dry ingredients. Stir in oil, butter
milk, and eggs. Add water and stir until com
bined. Pour into greased 9x13-inch cake pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35-38 minutes.
ANSWER To cool off during the summer,
Cumberland County dairy ambassador Jennifer
Kramer suggests making these trendy non-al
coholic dairy beverages.
1 cup milk
Va cup ginger ale
Va cup crushed pineapple
Va teaspoon coconut flavoring
5 ice cubes
Combine all ingredients in blender until
frothy, about one minute. Serves 3.
Orange Blossom
1 cup milk
1 cup orange juice
1 teaspoon honey (optional)
4 scoops orange sherbert
Combine milk, orange Juice, honey, and two
scoops sherbert. Pour into four serving glasses
and top with small scoop of sherbert. Serves 4.
ANSWER Looking for something different
to entertain children during summer picnics,
parties, and celebrations? Try making ice
cream in with this fun and easy method.
Ice Cream In A Can
1 cup milk
1 cup heavy cream
Va cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Put ingredients in washed and dried one
pound coffee can. Mix slightly. Place lid on can
and seal. Tape lid with duct tape to ensure no
liquid can leak out or other liquids enter. Place
the one-pound can inside a 3-pound can, wash
ed and dried. Packe ice and rock salt around
the one pound can using three parts ice to one
part salt.
Sit down and roll the large can, which has
also been duct taped closed, between two peo
ple on the ground about 10 minutes (best
when done outside).
After 10 minutes, check the pound can to
see if the Jce cream is frozen. Add more ice and
salt to the outside can if the ice cream is not
firm. Close can and roll another 10 minutes
until ice cream is the desired texture. Remove
ice cream from can and enjoy.
ANSWER Here is a recipe from Hannah
Esh, Myerstown.
Banana Split Dessert
First part:
3 cups graham cracker crumbs
% cup butter
Cut butter into crumbs and press into bottom
of 9x13-inch cake pan.
Second part:
2 cups powdered sugar
2 eggs
1 cup butter
I V2 teaspoons vanilla
Beat powdered sugar, butter, eggs, and va
nilla at high speed for two minutes. Spread on
cracker crumbs.
Third part:
2 cups well-drained crushed pineapples
7 bananas, sliced
Spread pineapple over beaten mixture. Cover
with bananas.
2 packages whipped cream topping
1 cup nuts or 20 maraschino cherries
Spread prepared whipped topping over top
and cover with nuts or maraschino cherries.
Refrigerate overnight. Fills a 9x13-inch cake
ANSWER Here is a refreshing dairy bever
age recipe to make for a crowd. This one is
from Berks County Dairy Princess Kristen
Frosty Apple Punch
1 gallon milk
3 quarts ice cream
1 teaspoon cinnarnon
8-ounces apple juice concentrate
1 teaspoon nutmeg
Beat together all ingredients with hand mixer
and serve.
Pina Colada