110-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 21,2001 B £id s *■ , 5 * Farm Safety Event Attracts Hundreds Children were divided into groups according to age. Free lunch is included in the all day event. Lawn mowers are dangerous if not operated safely. Participants heard ways to reduce accidents during the upcoming months. A 4-H club demonstrated the safe way to approach an imals and to protect oneself from unintentional injury. Korner, MANHEIM (Lancaster Co.) Hundreds of children, ages 8-13, participated in the annual Safe Kids Farm Family Safety Day, Manheim Fairgrounds, April 7. Separate training was provided for the different age groups. Kids were taught precautions to use when working near water, lawn mowers, tractors, animals, and confined spaces. Electrical and fire safety with instruction on calling 911 were also taught. Here are some photographs of the Farm Family Safety Day. Transportation to the event came in many forms. Tractor safety tips are needed for all age groups. Demonstrations were conducted for the entire family. Free farm safety demonstrations and training for the entire family was conducted at Manheim Central High School. Children practice escaping from a fire by entering cardboard boxes and pretending it is on fire. * s .