110-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 17,2001 B' " / Lewis Lewis Carroll is the pen name of a famous English wntei named Charles Dodgson He was born on January 27,1832 He is best known for his books Alice'* Aihvntmes In Wondeiland (1865) and Through The Looking Gla ss (1872) Cai roll was the son of a deigyman and the first of 11 childien At an early age, he began to entertain himselt and his family with magic tricks, marionette shows and stories Carroll was a pioneering photographer He especially liked to photograph childien A girl named Alice Liddell sat for some of his pictures, and Carroll used her name for his heroine, Alice, in Alice's Adventures In Wonderland Along with his two famous books, Carroll also wrote about mathematics and he wrote some funny poems The most famous of these is "Jabberwocky." Try this Lewis Carroll is famous for the nonsense words he used in his poems, like "jabberwocky," "chortle" and "snark." These words are interesting because they often sound like what they mean. For example, a chortle is a combination of a snort and a chuckle Can you make up words for the way things sound? % % American Heart Staying healthy is very important. Many people today do different things to help stay healthy. They may exercise, eat special foods or get plenty of rest. This month is American Heart Month. Because the heart is such an important part of your body, it's important to keep it healthy. Some ways you can help keep your heart healthy are by eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, exercising and playing a lot, telling your parents when you don't feel well, and by never using tobacco or drugs. I arro i Starting at the car, there are 13 rows of dots heading away. Which row has the most dots? ; • 9a 9a «A •. 9 a ,9a a ® a •; •: •; •: •: •* <: * •: ••• $ •: <; ••*••* *• •* Wh® M®\de The Tracks^ A horse, a dog, a bear, a raccoon and a deer made the tracks you see below. Can you match up the tracks with the animal that made them? m mVllr c^m, usages J V. «< < * e c e ° TKe Spider And TKe Fl Help! The fly needs to get out of the spider's web! Can you find a way through the web without crossing the lines ... and without running into the sp Solve Tin Puzzle! It's a rebus and a riddle, too! A rebus uses pictures instead of words. Solve the rebus 1 HIDDEN CRITTE Color this picture to see the hidden sea creature. Use blue for blocks with the letter W, green for the letter T, pink for the letter V, orange for the letter U and brown for the letter S. w w y ir\ \ u V 1) Puzzles are provided by Kidsville Publishing x x >ft *«rw*i»«W*v ■ mmm'am- „*n I—ll iaizznd am aAlos 'Z'&r. S \ s .t: S Xiii aiix p«Y S .lapids k w s\ W \ s^ qsijjas jou aje iiSTjflaqs )soj\ ISSB- pfts§.p® ,w» j i »m »P»W ®MM w / IV v 3^ isjdMSuy ( \j£7y^