Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 2001, Image 46
A46-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 6, 2001 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. Randall G. Renninger Certified Public Accountant Specializing in agriculture and construction industries “We help business people discover ways to cut costs, save taxes, and be more profitable” Call about our FREE seminars 535 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717)299-6480 ♦ Fax (717)299-6390 BRY-MEL/GIBSON FARMS DISPERSAL 155 HOLSTEINS AND MACHINERY SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 2001 10:30 A.M. DUNDEE (YATES CO.) NEW YORK (Blizzard Date Tues. Jan. 23) Sale to be held at the faim at the intersection of State Routes 14A and 230, 1 mile northwest of Dundee. (NOTE Sale Schedule.! Discontinuing farming selling will be; 155 INTERSTATE READY HOLSTEINS ,ING FIR! will be 5 big springing heifers and the milking herd consisting of 73, milking age, free stall and parlor trained cows with great udders, good feet and legs, large bodies and good over all genetic components, followed by 17 bred heifers, 13 breeding size heifers, 24 fancy yearlings and 20 nice heifer calves. This is an owner sample herd which is strictly A! sired and A 1 bred with a rolling herd average of 21,355 M, 3.8 F, 810 lbs. NO BST! All will be ready for immediate interstate travel, pregnan cy, fertility examined and vaccinated with Horizon 9. Catalogs available at ringside, truckers on site. MACHINERY: (Sells after cattle sale at FIRST) Ford 7710 tractor, 2WD, cab/air/heat, dual power, synchro trans., 3 hyd. remotes, 18.4x34 tires; White 4-150, 4x4, Cat 3208 power, 3 pt. hitch, 2 speed p.t.0., 2 remotes, 20.8x34 tires and duals all around; MM G 1355 diesel tractor, open station, 3 pt., 2 hyd. remotes 20.8x38 tires; MM G 955 diesel with G 1355 engine, 3 pt. hitch, 2 hyd. remotes 20.8x38 tires, needs water pump; JD 4020 diesel, open station, power shift, trans., 3 pt. hitch, 2 hyd. remotes, 18.4x34 tires; Oliver 1850 gas tractor, hydra power, 2 remotes, 18.4x34 tires; IH 2504 loader/backhoe; IH 340 tractor for parts; Bobcat 7438 skid steer, Kubota diesel, 66 in. materials bucket; Bobcat 610 skid steer, Wisconsin gas engine, 66 in. materials bucket; NH 185 tandem axle manure spreader, 3 yrs. old, with tail gate and Gratz style chain; Gehl 7335 mixer wagon with scale; Bearcat 1250 grinder mixer with scale; AG Bag G6OOO bagger with 200 ft. cables; Gehl 322 series 2 scavenger spreader; Gehl 1250 chopper with 7 ft. hay head, 2 row narrow corn head, acid applicator; NH 890 chopper, hay head, 2 row narrow corn head, 2 row snapper head; Two (2) Miller 2175 forage wagons, 18 ft,, roof, tandem gears. Miller 4100 forage wagon, 18 ft., roof, tandem gear; Gehl 1580 blower (1000 p.t.o. shaft); JD 2420 self propelled wmdrower with cab and air, diesel powei unit, hydro drive, 12 ft. draper head; Gehl 248 4 star tedder; IH 15 rake; Hesston 4500 square baler with wagon chute; Two (2) Pequea 9x 18 steel kicker wagons; White 549 6x 18 on the land hitch plow, spring reset; Oliver 548 5x16 in furrow plow, power slide hitch, spring reset; Case F2l 28 ft hyd. fold rock cushion disk; Brillion 15 ft. cultimulcher; Glencoe 16 ft soil finisher; Brillion 11 shank 3 pt. chisel plow, JD 12 ft. cultipacker; JD 7000 planter with no til coulters, dry fert., insecticide boxes; JD 8350 24x6 gram drill, dry fert., grass seeder; Killbros 350 gravity wagon with auger, and other gravity wagon; Ford 6-row 3 pt. cultivator; 110 gal. saddle tanks with frame; Arps 10 ft. 3 pt blade with hyd. angle and tilt; Allied 6 in x 41 ft. p.t.o. auger; Farmec 42 ft. bale/grain elevator; Wic bed ding chopper with 11 h.p. Honda engine; Mensch rubber tire alley scraper, fits Bobcat; 3 pt 110 gal. sprayer; Feterl rotary gram cleaner; Herd 3 pt. fert. spreader; 20.8x38 snap on duals; 18 4x34 snap on duals; Fidelity 30 KW p.t o. generator, 1987 Dodge 1/2 ton 2WD pickup, 1977 Dodge 3/4 ton 4x4 pickup (farm plates); 1973 Dodge DBOO with 10 ft. dump. 555 Cummins diesel, (farm plates); 1966 Chevy C-60 16 ft flat dump (farm plates); 1960 IH R-190 ten wheelei, 24 ft platform, 5 & 3 trans , (faun plates); 1956 Ford F-600 15 It. flat dump, not lunnmg; Big Valley 16 ft. sth wheel cattle trail ei; Quality 16 ft inverted sth wheel dump tiailei; Something for everyone at this sale 1 NOTE: SALE SCHEDULE!! Cattle First followed by tiactors then machinery l FARM FOR SALE: Private tieaty 365 acies 265 tillable 1 120 free stalls Faun can be easily divided' Foi inspection and details call 607-243-7650. Lunch and bake sale by Mennonites Comfort facility on site Sale Starts at 10:30 A.M. with Cattle in Barn! Terms: CASH. Honorable checks hom known persons in good standings. Unknown persons need bank letter 01 leave purchases until checks clear (7 business days) or otherwise veiiHed 1 Nothing to be lemovcd until settled tor in full sale day and clearance is given 1 Owned by Bry-Mel Farm/Susan H. Gibson Gibson Farms/Dana and William Gibson 607-243-8848 Barn or 607-243-7650 Home Ask for Dana Auction Conducted By James P. Pirrung and Associates PIRRUNG AUC HONKERS, INC. P.O. Box 607 Wavland, New York 14572 Phone 716-728-2520 Fax 716-728-3378 :30 A.M. JANUARY TUES JAN 9 10AM Furn'ture store Bruce flooring, pre-hung doors tile 50 OnentiaW Persian rugs 1825 E Boston Ave Phila Pa Wm F Comly & Sons auct WED JAN 10- 10AM Complete contents business liquidation. Thermo Set Moulding & extruding manufacturer On Premises Magnus Industries 230 Stahl Rd Harleysville Pa Associated Aucts TRACTOR: ASSOCIATED AUCTIONEERS 2400 E. TIOGA STREET, PHILADELPHIA PA 19134 (215)739-1021 FAX (717)739-1071 ABSOLUTE AUCTION COMPLETE CONTENTS BUSINESS LIQUIDATION THERMO SET MOULDING AND EXTRUDING MANUFACTURER EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, RADIAL ARM SAWS, DRILL PRESSES, BELT SANDERS, BORING MACHINES, AIR COMPRES SORS, DEFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIP MENT INCLUDING FORKLIFT, BOX VAN AND MUCH MORE. WED., JAN. 10, 2001 AT 10:00 AM ON PREMISES: MAGNUS INDUSTRIES, INC., 230 STAHL ROAD, HARLEYSVILLE PA Partial Listing as follows: Air Compressor 2- 150 gal. 1-80 gal., 2 Floor Drill Press, 2-Bench Top Drill Press. Belt Sander’s, Radial arm saw, Flat Surface plate as stand, #2 Stemovent Ind. Dust vac., 1 Dust collector, 1-Double end boring machine, 1-Gillian custom boring machine, Baldor grinder & buffer, C-C Grinder, toyo. ML 360 Lathe, Band saw, conveyor, 1-70 ton Bissell, 100 ton Dunning & Boschert, 400 ton French, W/S lad press, 150 ton Stokes auto, 75 ton Stokes tn screw, 600 ton Reliable, 8 section 6 1/10x25” Conveyor Steel, 10x19 Alum Conveyor. #8 steel work table, air operated press large nuts & bolt sorter, water pumps, Precision dual gauges and QC equip. Dial Elec pre heater; PLC control cab. W/AB PLC & monitor, power drills, 4 Circular saws, step down transformer, #2 Northways 24cs. BTU Cooling Unit 4,000 Forklift, Pallet racking, Box van & 2 cars. Office equipment, Fax com puters, phone system, copier & more. Directions N.E. Exit to Landsdale 1 Exit Right on Rt. 63 2 miles Gulf Station make right go through stop sign Ist Rd. Stahl make left to the end. See Auction sign. AUCTIONEER NOTE: BUILDING SOLD. BUSINESS CLOSED DOWN, EVERYTHING SELLS TO THE WALLS. B ,(^\ m WITMAN AUCTIONEERS, INC. GEORGE B. & VELDA M. KEENER ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE AUCTION “NO RESERVE - NO MINIMUM” Prime Lancaster County Manor Township 67 1/2 Acre Farm Brick 2 1/2 Story Farm House Frame Bank Barn With Road Frontage On Donerville Road & Habecker Church Road SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2001 1:00 p.m. 1 j LOCATED AT: 358 Donerville Road, Lancaster, PA. 999 West, To Donerville Road Turn Right, (North) Continue To Auction Site. BRICK 2 1/2 STORY FARM HOUSE: Built By John D. & Barbara G Herr 1899 AD, Currently Converted Into Two Units, UNIT ON] 1 Modern Oak Kitchen, Electric Stove, Laundry Area • 1/2 Bath • Modern Livingroom With Wainscoting, Berber Carpet • Office/Sewing Room • (2) Two Bedrooms With Closet, Hardwood Floors, Wall To Wall Carpet • Full Size Bathroom, Storage Area, Entrance To Outside Balcony Area. UNIT TWO: Modern Kitchen With Cabinets • Full Size Laundry Area, Storage Cabinet • 1/2 Bath • Livingroom With Wall To Wall Carpet • Open Oak Staircase With Carpet • Full Size Bathroom • (3) Three Nice Size Bedrooms. NOTE: Each Unit Has Basement Area; Oil Hot Water Furnaces With (2) Fuel Tanks (1) 1000 & (I) 500 Gallon. New Electrical Service, Cold Cellars With Outside Entrance. (2) Two Wells (500’ & 275’), Septic System. ME BANK BARN WITH ME FOUNDATION: With (3) Three Duve In Bays, Attached 40’ X 80’ Frame Feed Lot, Cattle Loading Chute. (2) Two Silos Appiox 20’ X 50’ (1) Concrete (1) A.O. Smith Harvestoie With Unloadeis,.Rewired Electrical Service. Approximate 2521’ On Donerville Road, Approximate 1542’ On Habecker Church Road. This Farm Is Currently Enrolled In Clean And Green Farm Act. OPEN HOUSE INSPECTION DATES: Jan. 13,20, 27; 12-00 - 2:00P.M.* Feb. 3, 10, 12:00 - 2 00PM For Additional Appointments Contact Auction Company, TERMS: 10% Down Day Of Auction, Balance Due In Full Within 45 Days. ATTORNEY: Youna & Youna 717-665-2207 GEORGE B & VELDA M/KEENER Sstdby WIZVU WITMAN AUCTIONEERS INC. CONDUCT Auctioneers, Appraisers And Liquidators Jay M. Witman AU001127-L • Luke R. Witman AU002191 -l_ 657 Fruitville Pike Manheim, PA17545 • (717) 665-5735 • FAX (717) 664-2737 Visit our Website: “Providing A Complete Professional Auction Service Since 1970” FRONTAGE A^ TION S **W C * * OUTSTANDING ORCHARD & FARM DISPERSAL 5-OUTSTA NDTNG I,ATE MODEL >HN DEERE TRACTORS MASSEY FERGUSON TRACTOR 2-CHEVROI FT TRUCKS 2-YALE FORKLIFTS . FINE LOT ORCHARD SPRAYERS & HYDRO, ladder; AMT. PIPE. SPRINKLERS & ACCESS. EDWARDS FI TRANSPORTERS - 3-ROTARY MOWERS APPROX. 2400 2S-R CHERRY TAN ORCHARD & FARM MACHINERY ITEMS 4-WHEELEI POLAR] AMT S-WHEEf E ECH( EQUIPMENT Pi MOUNTAIN VIEW FRUIT FARMS Located taking PA Rt. 34 - 1.5 miles North of Biglerville, PA - turn onto Quaker Valley Road, continue 3-miles to Pleasant Dale Road and sale site or from US Rt. 30 between Gettysburg, PA & Chambersburg, PA (at Tick-Tock) take PA Rt. 234 East approx. 7-miles - turn onto Quaker Valley Road and onto Pleasant Dale Road and sale site - (Sale Signs Posted) - on MON.. FEB. 5. 2001 - 9:00 A.M AUCTIONEER’S NOTE - This Will Be A Super Auction - Most All Late Model 1-Owner Equipment! Mark Date & Plan To Attend This Outstanding Auction! WATCH PAPER FOR FULL LISTING! SALE INSPECTION - Friday-Feb. 2nd, Saturday-Feb. 3rd, Sunday-Feb. 4th & Sale Day TERMS - Cash - Checks Must Have A Bank Letter Of Credit For This Auction - Unless Known By Auctioneer Or Owner. OWNERS: MOUNTAIN VIEW FRUIT FARMS & DONALD & JOYCE TROSTEL PH: 717-677-7188 REDDING AUCTION SERVICE PA NO. RH-78-L GETTYSBURG, PA - PH: 717-334-6941 M IRRK IN PUMPS. LG. •LIFTS & BULK BINS LARGE AMT. OTHER HEELHORSE. iACH ILMER. MCCIJLI FARM HARDWARE AUi TIOI DEERE