Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 2001, Image 31
Berks Ag Conference Looks To The Future ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff WYOMISSING (Berks Co.) which causes milk to curdle. sumers and “mining the oppor- promoted by the Institute of availability, land availability and Advancements in agriculture are Cheese, made from the casein tunities,” he said. Food Technology (IFT). Lord use issues, consumer demograph critical to the success of agricul- proteins in milk, used to be made Lord noted that the public un- said he speaks at five or six pre- ics and market trends, food safe ture here in Berks County, and a from taking calf stomachs, grind- derstands little about biotech and sentations per year at the request ty, financial issues, agriculture forum to chart that future is on ing them up, and, following a what’s going on with GMO is- of the IFT. laws and regulations, processor the horizon. lengthy, wasteful process, the sues< Lord speaks at several ag con- needs, and the future of agricul- Scheduled Friday and Satur- rennin was obtained. Lord notec j important to ferences as well. He spoke in hire in Pennsylvania. Sessions day, Jan. 12-13, the conference Now, the genetically identified p rov ide the link from food pro- March during the 2000 Pennsyl- begin at 8 a.m. and continue will center on the issues critical bovine gene is simply extracted auction to how companies use vania Grazing and Forage Con- through 12:30 p.m. to the future of agriculture in the a ” d P laced In to marketing strategies to produce, ference in Grantville. The market value of Berks ag county. neeaed *° r cneese " position, package, and distribute The conference, developed by riculture products sold generates The conference, “Charting the %•„ as the final food product. the Berks County Board of Com- $247 million on an annual basis. Future of Berks Countv Asricul is looKing hi me oi* hire: Farming and Food Process- Sy^^ifi^" 6 2OOl Fttmi SkOW To Feature Horticultural ReSCUrch with thnner at 6-30 P rov ‘ d ®d- He wp HARRISBURG (Dauphin ment factors to enhance crop self-watering grow boxes. The p.m. at the Inn at Reading in tnctoLg ? 0 ) Agriculture H OWth ’ and J a Penj«ylvania Department of Ag- Wvomissine crops, including corns, anu me Sam Hayes announced the 85th profitable manner. High tun- nculture has arranged for Penn Art Rmwii m«i» ioru>v orr. Bt gene m cro|w, why those crops Pennsylvania Farm Show will nels” elevate the air and ground State Cooperative Extension tarv nf aorirn’itiiro ic thr trovnnta !y e , re deve *°P ed > and — e P° ten- feature a “high tunnel” research temperature within the structure agents, specialists and master 811 ’ halconcems. . exhibit to demonstrate the latest a few degrees each day over a pe- gardeners to answer questions ... those concerns are not issues agriculture-production technolo- riod of several weeks. Crops such about the commercial production s^ s, ® ns * >e S in . m said Kwismger. Though gy to increase grower profitabili- as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, of vegetables and small fruits the, jerkins ■. St " d „ e “ t . , U !!!™ “»**»■ minimal=«pf«al expense. a., flow.*,, Al Suits are using I toe high tunnel method. Buiinmg at the Berks-Letagli » Mrmnere, Ok pubUc ..p cnnsy | vanla p rod uce is under trial. The high tunnel research is part Valley College of Peim State, <tTh .f ? f ‘Simply Delicious’ and always in Hayes said the high tunnel ex- of the Agriculture Department’s Spring Township, Jan. 13. ou t there ” said Kensineer “Peo- high demand, in Pennsylvania hibit will be on display in Exhibi- vegetable and fruit-marketing One speaker is Ronald S. Ken- . understand less about science and around the globe,” Hayes tion Room Bof the Farm Show program known as “Pennsylva smger, Penn State associate pro- if 88 about 80,81,05 said. “High tunnel usage has the Complex. The exhibit will fea- nia Produce - Simply Deli- "SSfSS there are tens of -re Pennsylvania produce and cious.” Nutritton 6 Graduate Kensingeris topic wfil be “2Ist - The Angus Association commercial Century Foods: Biotechnology of the genes, thus ensuring “de- regions of the South, Pennsylva- American Angus Association and relations department and the and Genetic Engineering. sirable qualities of the plant” are nia has a relatively short growing Certified Angus Beef (CAB) LLC CAB supply development divi- According to Kensinger, we not i ost) rHing to Kensinger. season. As the demand for local- will host a special program for sion. The event is set for Friday, have been using biotechnology Kensinger will review the evo- ly grown vegetables and fruit in- commercial producers during the Feb. 2, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 “for literally centuries,” he said, hition of technological break- creases, Pennsylvania growers 2001 Cattle Industry Annual p.m. at the Marriott Rivercenter But recombinant technology, or throughs and give changing farm are seeking ways to provide these Convention and Trade Show, set Hotel. genetically engineered advance- practices a “historical perspec- fresh foods in a timely manner to for Feb. 1-4 in San Antonio, The American Angus Associa ments, have only been with us in tive,” he said. meet consumer needs.” Texas. tion and Certified Angus Beef recent years. _ Also speaking during the ses- Sponsored by the Pennsylva- “Improving Genetics Through Program are continuously work- For instance, a substance sions will beJohn Lord, professor nia Department of Agriculture in Angus Technology” is the theme ing on programs and services called rennin (also called “chy- of food marketing at St. Joseph’s cooperation with Penn State, the for the program, which will fea- that give commercial producers mosm ) is an enzyme used in University. Philadelphia. research is used to modify the ture speakers from the American the edge in beef production. environment and other manage- [ Farmer Boy Ag Systems ] Thanks & Congratulations to The Rick L 6656 Family This unit features.. for choosing Farmer Boy Ag Systems to construct his New 2200 Head ADl ventila® Finisher Building. A Division of (H|) Feed Bins & Augers ' Contract provided by Its Farmer Boy Ag Systems [vIeNGER 410 East Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 sat Noon I j jjlkt , i/6/oi 717-866-7565 • 1-800-845-3374 ■■■■■ cheese-making. The material was discovered in a calf’s stomach, Contact Lee Witmer For New Swine Finishing Contracts And Existing Building Renovations Lord will present a topic deal ing with understanding food con- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 6, 2001-A3l The speech will be similar to missioners, also includes sessions the one given during sessions on future markets, workforce