Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 2001, Image 1

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    V 01.46 No. 10
Farm Show 2001: Ag Equipment, Breakfast Sandwiches, The Works
Lancaster Farming Staff
Co.) About 4,000 head of
cows, sheep, swine, horses, beef,
goats, and rabbits are entered in
competition for this year’s Farm
Show, which features a little of
the return to the “good old
Remember when Farm Show
Variety in livestock provides the Tice brothers with several opportunities to test their
showmanship abilities at the upcoming Farm Show. Brothers Nate, left, and Joseph Tice
have sheep, hogs, and beef they show at fairs and competitions. Photo by Michelle Ranch
Brenden, Aaron, Brad, and Audrey join Myra, a Farm Show veteran. The Holstein will
return this year to compete as a 4-year-old. Last year Brad, 16, and Aaron, 14, spent the
full week with their three animals at the show. This year Brenden, 12, will bring his 4-H
heifer to compete. See story page 82. Photo by Michelle Ranch
Five Sections
was the state’s premier winter
ag equipment showcase event?
This time, the annual gala
agribusiness show will include a
new farm equipment display in
the main exhibit hall in the
Farm Show Complex.
Each day of the show, morn
ing and afternoon, the display,
sponsored by the major farm
equipment manufacturers, will
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 6, 2001
be managed by FFA chapters.
Dennis Grumbine, executive
director of the Farm Show, said,
“The Farm Show represents the
best of Pennsylvania agricul
ture, and serves as a true show
case of the state’s largest
industry as well as a place for
farmers to purchase their agri
culture deeds. In addition, the
general public gets to experience
$32.00 Per Year
agriculture hands-on.”
FFA members will be on hand
in the display area to give equip
ment presentations and help
sales representatives answer
The display will be featured
right in the middle of the main
exhibition area (see map pages
24-33 of the Special Show Sec
tion 1 this issue).
Another first this year will be
a breakfast served by the
PennAg Poultry Council. While
traditionally the Food Court has
served luncheon and supper
items, this time an egg breakfast
sandwich could signal the start
of something new.
According to Jim Shirk,
PennAg Poultry Council assist
ant vice president, sandwiches
will be served from Saturday
through Thursday, 6:30 a.m.-9
a.m., at the poultry stand.
The sandwiches will be egg,
cheese, and Canadian bacon;
Dedication, Persistence Part
Of Farm Show Preparation
Lancaster Farming Staff
LEBANON (Lebanon Co.)
“It’s almost like a sport. When
we were younger we did every
thing we had animals and did
sports and we got to the time
in our lives when we had to
decide what we wanted to focus
on. This is what we really loved
to do,” said show ring veteran
Joseph Tice, Lebanon.
Tice, 18, and his brother Nate,
16, have dedicated much of their
time and focus towards the show
ring, and are looking forward to
the upcoming competition at
Pennsylvania’s Farm Show.
The brothers help parents
Tom and Debbie Tice operate
their veal farm. Veal calves are
not the only livestock housed on
the farm, however. Hogs, sheep,
and a cow-calf herd round out
the 30-acre farm.
Joseph, who works on the
home farm and buys and sells
calves, is looking forward to
owning his own veal farm in the.
Company With
‘Nicotine-Reduced ’ Tobacco
Wants Growers
Lancaster Farming Staff
Co.) Tobacco growers may
have something to smile about
if they don’t mind growing a
genetically modified tobacco
under contract.
A company, Vector Tobacco
USA Ltd., from Durham, N.C.
conducted a meeting Wednes
day evening at the Quarryville
Fairgrounds to see how many
growers would be interested in
growing a genetically modified
60c Per Copy
egg, cheese, and sausage; or
simply egg and cheese. All are
on French toast bread, he said.
The sandwiches will be avail
able for $2 a piece.
The poultry industry stand
serves about 20 tons of poultry
products during Farm Show
week, Shirk noted. They also
feature red beet eggs and hard
cooked eggs.
The stand generates about
$25,000 during the week, about
$5,000 of which is donated to the
Pennsylvania FFA Association.
A tradition at the Farm Show,
this year’s butter sculpture will
be located in the East Lobby.
In the Food Court, 11 Penn
sylvania commodity associa
tions offer their specialities for
sale in the orange East Building.
Other event information is
presented on pages 829 and on
pages 23 and 34 of the Special
Show Section 1 this issue.
(Turn to Pag* A 43)
The Tices own 10 crossbred,
Shorthorn, and Angus cows
which they use for breeding
their show calves. The family’s
club lambs come from their 15
crossbred ewes, and six sows
produce the homebred litters
that are finished out for the fair
and Farm Show season.
4-H and FFA involvement
launched the brothers’ breeding
program for show animals.
Nate, a sophomore at North
ern Lebanon High School, espe
cially enjoys the challenge of
preparing the beef animals for
the show ring. “If you’re going
to win, it takes a lot of dedica
tion,” he said. “If you don’t do
that, you’re not even in the
‘A 102 of dedication’ for Nate
means feeding, rinsing and blow
drying six animals almost every
day. “I usually come home from
school and start rinsing and
blowing. Then I come in, eat
supper, and go back out until
7:30 or 8,” he said. “It takes an
(Turn to Pag* A3B)
The company plans to sign up
farmers to grow tobacco for spe
cially marketed cigarettes.
The tobacco plant has been
modified genetically with an ex
tremely low level of nicotine, ac
cording to Rick Coyte, vice
president of leaf production for
“We’re looking at various
possibilities,” said Coyte, who
was contacted at a hotel near
Lancaster. This week, Coyte and
Tim Jackson were trying to line
(Turn to Page A 34)