Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 30, 2000, Image 90
C22-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, December 30, 2000 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale Subsoller - DMI 500 Ecolo-Til YR. 2000 AGCO SPRA-COUPE 4440 4 Shank With Coulters, SPRAYER Perkins Diesel, Auto Trans,, Good Condition Hydraulic, Adjustable Rear Axle, 80"-l 08", Front Axle 80”-108", Raven 460 Controller, ._VJrr JJ™- 400 Gal. Tank, Tow Hitch, 60 Ft. Fold 1010 l 286-9772 Booms, Foam Marker, 288 Hrs., Like New YEAR-END SPECIALS on USED EQUIPMENT * NH L 553 - Ex Condition Was $9,800 Now s9*ooo • Steiner 130 Cu. Ft. TMR Mixer • WIC 3 Pt. PTO, Bale Chopper, Was $1,900 Now $1,500 • Houle 6’ Super Pump, PTO (New) • Weaverline 430, New Batteries, $3,000 Call us About Discounts On All New Patz Equipment Until December 31,2000 Inn CEDAR CREST _ EQUIPMENT Parts Stores: East Eart—7l7-354-0584 • QuarryvHle—7l7-786-1587 D & R EQUIPMENT INC. Rt. 579, Ringoes, New Jersey (908) 782-5082 JD 7700, MFWD, 1,100 hrs JD 6405, 2WD, open, like new JD 4320 JD 3020, diesel, NF JD 4430, cab & air JD 4230, 4 post, power shift JD 4840, cab & air JD 4640, PS, cab, air, duals JD 4440, FWA JD 4440, cab & air, power shift JD 4240, cab & air, quad JD 4240, cab & air, power shift JD 4240, 4 post JD 4040 cab & air, sharp JD 4850, MFWD. cab & air, excellent JD 4450, cab & air, excellent JD 4250, MFWD, cab & air, power shift JD 4250, cab & air, 2WD JD 4050 MFWD, cab & air, excellent JD 4050, 4 post, excellent JD 2955, cab & air, MFWD JD 2855 N JD 2355 N Case IH 2094, cab & air, sharp IH 1066, fender, excellent IH 986, cab, air IH 686, diesel, low hrs , excellent IH 784, 2,600 hrs IH 544, gas, hydro, 2,200 hrs IH 484, diesel, excellent IH 140 f o r d 5610, 2,200 hrs sharp JD 4455, MFWD, PS 2,200 Hrs., Like New LOADER TRACTORS JD 2840 w/148ldr JD 4250, MFWD w/260 Idr JD 2955, MFWD w/265 Idr & gi apple fork JD 2355, MFWD w/245 Idr JD 2155, MFWD w/ldr IH 84 hydro w/2250 Idr Allis Chalmers 6080 w/ldr JD 60 JD 70, original Spreader, Steering, Brakes, Lights, 28Lx26 Tires, Excellent Condition $16,900 MJIPMENT: 800-646-6601 INDUSTRIAL NH 785 skid loader Gehl 5620 skid steer, diesel Gehl 4600 skid steer, very good Cat 931 crawler loader, very good JD 2500 5 btm. 18” spring reset AC 5 btm. JD 5 btm. IH 720 4 btm. 18" spring reset, exc. 444 JD, corn head JD 643, com head JD 443, corn head JD 343, corn head JD 3300, w/2 row head JD 7700, diesel, low hrs JD 4420, excellent Gleaner K, gas w/10’ platform, 2R corn head JD 328 baler, excellent JD 328 baler w/#4O thrower JD 346 wire baler NH 275 baler w/thrower NH 489 hayblne Ml 323 com picker Krause 18’ hyd fold disc, very good Krause 12’disc Taylorway 25' disc White 10' offset disc, heavy duty JD 210 disc 12’, excellent 18' IH field cultivator, hyd fold JD 950 roller harrow, 15’ NH 352 grinder mixer Gehl 120 grinder mixer Bush Hog no-till drill Gehl 970 forage box, 3 beater, roof, tandem Calumet 3750 gallon vacuum tank w/new injectors, excellent JD 148 loader Farmhand 148 loader to fit IH 1066 senes tractors ‘B5 GMC C-7000 w/26’ Jerr-Dann Body, Air Brakes, f rrimm&Vhto fm « t «>i 717-Mt-lUa 339 King Street Myerstown W 17067 1971 CMC ASTRO, Tilt Cab, Wet Line, Extra Tires .. $3,500 1972 CMC 65 with Gram Dump . $3,000 1970 CMC 6500 with Two Gravity Bins $2,500 1989 FREIGHTLINER 34068, 425 HP, CON/SLP, Wet Line, 50% Rubber, Complete In-Frame Rebuild ... . $22,500 1984 MONTONE TRI-AXLE DUMP TRAILER, Barn Door, Liner, New Tires $14,500 JOHN DEERE TRACTS, Will Fit JD or IH Combines $12,000 AG CHEM 6-ROW SIDEDRESSER with 500 Gal Tank $5,000 KRAUSE 26’ WING FOLD PLOWING & FINISHING DISK, 2400 Series $lO,OOO 1992 IH 12-ROW 900 Cyclone Corn Planter $22,500 1985 A.C. 8030, 4 Wheel Drive, 2500 Original Hours $26,500 IH CORN HEAD 963 $5,900 TWO 2100 GAL. NORWESCO TANKS $450/Ea. FARM HAND GRINDER BLOWER $4,200 1989 IH COMBINE 1660, 4-Wheel Drive, 1700 Orig. Hours $42,500 No reasonable offtr will ba refused. Must Sell! (845) 778-3471 CHARLES S. SNYDER, INC. 1 MILE EAST OF RT. 309 ON RT. 443 TAMAQUA, PA 18252 PHONE: 570-386-5945 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00 A.M.TO 5:00 P.M. FAX 570-386-4080 SAT. 8:00 AM TO 12:00 fCWHOLLAM) I SHIP PARTS UPS DAILY I WEB SITE- • EMAIL Tag# Demo Make NH Deutz Allis 11177 Tag# 11088 11179 11077 10821 10726 10668 Make Ford Ford Ford Case NH Case Make NH NH NH NH JD NH NH NH NH Gehl NH NH NH Clark Forklift Thomas NH Ford Commander Tag# Make Model Description 11172 NH 1495 Seif Propelled Haybine 2019 Hrs 11148 NH 463 3PT Disc Mower T 10” 11146 NH 411 Discbine 540 PTO 11126 NH 1495 Self Propelled Haybine 11104 NH 489 Haybine Standard Guard w/Lift Cylinder 11079 Gehl MC2245 Gooseneck Mower Conditioner 11041 NH 489 Standard Guard Haybine 11015 NH 408 540 PTO Discbine 10996 NH 492 Standard Guard w/Hyd. Tongue Swing 10741 NH 499 Stub Guard Hydro Swing 10447 JD 1600 Stub Guard Hydro Swing 12' 10424 NH 469 Standard Guard Bad Roll RR3, BOX 109 TRACTORS Hours 79 Model Year 8770 1998 6250 1986 INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS Model Year Hours 5558 1987 2260 555 D 1996 1395 655 E 1999 515 WI4H 1973 3142 655 E 1998 456 580 D 1980 4032 SKID LOADERS Model Year Hours 1454 1986 4122 LX665 1994 2297 L 325 1978 N/A LX565 1996 2906 6758 1993 2027 LX465 1996 553 L 35 1972 N/A LXBBS 1996 645 1555 1991 2148 5L6635 1373 LX665 1996 791 L 555 1984 3173 L 778 1977 2787 V4O N/A 2116 103 1989 420 1555 1987 2921 CL2S 1995 2581 CBOOO N/A 1114 HAYBINES •—* SALTZGIVERS TRACTOR REPAIR 1757 Baltimore Pike, Hanover, PA 17331 NEW 8f USED TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT BUSH HOG MOWERS 8C LOADERS NEW INLAND SNOWBLOWERS 717-632-9119 Late Model Used Equipment Gehl Skid Loader #4625,1995 Cat 955 L Loader w/Ripper, Cab & Air, 1981 Ford 4040 Industrial, 4-Cyl., Gas, w/Loader Ford 2000 Gas, 4-Cylinder Ford 1220 4WD w/Loader & Belly Mower Ford 345 D Tractor Loader, Ind. PTO & 3 pt. Ford 8N Ford Jubilee Ford Jubilee Restored, Sherman Trans. PTOHP 165 Description Super, Steer, Duals, Full Weights, Creeper Gear, Mego Flo, Ready 4WD w/Loader Soft Cab, 2 Rear Remotes Diesel Tractor Turt Tires 4WD Cab w/Loader 2WD Cab Loader & Tiger Mower 2WD Foldable ROPS, 2 Rear Remotes 4WD Cab, 1000 PTO 4WD Shuttle Shift 2WD AG 12 Speed Live PTO W/Cab 2 Remotes Weights Front & Back 2WD Cab w/AC, ABD Dual Power 4WD Cab, Super Steer 4WO Cab 24x12 Dual Power w/Loader 2502 Description TLB 2WD Cab Std Hoe TLB 4WD Cab 2 Lever 14’ Hoe TLB 4WD Cab Ext Hoe, 4 Lever Wheel Loader w/Clam Bucket 4WD Cab Ext. Hoe 2 Lever TLB Cab 4WD Ext. Hoe Description Skid Loader Skid Loader Skid Loader Wisconsin Engine Skid Loader Skid Loader Skid Loader w/Bucket Skid Loader, Gas Skid Loader w/Cab Kit, No Bucket Skid Loader, Kubota Engine Skid Loader, Turbo, 76” Bucket Skid Loader Skid Loader Gas Water Cooled Engine Propane 48" Forks Kubota Engine 60” Bucket & Pallet Forks w/Bucket Diesel w/Ford Engine Rubber Track Crawler & NEW HOLLAND