Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 30, 2000, Image 78
ClO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 30, 2000 FARM EQUIPMENT Forma# MD, $1800; Dun ham Lehr 10' cultimulch er, $1475; NH 258 hay rake, $1650.610-562-4464. JD 4450 MFWD, 42" rub ber w/duals, used on our farms, runs & looks exc Was $34,500, now $32,800. Super Value. Zelsloft Eq. 800-919-3322. (2) 14.9x28 ag tires, 16.9x24 backhoe tire, 21x16.1 spreader tire, (2) 15x24 wheels. 717-733-4516. 1840 case skid loader Cummins diesel 4150 hrs., good cond. $7,900. JD 9705 backhoe atch. for crawler $l,BOO. 717-859-3456. FORKS: 50 pairs of forks, all sizes. S2OO/UP per pair. 410-574-4700 Kubota 821 w/735 hrs, Danuser auger attach. w/3 bits. Asking $16,500. 215-295-8748, 215-794-9650. JD 7200 tractor, power quad, open station, nice, $25,500.301-733-2195. NH bale wagons, all mod els, delivery available. 1-877-735-2108 406-883-2118 for FREE brochure. Farm Equip ment Finding Service, Poison, M T 59860 NH 1411 discbine, 3Vi yrs old, very nice, $9BOO. 717/949-3661. MF 3525, new rear tires, ex cond, $15,000. 717-776-4737 Low boy Cub w/fast hitch, front blade, IB plow & 6' pull type finish mower w/engine, $2700. 20.8-38 T-rail 8 ply duals, $485.717-534-1253 Case IH 900 Cycle 6RN Planter, Liq Fert, New No-Til Coulters.Top & Pump. 410-479-0331 FARM MACHINERY --DISPERSAL-- Oliver 18' Hyd Wing Disc; Oliver 12' Hyd Cuttipack er; Int 6 Bot. Plow Hyd; Int Harvester 37 Baler Best offer or trade for Hay. PH 215-598-3951 Lv Msg FAX 215-598-3746 BEEPER 215-577-0893 JD 7410 tractor, cab, 4x4, power quad, sharp, $44,500.301-733-2195. 4840 JD tractor w/140 hrs since complete over haul, new injector pump 8. turbo charger, $20,000. 302-398-8754. JD 343 3RN Com Head $2850 570-836-5853 JD 4020 w/looder, $9500. 410-516-8766 days 410-346-6327 eves FOR SALE: Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade-Ins wel comed. NH mowers, re built and guaranteed, en gines, hydraulics, crimper hookups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR, 550 Coo pers Dr., Kirkwood, PA 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B:3OAM. R 62 Gleaner combine. Sil ver series, 4WD, lo hrs. 724-254-4753. Gehl 135 Grinder/Mixer w/Auger Ext. w/Model 210 J-Stor Scales. V. G. Cond., Hammers on Last Side, Make Offer. (814)766-3591/766-2246 MF 1100, new paint, en gine overhauled, multi power like new, 50 miles free hauling. $9OOO 080. 610/682-2130. 1997 Bobcat 751 skid loader, aux. hyd., Kubota dsl, like new tires, 852 hrs, $9700.717-859-3501. 1974 Mack, engine re cently rebuilt, with 1982, 3500 gallon Coleman vac uum tank and Utile pump. Looks rough, runs great, (make a good liquid ma nure spreader). Asking $8,000,800-631-9366. Ford 3000 tractor, $2500 as is. 410-734-6925 Harford Co, MD. Farmall Super C, good cond, VG tires, rebuilt motor, $1,450. Call 301-371-9346. VALLEY AG & TURF Halifax, PA 17032 Phone: 717-362-3132 1-800-362-3132 NEWBOUIPMEMT IN STOCK 9650 STS Combine 1750 6R Corn Planters 1560 No-Till Drill 450 Drill 1H1466,38" Duals, Clean Bobcat 642 Skid Loader, Gas, 3106 Hrs.— JO 4100 4WD, Hydro. Turf Tires. Mid PTO. 116 H 410 Loader, Factory Warranty, JD 4010, Ifear Round Cab ~..$6,1 JO 2030 W 146 Loader .*..613|) JD 4840. Cab, 42" Rubber, Vary Clean—..s2% USED GARDEN TRACTORS JD 445 w/54” Mower. Wheelhorse Mod. 269 H JD LXI76 w/38” Mower JD 170 w/38” Mower Kwick Way Loader for JD 400 Series Garden Tractor, New Condition WINTER CLEARANCE SALE Westendorf Loader, fits JD 4020, Good Condition, QT Bucket H&S Model 3302 600 Bu. Spreader w/Lid $15,000 JD 13’315 Disc $3,800 JD 494 Corn Planter $650 Ford 7210 Loader, Joy Stick, 2 Buckets,ss,soo JD 450 Spreader $3,500 JD 8300 21x7 Drill $5,200 JD 8250 10’Drill $2,975 (2) JD 653 A Row Crop Heads 52,000/pair USED HAY EQUIPMENT JD 930 MoCo JD 1219 Mower Conditioner NH 411 Discbme JD 3970 w/Hay PU $12,500 NH 499 Hydra Swing $5,800 JD 1600 12’ Hydra Swing Mower Conditioner t , Reduced $7,200 At Last... ...a Boom Sprayer for multi-crop produce farmer that is affordable and will do the job from sweet corn to melon crops. With features like... 24 ft one-side boom that allows for 50 ft. coverage between drive rows. Easy boom height adjustment from 2 ft. to 7 1/2 ft. for sweet corn. Hydraulic leveling on the go allows uniform boom height from the crop. 280 PSI, 28 GPM 3 diaphragm pump with power shaft for quick hookup. Adjustable wheel spacing and tongue height. NEW A-sprmg loaded hydraulic shock to control boom bounce. Available with 300 or 400 Gallon Tanks COVE TRACTOR INC. Quality Pre-Owned Tractors and Equipment 5243 Churchvlew Rd., New Enterprise, PA 16664 Phone: (814) 766-2102 Fax: (814) 766-0146 JOHN DOME JO 4450 2WD Sound Guard Powarshift, 3700 Grig. Hrs. JD 2955,2500 Grig. Hrs., 4 Post & Roof, 18.4-38 MF 298 12 Sp., 2000 Grig, Hrs. IH 986,3500 Hrs.. New Clutch & TA All these tractors in excellent cond. Priced to sell IBAQTOBS $7,500 IH 986, 78 model, 3800 Hrs., Very Nice MF 175 Dsl. w/Allied Loader - Good Cond, $1,975 $2,700 $1,995 Gehl 4625 Skid Ldr., 1100 Hrs., ‘96 Model $2,300 MF 165 6 Spd. Dsl., Excellent MF 50 Dsl. w/MF Ind. Loader, Very Good FERGUSON 30. gas MF 135 4 cyl., gas w/Turf Tires MF 520 12’Disc JD 4450 Cab & Air, Powersoft, Low Hrs. JD 2955, 4 Post, Hi-Lo, Low Hrs. MF 1085 Late MDL Cab MF 135 Dsl ROUND BALERi NH 770 Forage Harvester, 2RN Com Head & Pickup, Remote Controls, Nice Machine COMING IN: MF 390 4x4 w/MF 836 Ldr., Excellent Cond. $3,900 MF 294 MF 236 Ldr., 4x4, Very Nice MF 175 Dsl. 8 Sp„ Late Model MF 274 4x4 wiSßllßft Ldr, Excellent White 2-85 3100 Hrs., Cab, Ex. Cond, Long 900 Tractor, Good Cond., Local Trade Used Gravity Bed Wagons (3) Ford 4610 4x4 86 Model w/Loader 2400 Hrs Excellent - In Stock Coming In Gehl 3410 Skid Ldr 1000 Hrs DSL 3 Buckets, Very Nice - In Stock $2,500 $5,200 Ford 3000 DSL w/Ford Loader, Late Model, Excellent - In Stock Oliver 1265 4x4 w/Loader, Very Nice With the high cost of chemicals, the right sprayer is needed Order Early - Supply Limited PENNS CREEK WELDING & MFG. (570) 837-1197 (888) 837-1197 Winter Special List $12,000 Demo Units $8,700 McConnellsburg Motors 875 Lincoln Hwy. East, Box 677 McConnellsburg PA 17233 (717) 485-3181 TRACTORS JD7BIO. MFWD. power shift, 2100 hrs .. . .$67,000 JD7BIOMFWD, power shift. 3048 hrs. . $63,020 JD 7410 MFWD, power w/quad. 606 hrs. $87,000 JD 4240 cab. power shift $16,800 JD 2955 4-post roll guard $ 18,000 JD 770 4WD 60" Mid-Mount Mower, 70 Ldr... $13,900 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Brilllon 24' X-fold roller Brilllon 12' roller harrow JD 2b, 3 pth plow JD 2500 5b spring reset plow JD 1600 14' chisel plow. 3 pt. hitch COMBINES JD 9600 2WD, 1997, Contour Master JD 9550 2WD. 2000, Contour Master, 500 hrs. Case IH 2388, 4WD, Field Tracker. AFS. 8R com head. 30' flex head JD 6620 2WD, 1980. Reconditioned JD 224 flex head JD 343 corn head w/adapter plate. . JD 643 Lo-Tln, Oil Bath. Corn Head FORAGE EQUIPMENT JD 35 chopper w/1R head NH 790 chopper w/5’ grass head & 2R corn head $B,BOO JD 3970 chopper $13,800 JD 3940 forage chopper $3,380 JD 2RW row crop head. .. $1,680 JD 3R row crop head, as Is $3,800 JD 3R row crop head for parts $l,OOO CORN/SOTBEAN PLANTERS JD 7000 6RN planter, dry. fert,. unit coulters, as is JD 7000 6RN planter, liquid fert.. frame coulters, as is JD 7000 6RN planter, dry fert frame coulters, as Is JD 7000 6RN planter, frame coulters JD 7200 6RN dry fert , Insecticide . .. JD 7200 6R liq fert., vacuum Insect, like new, planted only 400 acres . $14,800 JD 7240 11 Row Planter. Liquid Fert . . $19,000 JD 7240 11R corn & soybean planter. dry fert JD 7240 UR dry fert GRAIN DRILLS JD 8200 11' DD grain drill w/grass . . JD 8300 11’ DD, grain drill w/grass . JD 1560 10'no-tlll drill w/grass. . . . JD 750 10' no-Ul drill w/grass JD 750. 15' no-titl grain drill Ulliston no-tlll grain drill Brtllion 5’ 3pth seeder HAT EQUIPMENT JD 336 square baler w/30 ejector JD 535 round baler w/net wrap JD #5O sickle bar mower SKID STEER LOADERS JD 575 w/2 bkts NH L 555 MISCELLANEOUS NI 48' 3 elevator JD 709 rotary cutter . . Woods 208 S’ rotary cutter JD 1518 15' Batwing rotary cutter OGLADHILL TRACTOR MART, INC. 900 East Patrick St. P. 0. Box 777 Frederick, Maryland 21701 JohnOeknc (301) 663-6060 1-800-245-0691 Clark Bryan $6,780 $2,280 ...$7BO $3,000 $2,800 .CALI, CALL CALL $20,000 ..$l,OOO ...$3,000 $lO,OOO $OOO $3,700 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $O,OOO $33,000 $lO,OOO .$2,380 . $1,780 $14,000 $lB,OOO $lB,OOO ...$8,780 . $l,OOO ..$3,780 $lB,OOO sBoo $B,BOO .$B,OOO $1,280 .$2,800 $l,OBO $7,500