Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 30, 2000, Image 57

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3 breeding age Holstein
heifers, vaccinated, $925-
$950 each, Franklin Co ,
Wheat straw 3x3xB bales
alfalfa & timothy 3x3xB
bales hay, both baled dry &
stored indoors, York Co,
550 MF combine w/small
gram & corn head,
$lO,OOO, Lane Co, 717-
Firewood log length, sea
soned hardwood, you p/u
truck, $75, small wood
stove, new, $5O, call after 7
pm , Berks Co, 610-589-
Sawmilling, on your site,
w/a portable bandsaw jnill,
also a large stock of lum
ber, deeply discounted'
Hurry l Lehigh Co, 610-
Empire 125,000 btu, vent
ed LP gas heater w/fan,
good cond , just out of ser
vice, $240. Wash Co., 301 -
2 Cedar logs, 1 42" snow
plow, 2 61/2’ Meyers snow
plows, 1985 Chrysler
Lebaron conver, as is, Bal
to Co, 410-592-8149
IH 234 diesel, 4WD com
pact tractor, hydrostatic,
PS, 3 pt hitch, 2 hyd. out
lets, turf tires, $3,450,
Northampton Co, 610-
Cardboard boxes, 20" L,
10” W, 6”D, $0 30 each,
approx 3,000 left, if no
answer, leave message,
Gloucester, NJ, 856-694-
IH Loadstar & others, new
front brake drums, parts
#454646C1 & 454646C1,
reasonable, Ford V 8 &
Mack 6. F heads w/trans., 4
parts, 19405, Luz Co , 570-
§i Perkins
Sales & Service
Starting at 10 HP
• Replacement Engines
• Models 4.236,4.203,4.108
Location: Peters Rd. & Leacock Rd.,
3 Miles South of New Holland
Oliver 6’transport disc, v g —- ;
cond , great for gardens or JD 45 loader w/manure
small farm cyl included, bucket, rebuilt cylinders &
only $595, Montg Co . 610- painted, $450, 9’ truck bed
395-5808 off ton truck, $3OO, Cumb
Co, 717-258-0533
15’x20’ cooler, insulated
sections w/4 glass doors &
stainless steel front
w/shelves & compressor
avail, 80, Lane Co , 717-
756 diesel Farmall tractor,
2 valves, 16 9x38 tires,
1100 & 540 PTO, A 1 cond ,
$7,200, Carroll Co, 410-
16’ Cardinal single chain
elevator, $125, 4 Agstar 3
bu , hog feeders, $35 each,
Cambridge LP heater, $5O,
Cecil Co.. 410-392-4757
Kerosun heater, kerosene,
$5O, 55 gal barrels, $5
each, 1050 Int grinder mix
er, $975,10’ Ml hmespread,
rusted, $5O, North’d Co,
MF 390 4x4, 70HP, open
station, $12,800, Lane. Co ,
Female Fox Terrier, 8
months old, small size,
$75, Salem Co., 856-769-
Cham link fence, used, B',
340 Int forklift, motor stuck,
F-78-15 implement rims,
Berks Co., 610-756-6723
Honda 4 wheeler, 200 SX,
runs great, looks good,
$1,500, Lane Co, 717-
Frick saw mill books
"Portable Sawmills &
Accessories" 19205,
81/2”x11”, #75, 26 pgs.,
pictures, spec's , $55, other
Frick books, Berks Co.,
78 Lynx T2OOO snowmo
bile, $4OO, Berks Co., 610-
NH LX665 skid loader,
1996 model, 2,200 hr
w/low profile dirt bucket,
partial cab enclosure,
Lane Co.. 717-355-9620
2 Sawbucks w/blades, Ford
7’ pull type disc, 82x58
fiberglass truck cap, $5O
each, Lehigh Co, 610-967-
4 wagon running gears,
complete w/axles &
wheels, rubber, metal &
wooden wheels, $l5O
each, Lane Co, 717-872-
NH L 553 skid loader, 4,001
hr, $B,OOO, 86 F 250 p/u,
maxes farm truck, $5OO,
call eves , Lane. Co,, 717
Huskee 21 HP, 46 cut, gar
den tractor, used 1 time,
ACE-MTD, 16HP, 42 cut,
used 8 times, new cond.,
York Co, 717-993-9422
Exc horse hay, $3/bale,
local delivery, Lane Co,
Steer heifer hay,
$1 25/bale, rye straw,
$l5O/bale, Lane Co, 717-
MF 880 auto reset plows,
4/5 bottom, good, $1,500,
Dunham Lehr 8/10 tooth
chisel, good, $9OO, 18’
Wingfold cultivator, York
Co.. 717-382-4173
8N Ford tractor w/loader &
5’ sickle bar mower,
Dauphin Co, 717-692-
JD 42 chuck wagon, $5OO,
MF 37 hay rake, $3OO,
steam cleaner, $2OO, Int
corn picker. $3OO, Carbon
Co, 570-427-8877
50kw generator Marathon,
11/2 yrs. old, used 5 times,
exc. cond , on cart, call
after 6pm, York Co., 717-
1 9x36 4 ply Firestone tire,
$5O, 2 Goodyear Super
Torque 16 9x38 on 20”
homemade rims, fits FI 2-
14, $3OO, Franklin Co,
Century mig welder, 145
amp, $550, Lincoln AC/DC
stick welder, $225, 20 ton
Arbor press, $lB5, all like
new, North Co , 570-339-
Gehl 100 grinder mixer,
le, ex com
Ironic seal
4 ton, feed bin, Shenan
doah poultry brooders, val
poultry waterers, hog floor
ing, exc cond , Lane Co,
i Shaffer, 0\
P.O. Box 136
reeburg, PA *'
All Types
* Interior/Exterior
► Including Aerial Work
Specialists in Sand Blasting and
Spray Painting Farm Buildings,
McCormick Deermg #3O,
cylinder corn sheller, like
new, used very little, $l5O
cash, York Co, 717-927-
1940 MH 101 JR, fully
restored, runs good,
decent rubber, $2,500
080, call eves , no Sun
days, Montour Co, 570-
Snow cab for Simplicity or
Deutz 18, 20HP garden
tractor, new cond., lists for
$6OO, asking $350,
Franklin Co, 717-593-0076
Grass hay, round bales,
80, also 8” & 12” water
valves, also NH 518
spreader, good shape, Tio
ga Co.. 570-324-2666
Int corn planter, fertilizer,
insecticide hoppers, 12V
lift, $550, Oliver 12”, 2 bot
tom plow, good cond., $450
North’d Co, S7O-648-3516
Tractor, Zetor 5245, only
1,500 hrs, cab, 4WD,
50HP, diesel, $11,500, exc
cond , also JD 2650, same
as 2555, 4WD, Fred Co ,
Md, 410-775-2085
Purebred Holstein heifers
will freshen soon, ‘BB
Chev, 4WD, 1/2 ton, auto ,
A/C, bedlmer, 20’, Low-Boy,
3 axle trailer, hog feeders,
Bedford Co. 814-735-4599
Wrapped round bales of
rye treated w/preservative
baled in spring, 80, you
must haul after 6, Chester
Co, 610-593-5348
Case 1737 skid loader,
37HP, gas w/bucket, forks,
snowplow, good tires, man
uals, runs well, $3,500,
Chester Co, 610-869-2226
White 5100 corn planter,
6x30, no till, dry fertilizer,
$4,500 080, Berks Co,
Pasture harrow, B’xlo', vg
cond , York Co., 717-292-
Trail-Ez 43’ hyd folding
Beaver Tail trailer, tandem
axle, steel deck w/hyd
winch, asking $8,500,
Salem Co , 856-691 -0526^
JD 1020 utility tractor
w/#37 loader & 3 pt
scraper, furnace hot water
oil burner, 80, Lane Co ,
1948 Buick, super parts,
car straight, 8 motor hood,
front fenders, you can hear
it run, $5OO, Morgan Co ,
Kabota, 86200, diesel,
4WD, hydro , deck, loader,
3 pt, 925 hrs , exc cond ,
$10,200 080, can deliver,
Carbon Co, 610-377-8676
Skidder tires & wheels,
tires are 23 1 x 26 in poor
shape, wheels are 12 hole
off Timber Jack, 80, Cecil
Co , 410-287-5277
2-105 white, cab, H/AC,
2,600 hrs , 90% rubber,
runs & looks good, $9,000,
100-06 Deutz, cab, clean,
75% rubber, $5,800, Bed
ford Co. 814-847-2848
Farmall 330 utility tractor,
exc , ong. cond . $3,500, Nl
206 manure spreader, exc
cond , $2,450, Hunterdon
Co., 908-782-5283
IH model 401,10’ lever har
row, $350, 6’ chain harrow,
like new, $125, 100 bu
gravity wagon, solid, $4OO,
Fred Co, 301-447-6809
NH 785 skid loader, 2,100
hrs, $lO,BOO, NH 650
round baler, auto wrap,
$9,000, JD 520 w/3 pt,
$3,000, Wash Co, 301-
Snow blowers, lawn mow
ers, drill presses, jointers,
wood lathes, table saws,
Irg. gasoline water pump
w/hoses, Gravely attach
ments, will separate, War
ren Co , call after 7pm,
Allis Chalmers HD76
loader, good cond , turbo
eng , good bottom & hyd ,
$4,000, Liv Co , 716-243-
1986 F 350, dually diesel,
11' steel flatbed, runs good,
200 k mi, $2,700 080,
Franklin Co. 717-328-5181
Snow blower, 6’ Bervac,
front mount, like new, $750,
JD 8’ snow blower, $5OO,
Royal Palm turkeys, 9 mos
old, $5O/pair, fullblood Boer
goats, $3OO each, does,
buck, $175, reg, Union
Co, 570-966-9130
Roskamp roller mill, mixer
w/ear corn mill, hydraulic
augers, scale, IH heat
houser, fits 74, 84 series,
etc, Dauphin Co, 717-
2 breeding age Holstein
heifers, $BOO, David S
Weaver 361 Iron Bridge
Rd , East Earl, PA 17519,
Lane Co
4 skid loader wheels, steel
w/blocks, vg shape, $350
080, 450 JD spreader, for
parts, $lOO, Lane Co,
Ford 8N wA/8 motor, Funk
conversion, good cond ,
Lane Co, 717-733-0724
Rare book, 1749 Martyr’s
Mirror, printed at Ephrata
Cloister, Ist German Edi
tion, front cover missing,
otherwise good cond.,
$BOO, Lane Co, 717-687-
Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces
Hf I I Standard Models
, ( Wood or Coal
H Multifuel
|J| B. «| Models Burn Wood, Oil,
E I Coal or Gas
Adapts to any existing
heat system Installation
& Accessories Available
Clyde K. Alderfer (570) 539-8456
R.D #l, Box 246, Mt Pleasant Mills, PA 17853
Diesel Sales & Service
New & Used • Diesel Rebuilding
John Deere Powertetf
Diesel Engines Ideal
for Homeowners,
■ Dairys, Shops
Cummins BIcC Series ~
Diesel Engines ChMksr Machine
HuHraniic . Air fivstanM 401 Quaker Church Rd
Hydraulic * Air Syttema Chnstjana f* 17509
Quincy Air Compressors SIQ-BS3 MM
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 30, *2OOO-821
9’ Agrotrend snowblower,
540 PTO, like new, $2,950,
JD 2700, sxlB reset plow,
$3,900, JD 930 MO-CO,
Leb Co. 717-949-3860
2 Pomeranian pups, 1
male, 1 female, parents on
farm, also 1 5 month old
male, $9O, David S Beiler,
160 Cedar Hill Rd , Peach
Bottom, PA 17563, Lane
430 Weaverlme feed cart
w/charger, 6 Bou-matic
Flo-star milker units, fan on
wheels, all avail March
2001, Berks Co, 717-933-
Fox chopper 3300, needs
knife holder, Fox 7334 corn
head, 3 row adjustable,
v g , Fox 822 p/u, good,
Franklin Co, 717-352-2877
Mixed hay 4x5, $l2 to $2O,
snowplow for compact trac
tor, power angle, $650,
Bobcat backhoe attach
ment, $4,200, Juniata Co,
300 gal sprayer w/v g 30’
booms & pump, $550, Patz
barn cleaner units, H D -
R H , $450, L H , $3OO,
Berks Co. 610-683-3561
Allis Chalmers WD tractor,
motor stuck, power adjust
wheels, $3OO, Middlesex
Co, 732-329-6729
Steel wheels for IH 56 & 66
series w/layer belting, then
tire tread bolted on, $750
080, leave message,
Dauphin Co, 717-365-
Yanmar 16HP diesel tractor
w/3’ tiller, exc. cond,
$3,500, Rockingham Co,
Bolens 1050 tractor
w/mower deck & snow
plow, $6OO, Ed in Wantage,
NJ, 973-875-9899
Meteor 74” snowblower 3
pth, exc cond , $1,500, 40
pcs, 3"-1/8” wall, pipe
701/2", $4 each, Coleman
RV-AC & htr, $l5O, Lincoln
250 DC-MK welder, 3
phase, $l5O, 16” chopsaw
blades, $5, Perry Co , 717-
7’ 3 ph scraper blade, also
1,100 gal Better-bilt tank
spreader, Cumb Co, 717-
Snowmobiles for restora
tion/parts, 1979 JD Starfire
340 cc, 1974 Harley David
son 398 cc $350 each, both
$5OO, Bill, Ocean Co , 732-
IH 1440 combine, 4,300
hrs , field ready, good work
ing order, $9,500, Mon
moulh Co, 609-259-2567
Various shop equip, small
tractor snow plow, p/u tool
box, chrome exhaust
stacks, go-cart axles,
wheels & tires, Lane Co ,
Antique JD bicycle, 26”, 3
spd , $2OO, Snyder Co ,
Separate combustion chamber
and smokestack
(oil & gas only)
4G4SD Engin*s
List $7,200
NOW $5,900
While Supplies Last
TS2 Lister Diesel
(15 hp) Rebuilt
3.152 Perkins Diesel
(35 hp) Rebuilt
As* about Mr
Mm Daan rnighmt tnlMh
78 Chevy, C-60 rollback,
26,000 gvw under CDL,
new fenders, new doors,
new paint, 20' Jerr-Dan,
$lO 500 080, Lane Co,
1/2 blood double polled
Limousin bull, grey color,
1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Charo
lais, 750 lbs , $6OO, new 3
rib, 8 ply, 950-20 tire &
tube, $75, 717-243-1281
Walnut logs, any length, Irg
diameters, Valley Brook
Farm, Layton, NJ, will load
on your truck, Sussex Co ,
125 JD silage wagon w/out
roof, ext tongue, good for
shavings, corn, shed kept,
nice, $1,500 080, Lane
Co, 717-336-2251
12 farrowing crates, heavy
wire, never used, nursery
feeders, all a part, stored
inside, MO, leave mes
sage, Lane Co, 717-665-
Tin brown, green, tan,
gray, 12’ & misc , $0 75/ft,
$24 75/sq , reasonable,
delivery & install avail ,
glassboard, $4 40, Lane
Co, 610-593-1140
1987 MF 283 3 pi, remote,
8 spd , 67 HP, 1474 ong
hrs , ong tires, exc , ong
cond , shed kept, $10,500,
Leb Co , 717-469-0356
Scottish Highland bull, reg ,
21/2 yrs old, $7OO or MO,
Northumberland Co 570-
Bnllion transport, 10’ har
row, $2OO, Bnllion 11 ’, culti
packer, $285, Lane Co ,
Reg Bay/Overo paint, 7
yrs old mare, good confor
mation, up-to-date vet
records & shots, 15 IH,
ready for training, $1,900,
Bucks Co, 610-346-8404
Jersey service bull, nice for
heifers, Sussex Co , 973-
Army trucks, diesel eng ,
10 wheel drive, no CDL
needed, parts avail, call
eves , Phila Co , 215-598-
Fox Terrier pups, 6 wks old
194 Liberty Lane, Kirk
wood, PA 17536, Lane Co
Cow matresses, 5 move
able, vg cond , $4O, Fran
co Beige self-feed coal
stove, $3OO D S coal
stove, leave message,
Lane Co 717-354-6667
Alfalfa & alfalfa grass,
mixed hay, 170 RFV, 21%
protein, top quality dairy &
horse hay, can deliver,
Lane Co, 717-653-6758
Cider press, old, efficient
w/electnc grinder, $530, N
Berks Co, 610-562-2334
Low potassium grass hay
tor heifer & dry cows, no
ram, Lane Co, 610-286-
Farmall 200, new paint &
rubber, 3 pt Kelly backhoe,
810 model, 61/2' 12" buck
et, Hunterdon Co, 908-
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