814-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 30, 2000 Maryland DHIA Report For November The November Dairy Herd Improve ment information for dairy herds from the DHI processing center in Provo, Utah. The list includes herds from Maryland, Penn sylvania, and West Virginia. The informa tion is listed by herd name, county association, number of cows in the herd COUNTY Anne Arundel Baltimore Caroline Carroll Cecil Frederick Garrett County Ass’n Frederick Howaid I redcnck Carroll 1 redenck Ilarford Montgomery Frederick Frederick I redenck Ilarford I rcdcnck Cat roll Garrett HERD NAME Dairy Cattle Research William Warns Wm. and Douglas Carroll Md.-Carrollton Bryon D. Stambaugh Derrwyn Holsteins Mike and Anita Haines Gemstone Farm James and John Myers Garstlyn Holsteins Unicorn Associates Inc. Dwayne and Miriam Bell Orion-View Holsteins Joe A. Schwartzbeck Maple Lawn Farm Inc. Ash and Bear Richard L. Hahn James A. Carmack Carl E. Close D. Richard Flickinger Panora Acres Inc. Flint Hill Farm Mal-Lene Farm Dwayne and Miriam Bell Thomas H. Muller Weant-Haven Farm Wil-O-Mar Farm Glenn Beard K. Scott and Judy Hood Hobble-Hill Holsteins Glenn Beard Glen-Toctin Farm K. Scott and Judy Hood MD-Garden Spot Farm Dave and Carole Doody Dool-Leigh Farm Wayne Z. Tucker Hara Vale Farms Glade Rock Farm Dyke and Mary Garver Vales Pride Ayrshire Harshman Partners Paul and Karen Dotterer Fir-Thorne Leigh Castle Holsteins Homestead Farm Plain Four Farms Wayne Burdette Dublin Hills Swiss G. Donald Shafer and Son Walnut Ridge Farm Fir-Thorne-B Mike and Lisa Gaver Jerry L. Yoder Philip Beachy Wayne E. Schrock HIGH HERDS ECM BY BREED AYRSHIRE Herd Name Vales-Pnde Farm David & James Palnck Homestead Farm Whispering Ayr BROWN SWISS Herd Name K Scott & Judy Hood Green-Castle Swiss Rudell C Beall & Sons Dublin Hills Swiss Dwayne & Miriam Bell F ir-1 horne-B Island Branch Swiss Shafdon Swiss R>an Bell Jason Brcnneman and the average production per cow in the herd based on Energy Corrected Milk (ECM). ECM combines milk production and components. The ECM formula is: (7.2 x lbs. protein) + (12.95 x lbs. fat) + (.327 x lbs. milk). To be included, the herd must have 10 cows HERD BREED U Cow] Harford Howard Kent Montgomery Pot. Val. Assn, Queen Anne’s Washington *H = Holstein *X = Mixed herd *J = Jersey *B = Br. Swiss *A = Ayrshire *G = Guernsey ECM 73 3 Garrett 63 4 54 8 37 3 Frederick ECM 82 9 81 7 68 0 66 I 65 9 61 6 47 9 47 0 Gap Run Farm Inc. Andrew W. Schrock Fred Petersheim Menno J. Yoder Robert W. Bender Charles Mason Jr. Mar-K Farms Paul and Henry Kinsinger Ezra Schrock Piney Run Farms Ernest and Dan Ganoe McClintock Dairy Farm Kenneth L. Yoder Glover Farms Lowell Thomas Green-Castle Swiss Stephen C. Trout JD and GE Miller Strawberry Hill Farm Eternal Flame Holsteins David Hopkins Ehrhardt Farm Inc. Hawks Hill Farm Garden Fence r -'ii Lovdal Farms Brick House Farm David and James Patrick Bowling Green Farms R and E Brink Aaron R. Brink Greenwood Acres Hills Dairy Partnership Brick House FM Inc. Keith Dixon P. Thomas Mason Mendelssohn Terrace Farm Kevin and Laurie Savage H.M. and F.C. Ensor Rudell C. Beall and Sons Rudell C. Beall and Sons Beneva Farms Clifton Farms Brookedale Holsteins Cessna Bros. Farm Lester C. Jones, Inc. Harry L. Schrader and Sons Donnie and Wayne McFarland Brad and Cathy Wiles Curtis W. Ausherman -ountv Ass’n Kent Frederick Queen Anne's Frederick Kent County Ass’n Frederick Kent Frederick Garrett Howard Washington Carroll Carroll Carroll Garrett averaging 65 pounds or more of ECM per cow, per day. AH herds reported are on of ficial DHI or DHIR test. Also listed are the top 10 herds in Maryland for the Brown Swiss, Guernseys, and Jerseys, and the top seven herds for Ayrshires. HIGH HERDS ECM BY BREED GUERNSEY lerd Name Keith Dixon Walnut Ridge Farm William B. Messix 111 Mar Shirl Guernsey Anovadale Guernseys Dogwood Lane Farm Three Brooks Farm JERSEY Herd Name Glenn Beard P. Thomas Mason Gaywinds Farm Paul & Naomi Petersheim Richard A. Pue Willow Spring Farm Ash & Bear Charles De Groft Spring Valley Jerseys Eli Swarlzenlruber 65 260 13 74 1286 182 161 84 132 ECM 69 8 66 5 54 7 47 0 45 2 43 4 41 7 ECM 83 3 62 7 56 6 56 2 49 9 48 5 48 0 47 6 43 4 40 8
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