Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 30, 2000, Image 110
06-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 30, 2000 USDA’s Workforce Increasingly Diverse WASHINGTON, D.C. The USDA’s workforce has grown more diverse during the Clin ton-Gore Administration, Agri culture Secretary Dan Glickman said recently. Women now occupy more than 42 percent of USDA’s per manent positions, and 21 per cent of USDA’s employees are Landowners Desire Know-How To Design Streamside Forests UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) As part of a multistate effort to protect water quality, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge has committed to planting 900 miles of “riparian forest” in Pennsylvania by the year 2010. Landowners are willing to create riparian areas on their properties, as long as they have a say in the design, said a researcher in Penn State’s School of Forest Resources. “Many landowners are con cerned that if they accept government cost-share pro grams and other incentives to plant buffers someone will come onto their land and tell them what to do,” said James Finley, associate professor of forest resources. “They feel re sponsible for taking care of streams, but they want to be able to choose a design that suits their needs.” Riparian forests are strips of forest along streams that serve as natural filters. Among other benefits, they prevent sediments, fertilizers, and other pollutants from farms and lawns from washing into streams. The trees also help to shade the water, keeping it cool and oxygenated for trout and other aquatic life. Finley and doctoral student Dan Dutcher surveyed more than 800 streamside landowners Vegetable Production Workshops Set ITHACA, N.Y. Find out how to manage soil, weeds, in sects, and disease at the organic vegetable production all-day workshops Feb. 27, March 6, and March 13 at Cornell Uni versity’s New York State Agri cultural Experiment Station in Geneva, N.Y. The first workshop, Feb. 27, will focus on soil and nutrient management, with specific at tention to tillage and soil qual ity, testing and interpretation, soil life, and fertility manage ment. The March 6 workshop will focus on weed management, with specific attention to weed biology, cultivation tools and strategies, and ecological ap proaches to weed control. The March 13 workshop will examine insect and disease man agement, with specific attention to crop resistance, beneficial mi minorities, the highest percent age in history. USDA’s increasingly diverse workforce is particularly note worthy since it comes during a period of significant downsizing. USDA’s total permanent work force has decreased from 98,908 in fiscal year 1993 to 85,920 in fiscal year 2000, a reduction of including farmers, forest landowners, and urban dwellers to learn their motivations, in terest, and issues relating to es tablishing or maintaining riparian forests. The landowners were - con cerned about aesthetics fore most. They also were concerned that falling branches might damage farm equipment and that wooded areas might attract snakes. “Some people didn’t even re alize they had a stream on their property,” Finley said. “First order streams, high in the watershed, often just look like trickles coming out of the ground.” The researchers also learned that many landowners don’t un derstand what stream improve ment means and desire some education. Subsequently, gradu ate student Kari Umphrey held focus groups with landowners in the Standing Stone and Shaver’s Creek watersheds in Hunting-, don County to learn more about' their needs. She then drafted a curriculum that teaches people about riparian forests. Finley plans to test the curric ulum, then offer it through Penn State Cooperative Extension, conservation districts, and the Pennsylvania Bureau of For estry. croorganisms, and managing habitats to maintain beneficial insects. Workshops will be taught by Cornell researchers, Cornell Co operative extension field staff, and organic growers. The workshops are sponsored by Cornell’s New York State In tegrated Pest Management pro gram, the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Edu cation program, the Northeast Organic Farm Association New York, and New York Certi fied Organic, Inc. Before Feb. 16, registration is $l5 per day per person. Regis trations for all three days that are postmarked by Feb. 16 are $4O. After that date registration will be $2O per day, and there will be no discount for register ing all three days. For more information and registration, call Cornell’s Inte grated Pest Management Pro gram at (800) 635-8356. nearly 14 percent. “Abraham Lincoln called USDA ‘the people’s depart ment,’ and our workforce now better reflects all the people that we serve,” said Glickman. “While our work is not done, we have made great progress in turning around the depart ment’s civil rights record and A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED . ADS GET RESULTS! BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN Lancaster Farming PHONE 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 ensuring that all our employees and customers are treated fairly, with dignity and respect.” From 1993 to 2000, African American permanent employ ment at USDA increased from 9.4 to 10.8 percent. Hispanic representation increased from 4.1 percent to 5.4 percent. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders grew from 1.7 to 2.3 percent of USDA’s permanent workforce. Native American representation increased from 2.4 to 2.5 per cent. There was also an increase in women among USDA’s per manent workforce from 41.1 to 42.3 percent. The hiring of 2,582 women and minorities out of 4074 total permanent hires in fiscal year 2000 indicates continued growth in diversity among the USDA workforce. Women comprised 52.6 percent of new permanent hires, African Americans 16.2 percent, Hispanics 6.4 percent, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders 2.3 percent, and Native Americans/Alaskan Na- BUY. SELL TRADE OB BENT THROUGH THt ——^ kiH I d E=i -m- I >l4l PHONE. 717-628-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6056 Mob., Tuev . Wed.. Frt. 8 AM to 5 PM: Thun. 7 AM to 5 PM WfMcONSTRUCnON Nil EQUIPMENT 94 Case 9020 Excavator, 35,000 Lbs $35,000 89 JD 590 D $32,500 Cat 312,5000 Hrs FREE Mechanical Thumb with Purchase Of Excavator In The Month of December 1998 Gehl 6635 SXT Skid Loader, 697 Hrs , 2 Spd $14,900 98 JCB Robot 165 Series 3 Skid Steer Loader, 100 Hrs $12,900 NH LX 565, i 1 To Choose From. 1,000 Hrs Case 1740 Skid Steer CMC Lube Truck, 7 Tanks & Reels w/Air Compressor . .$13,500 Concrete Crusher For 50,000 Lbs Excavator 89 JO 644 E Rubber Tire Loader, 8000 Hrs . Coleman Light Tower, Kubota Dsl $116.84/Mo. or $3,500 Stone 5R2500 Tandem Roller $2,500 tives 2.1 percent. Glickman said USDA has been particularly successful in increasing the representation of minorities and women in senior level positions (GS-14 and above). Since 1993, the number of non-white USDA employees in these positions increased by 56 percent (580 to 904), while the number of women also in creased by 56 percent (907 to 1415). Glickman said targeted out reach and other employment in itiatives have helped significantly increase minority hiring. He also announced that he has established five new em ployee advisory councils and an overall diversity council to advise him on issues affecting African Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islan ders, Native Americans, women, and gay and lesbian USDA em ployees. The new councils join those already established for Hispanics and people with dis abilities. Excel U/C .$35,000 88 Cat 953 Crawler Loader, Cab, 4-in-1 Bucket, Nice 87 Cat 953, Cab, 4-m-1 Bucket, 90% U.C . . $34,000 79 JD 755, Rebuilt Hydros. $21,000 79 Cat 955 L 13X, 70% UC $26,000 81 Cat 955 L 13X, New SALT, UC 95 JCB 214 S 4x4x4, Cab, Power Shift, Bucket & Forks, Ext Hoe $27,500 $9,800 $3,900 $4,500 $42,000 85 Cat D3B, Good UC $39,000 , 89JCB ' 14008, SI Cab, 4x4 I $17,500 $42,000 $29,000 95 JCB 214, Cab, 4x4, Ext Hoe, 2700 Hrs $28,000 $15,900