A2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 25, 2000 (Continued from Pago Al) “We went to banks and tried to estimate the cash flows on steers, pigs, dairy, and chickens, and this seemed to work out a the best match for price-per income,” said Kelly. The size of an available farm, 20 acres, made farming afford able and opened the door for turkey farming in 1997. “Everything was running, we just walked in and took over,” said Kelly. Although Heidi grew up on a small poultry operation in Ohio, Kelly was new to the poultry business. Consequently he spent a month at the turkey farm with the previous owners to learn how to manage the farm. “I got the basics down that I could survive on, and just keep getting better as I go,” he said. The turkeys, which come to the farm when they are one day old, will leave the farm as fin ished birds 13 weeks later. The Eckerts process six batches of turkeys per year through their barns. They grow their turkeys under contract with Wampler Foods in New Oxford, Pennsyl vania. Wampler Foods supplies the feed, medication, birds, and shavings for the barn floors and the Eckerts supply the labor for care of the turkeys. Because of the current demand for turkey, the barns are filled with turkeys year round. “Years ago, people did one flock a year for Thanksgiv ing, but turkeys got more popu lar. It’s not just a treat anymore you can get turkey any time,” How Is Organic Matter Content Measured? Jennifer G. Becker Extension Engineer Why do we need to concern ourselves with the amount of or ganic matter that is present in wastewater? It is important to know what the organic matter content of a waste stream is because it influ ences the selection of a suitable method of wastewater treatment and disposal. Other important wastewater characteristics that must be con sidered when selecting a treat ment method include the rate of production and the levels of solids and nutrients such as ni trogen and phosphorus. Example: A food processor is exploring sprinkler irrigation as a potential method for treating and disposing of the processing wastewater because several sites with appropriate soil character istics are available for irrigation. However, if some wastewater components are present at high levels, irrigation may not be pos sible. For example, excessive suspended solids in the waste may clog irrigation equipment and soils. High levels of salts can also sometimes be a problem, al though normal rainfall in the 'Mid-Atlantic region is generally sufficient to leach salt out of the soil. Nutrient management plans, which are required by the Water Quality Improvement Act of 1998, may also limit application on the basis of the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the wastewater. Finally, consideration must be given to the organic matter con tent of the wastewater because high loadings of organic matter can cause excessive build-up of soil microorganisms that grow on the applied organic material. Turkey Fanning The Right Fit For Eckert Family No cold turkey on this farm one batch of 16,000 tur keys requires 6,000 to 8,000 gallons of gas during their stay at the farm, mostly to maintain the balmy 80-degree temperature necessary when the birds are poults. said Kelly.“ The turkey market’s really strong right now.” “Turkey meat is nutritious and low in fat and people are really health conscious any more,” said Heidi. Caring for turkeys, as typical of any agriculture operation, is a full-time job. The water foun tains are washed every day for proper sanitation, and all of the birds must be checked several times daily and through the night. The Eckerts rototill the litter once a week to keep the turkeys’ bedding fresh and put in new shavings in and sanitize the bam for each incoming batch of poults. In addition, the haras’ venti lation system is changed manu- This can cause a microbial slime layer to form on the soil surface, which can lead to soil surface clogging, and in turn, surface ponding, unpleasant odors, and vegetation decay. Because organic matter can play such an important role in determining the success or fail ure of wastewater treatment methods, permits from the Maryland Department of the Environment for land applica tion or surface discharge of pro cessing wastewater define limits for the amount of organic matter that can be applied. These permits also define nu trient and other parameter limits, as well as hydraulic load ing rates and application sched ules. What is actually measured when we quantify the organic matter in wastewater? Frequently, we do not need to know the concentrations of indi vidual organic compounds present in wastewater. Instead, it is often sufficient to have a combined measure of the mix tures of organic compounds found in wastewater. Two of the most commonly used measures of the combined organic content of wastewater are expressed in terms of oxygen demand. These two measures are called the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and the chemical oxygen demand (COD). At first, use of the term “oxygen demand” to report organic matter content may seem confusing. This con vention is used because most or ganic compounds in water undergo oxidation reactions, and if dissolved oxygen is present, these reactions con- (Turn to Pago A 29) ally three to four times daily. Shutting flaps and curtains con trols the speed of air flow and consequently the temperature for the turkeys. Changing ventilation involves watching the gauges and adjust ing accordingly to ensure not only proper temperature but also keep down the ammonia levels detrimental to turkey health. An alarm system rings the phone in the Eckert’s home if the temperature drops to dan gerous levels or the electricity goes off. The feeding, fortunately, is automatic. The first seven days, however, after the poults arrive 'at the barn they are fed by hand. Feed is scooped into the small trays for the poults. As the poults grow and are able to reach, the automatic feeders with pelleted feed are lowered from the ceiling. Rings surround the poults and keep them not only snug in their 80-degree at mosphere, but also keep the birds from crowding together too much, according to Kelly. The poults, which arrive at the farm in batches of 16,000, come to the farm from a Wam pler hatchery in Harrisonburg, Va. They are started in two brooder barns and moved to the four finisher barns as they mature. The Eckerts move the poults out of the end of the building onto a ramp which leads onto a trailer. The trailer then hauls the birds up the hill to the finisher barns. Each barn is 40 by 200 feet. When the finished turkeys leave, they weigh 13-16 pounds each, usually 16, said Kelly. “We haven’t had trouble with health because we maintain biosecurity,’’ said Heidi. “When somebody comes from a farm, we spray the vehicles tires, fender walls, and under carriage,” said Kelly. Mortality cards, feed slips, and feed conversions are the records which the Eckerts keep for the operation. Kelly checks the feed and gas levels every other day. The Eckerts would like to expand with numbers in both the turkey and swine portions of their farm. “We’d like to get to the point where we can have all our children have farms,” said Heidi. “Hopefully they’ll have interest. Age and time will tell.” Kelly, who hopes to get out of the hauling business, plans to triple the size of the hog opera tion m the next year. Katie, an aspiring veterinar ian and already an important part of the Eckert operation, is proving her interest in the agri culture business. A fourth grader at Jonestown Elementary School, Katie takes care of the Katie, who would like to be a veterinarian, is already an experienced animal handler. Her brother, Kevin, is quickly learning the ins and outs of producing turkeys. ■m3 * ."t * A *) v The best part of turkey farming, according to the Eckert children, is getting a shipment of new poults. Kevin, 2, and Keith, 3, carefully cradle one-day-old poults. The boys’ father, Kelly, describes the birds as “very nosy and curi ous.” pigs, 30-40 goats, and helps with enjoy riding on the tractor. “ the turkeys. Besides helping out think the farm is good for chil on the family farm and complet- dren to learn a work ethic,” sak ing her schoolwork, she is also Heidi. “Sometimes children ge actively involved with the North too involved with TV or vide< Mountain Goat Club. games, and farming is a gooc Kevin and Keith, proud wear- way to show them what a goo( ers of green John Deere hats, work ethic is.” > ——