ir Farming, Saturday, November 4. 2000 itei < ♦* 'Qt* WHICH TWO ARE EXACTLY ALIKE? PICTURE 3 / ■) 1 l\ \ 4 3 I / ( /if v V* V B dor in each space that contains a letti % 4. 5 ., ) 6 J /L 2 r 11 19 r* iiA’ anod onv owi sbmsnv SKCRKT cooii; What's the best animal to be when it gets cold? SEEKISFIND FIND THESE WORDS IN THE PUZZLE SELOW. LARK LEOPARD LORIS LECHWE LION LYNX LEMUR LIZARD LYRE THE WORDS READ UR DOWN AND ACROSS. Q A w w L R W L N \«U/, TAC« TOE T L W • * » In November 1922, two British archaeologists found what was to become a very famous tomb Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon found the tomb of Tutankhamun also known as King Tut King Tut who lived during the 1300 s B C , was only about 9 when he became pharaoh or ruler, of Egypt However he didn't remain in power long because he died when he was 18 or 19 People who have studied the time and Tut s life believe he was murdered Even though he was so young Tut is the most famous of all Egyptian rulers and that s probably because of his tomb Tut s tomb included the antechamber burial chamber and the treasury The antechamber was the room outside the burial chamber where Tut s mummy was found Chariots food couches and thrones were all found in the antechamber along with two figures that guarded the door of the burial chamber The coffin which is about 6 feet long and 2 feet wide was made of solid gold Tut s burial mask which he was wearing was gold and it had beautiful stones and colored glass in its design The treasury room was next to the burial chamber It contained treasures for what the Egyptians believed would be Tut s life after his death Along with boats the treasury included gold figures of goddesses m m m m liJ l!| lU lU Found only in certain parts of Africa, odnches are the largest birds in the woild They can grow to be 8 to 10 feet tall, and some of them weigh up to 400 pounds The small, flat heads and long necks of the ostriches aie covered with down, or very fine, small feathers, while their bodies aie covered with soft feathers Female and young male ostriches aie grayish brown The body featheis of the grown males aie glossy black, and the wings and tail featheis are white Even though they can't fly, ostuches can move \ eiy fast Then powerful legs help them hit speeds of about 40 miles an hour And then legs me so stiong, thev aie able to kill with one kick Ostuches live m the desert, wheie they get water from plants they eat Even though many pictures show them with their heads in the sand, ostriches don't really do that Male ostriches mate with several females, and all the females lay their eggs in one nest they make by scooping an area out of the giound The nests usually have 30 to 50 of the largest eggs in the world, which are 6 to 9 inches long and weigh from 3 to 5 pounds Ip# Head The Sand? AJ J •BTBTBr