Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 04, 2000, Image 16
Ai6-Uncastef Finning, Saturday, November 4, 2000 GRAIN, CATTLE, HOG, &MILKBFP FUTURES MARKETS Markets Courtesy of Chicago Board and Mercantile Exchange Closing Bids: Thursday, November 2,2000 Corn OOMy 2081 209 208 208 1/2 209 ‘2OB 3/4 +64 211 213 [2IO 1/2 212 212 1/4 212 +6O r*m[2lS 1/2 216 3/4] 215 216 [216 1/2 216 1/4j +62| olMar 222 1/4 224 1/4 221 3/4 223 1/2 |223 + 601 230 1/2 231 3/4 229 1/4 231 ,231J./4 f 231 F +62 l/2 239 236 3/4 238 238 3/4 238 1/4 +56 243 1/2 245 243 1/4 244 ; 244 +52 |||pi|| 252 1/2 253 3/4 252 253 1/4 [253 3/4 253 1/2 +54 HK 268 272 268 270 | 272 271 +4O 269 269 2663/4 269 [ 269 +3O Soybeans l/2 473 473 1/2 473 1/4 +lO4 p|pao 1482 1/2(486 1/2j 481 j" 483 j 483 1/2)483 1/4 +96 492 i 49 5 1/2 490 3/4 492 1/4 492 3/4 492 1/2 +96 [||naV[49B 1/2 502 1/2 498 1/2(499 1/2| 500 |499 3/4 +94 506 f 5101 506 508 1/2(507 1/2]' 5081 +96 506 f 510 506 508 508 +9O 509 J 509 508 1/2 508 1/2 508 1/2 +B6 510(5141/2 510 512 Oats _ _ Month ;Opening j nigh [ ,>6!loiilitg ; v OODecIOS 1/4 109 l/2|loB l/4[ 108 3/4 >lOB 3/4j +l4 01Mar(ll7 3/4 118 3M117 l/2j 118, lisi +l2 OlMay 122 123| 122 122 1/2 a 122 1/2* +l2 OUul 127 1/2 127 1/2 127 127 a 127 +6 OlSep 129 129 1/2 129 j 129 1/2 +2O 01Dec 134 Month Opening Soybean Meal Month Opening High I Low OODec 172.2 172.5 OUan: 169.2 170.7 OlMar 168.0 169.5 OlMay 168.0 169.0 OUul 169.0 169.5 168.5 169.0 01 Aug OlSep 168.0 169.0 167.0{167.0 b 167.2 a 167.1, OlOct 167.0 167.0 166.0 166.5 OlDec 168.1 168.31167.51167.5 b 168.0 a +l7l Month Opening High { Low i Closings jsottle fNetp<|||||j Table 1. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Prices, Weekly Averages 27-Oct-OO 20-oct-00 13-Oct-OO 6-Oct-OO 29-Sep-OO Cheese. 500 lb barrels 40-lb blocks Nonfat dry milk Extra Grade Grade A Butter Grade AA Source Dairy Market News, AMS, USDA (http //www ams.usda gov/dairy/mncs/weekly htm). Table 2. NASS Weekly US Average Survey Prices 21 -Oct-OO 14-Oct-OO 7-Oct-OO 30-Sep-00 23-Sep-OO Cheese 500 lb Barrels 1/ 40-lb blocks Butter 1 0145 1 0964 1 1126 1 1993 1 1118 1 1238 Nonfat dry milk 1.0087 1 0138 Dry whey 0 1805 0 1823 Source Dairy Pioduct Prices, NASS, USDA (http //iiscla.iiiannlib 1/ Adjusted to 39% moisture. 134132 1/2 High ; LOW 170.6 171.2 169.0 169.9 168.0 168.8 167.51168.0 b 168.2 a 168.1 168.0! 168.5 167.5 167.8 1 0000 1.0395 1.0000 1 0200 1.0300 1 0300 1.0300 1.0300 1.0300 1.0300 1.0300 1.0300 10300 1.0300 1.1433 1.1425 129 1/2 133 ; Settle Net Chg Closing |Settle|Net-Chg Closing 171.3, 171.5 169.8, 169.7 168.81 168.6 168.5 167.8 ,166.5) 1 0255 1 0855 0.9975 1 0505 1 1533 1.1392 1 2096 1 2629 1 1473 1 0148 0.18J7 1 2472 1 2365 1 2976 1 2906 1 1706 1 1600 1 0134 1 0129 0 1834 0 1837 1331 +4 + 20' + 25' + 271 + 24 + 22 + 181 + «j + 151 1 1555 1.2175 1.1817 Lean Hogs Daily Prices As ofThursday, 2 November Date 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 Dec 00 Feb 01 Apr 01 Jun 01 JulOl Aug 01 Oct 01 Dec 01 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 Composite Volume Open_lnt 11/01/00 6158 34959 Live Cattle Daily Prices As ofThursday, 2 November Date 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 Dec 00 7217 7235 7167 7172 -45 Feb 01 7385 7392 7335 7340 -37 Apr 01 7455 7475 7425 7442 -20 JunOl 7135 7165 7120 7125 -17 Aug 01 7130 7165 7130 7135 unch Oct 01 7305 7330 7302 7317 +2 Dec 01 7420 7420 7400 7415 -10 Composite Volume Open_lnt 11/01/00 13569 125054 Pork Bellies Daily Prices As ofThursday, 2 November Date 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 Feb 01 Mar 01 May 01 JulOl Aug 01 Composite Volume Open_lnt 11/01/00 587 2361 Weekly Dairy Market Outlook By Ken Bailey Penn State University October 27,2000 U.S. Economy Slows in Third Quarter • GDP rose just 2.7 percent • Blocks end the week at $ 1.02/lb • Barrels steady at $ 1.00/lb • November Class 111 futures below $9/cwt • The government announced today that the U.S. economy slowed m the third quarter of this year (July - September). The Gross Domestic Product (GDP), an overall measure of the U.S. economy, fell from 5.6 percent growth in the second quarter (April 96 June) to 2.7 percent in the third quarter. Many were expecting a growth rate of 3.5 percent. A general slowing of the economy is not good news for a dairy economy with surplus milk production Demand for cheese and other dairy products is linked to growth m the general economy. However, higher interest rates would also slow down sales of dairy products. Consumers would have less money in their pockets for eating out if interest rates went up again. A general slowdown m the economy makes it less likely that the Federal Reserve will raise Open High Low Last Chge 5120 5170 5120 5127 5360 5407 5360 5370 5250 5305 5250 5280 5950 5995 5950 5972 5800 5810 5780 5785 5597 5630 5595 5600 4820 4840 4802 4830 4590 4595 4560 4560 Open High Low Last Chge Open High Low Last Chge v Prev> _ Pr . eV ; & 6 Volume Openjnt 553 2166 30 101 1 58 3 30 0 5 5970 6072 5960 6027 unch 5980 6060 5970 6015 -27 0 6150 6100 6100 unch 6150 6152 6110 6152 +95 6180 6180 6080 6080 -120 Prev. Volume 3809 1770 427 123 -18 -10 + 13 +2O +3 + 13 -25 Prev. Volume 6980 4053 1792 330 295 55 21 interest rates again this year So the GDP announcement is generally mixed news for the nations dairy economy. Market activity this week at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has been slow. Both block and barrel cheese prices have remained below support levels. Block cheese prices remained at $1.02 per pound, and barrel cheese held steady at $l.OO per pound. Only 316,800 pounds of process cheese entered the dairy price support program this week In my discussions with industry officials, it is no easy task to move cheese into the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) via the dairy price support program. You have to have special packaging and you need a USDA inspector. It has been a long time since many cheese processors sold to the government. My guess is that we’ll start seeing large quantities of cheese move into the CCC by November Last week’s Cold Storage report may have contributed to a weak outlook for dairy commodity prices. USDA reported that butter stocks as of September 30, 2000 were at 84.8 million pounds, up 19 percent (Turn to Pag* A 32) Prev. Openjnt 20659 8103 3472 1394 382 307 356 286 Prev. Openjnt 62362 31395 18690 6892 4620 954 21