35-36 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 26-27 Northeast Broiler drumsticks 25-26 thighs 27-28 b Frver Paris THIGHS 77-78 WINGS (WHOLE) 70- WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES p 71 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON -10-12 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 35-40 TAINERS) ATLANTA, GA. GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 55-60 TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) October 19,2000 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY RANGE MOSTLY RANGE Report Supplied ByUSDA METROPOLITAN AREA, NORTH- WHOLE 48-51 50-51 53-56 BLENDS Trucklot buying activity remained ERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHU- ( TFEWR 63-80 WHITES 35-39 37-39 light and unaggressivc as most dealers SETTS, CONNECTICUT, RHODE 43-54 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% attempted to keep inventories balanced ISLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA SOLIDS) 63-69 64-67 64-68 SALTED with the limited demand. Offerings of (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 60-65 62- boneless-skiniess breasts remained 6462-67 ample and discounted. Bone-in breasts (. WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS were generally adequate to available. Eastern Region SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% Dark meat items were more than suffi- Frozen EggS EGG SOLIDS, cient and leg quarters were usually avail- ATLANTA GA able. Wings continued to see active G , ~ 2 noo interest ranging no.more than adequate Report Suppli’ed By USDA Northeast Broiler na. 3 I meS ’ I M ° V “ into retail Mostly prices were unchanged on salt Fryer Parts than fa!/ 1 U C n ° * >Ctter yolk, unchanged to one cent higher on Part II _. ’ sugar yolks, higher on whole, and un- ATLANTA, GA. The market tone was fully steady on changed to one cent lower on whites October 18,2000 wings, are y steady to weak on w hen compared to a week earlier. The Report Supplied By USDA boneless-skinless breasts, and about market tone was f uUy steady on yolks, ICE PACKED BROILER RYER steady on the balance. stea dy on whole, and unsettled on PARTS, DELIVERED TO FIRST dadtc BROILER RYHR whites. Demand was light with best in- RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT D c a ™“ > TO nRST terest centered on yolks. However, over- AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES, AND TRUCK^n^niTrNT™ T all movement on products were usually CENTS PER POUND CURRENT rcwTc QUANTITIES, good from prev ious orders. Supplies NEGOTIATED WTD VOLUME ITEM RER CUR- were adequate for current needs. Liquid TRADINGAVG rrfa«!t N nic t| E ° TRADING and frozen eggs (ingredients included) BS BREAST-B 125-130131.06629,530 Vo/.JwLJ- 20 ' 125 TENDER ' processed under federal inspection in the TENDERLOINS 185-190 215.16 BR f AST ' WITHRIBS Eastern region for the week ending Oc- 137,800 BREAST - WITH RIBS 64-65 64-65 BREAST - LINE RUN 64 LEGS tober 07> 2000 were 4% less than last 72.32 337,240 BREAST - LINE RUN 64 | pT fl"Tf T 255 PLANE TREEPRIVE HL/ \ I—l H V LANCASTER, PA 17603 n jjjxorjju i (717) 3935807 EOT JTPMENT CO.. INC. FAX (717)291-1534 ITS NOT TOO LATE! “Take the worry out of your feed and storage handling” )ir' (jSSX) AFFORDABLE QUALITY We handle a full line of grain storage and processing equipment including: • GSI Air Stream Fans and Heaters • Wet Tanks • Transport Augers • Bucket Elevators • Grain Dryers • Stirator System For More Information and Free Estimates call Our Grain Bin Salesman Bill Shirey at 1-800-432-0988 week, and 12% percent less than a year ago. » " ■ ' 24 LOTS. MIXED HAY: IST CUTTING 80.00- 130.00. 2ND 70.00-103.00. TIMOTHY: 103.00-149.00. ALFALFA: IST CUTTING 90.00- 119.00, 2ND 85.00-109.00, 3RD 110.00- 139.00. GRASS: 65.00-129.00. WHEAT STRAW; 106.00-148.00. RYE STRAW: 114.00-121.00. SALE DAYS TUBS. 10 A.M No report issued this week due to no reporters available. — l^EsroßX 1 TSBMEBy MAR K E T UEESPOR r, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610) 926-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERYWEDNESDAY - 1:00 P.M. I Farmers Market 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Flea Market 7:00 AM to ?? visit our website: www.leesportmarket.com Kirkwood Hay Kirkwood, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, October 17,2000 St. Louis Feeder Cattle Springfield, IL October 18,2000 Report Supplied By USDA