Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 2000, Image 133

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    T buy Trade 1
JD 7800 cab 4x4 PS trans 3100 hrs like new $48,000 4
W JD 4055 cab MFWD PS Trans 80% rubber nice $35,200
W JD 4050 cab 4x4 PStrans 1988 mcecond $28,500 A
vJD 2555 4x4 w/245 Idr hi lo 5 881 hrs $18,500 4
V JD 2755 cab air 4x4 2 hyd dual PTO $16,800
JD 2850 cab air 4x4 2 hvd dual PTO $16,500 A
• JD 3140 Cab 4x4 hi lo md PTO 2 hvd 80 hp $12,000 4
►r 1H 1086 iab air 4852 hr goodTA $12,000 v
JD 2350 dsl 1 h\d hydro steer 55hp canop\ $11,500 A
JD 2755 orchard special dual PFO & h>d $ll,OOO
JD 4230 QRlrans 4 post 2 hvd ong $10,500 j
JD 2140 75 hp same as JD 2750 overhauled $lO,OOO
WJD 2040 (2550) cab Ind PTO hi lo $6,800
JD 2130 late model new tires & paint 3400 hrs $7,800 j
JD 4020 NF diesel new motor nice $7,800
JD 2130 hi/lo dual md PTO 65hp $7,200
k JD 2130 md PTO 1 hydra new paint 65 hp $7,100 j
JD 2030 dsl hi/io 1 hyd outlet $6,500
JD 4010 dsl, NF Ocrhauled w/4020 kit & pump $6,300
► JDll2omd PTO new paint good $6,000
IH 464 gas HOPS 2 hyd 1400 org hrs $4,000 A I
JD 148 Idr w/new joy stick \alvc $3,200
►JD 1209 haybine in working order $1,500 A
NH 656 hay rake $1,500
JD factory wide front for 3020 thru 4020 new $1,375
>JD 640 5 bar rake w/front wheel $l,OOO A
JD yellow roof roll bars fits 2510 4020 s new $950 EA. M
JDFI4SO 5x16 semi mounted plow $BOO
►JD 7x15 FB gram drill w/bolh grass seeder $750 A
JD 4020 or 3020 toplmks brand new $175 ea.
Woods Idrs & snow blowers in stock at 20% off
► Zimmerman Elevators & Wagon Gears, Pcquea & I
Woods Equipment: Farmco Metal Feeder
► Wagons, Bale Bodies & Country Boy Gravity I j
Bins; JD Front & Rear Weights J&L Hay Savers |
► Reiff Farm Service 1
275 Goodhart Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257
► Interstate 81, Exit 10, 174 East, Goodhart Rd Right
Financing & Trucking Available A
Umberger’s OCTOBER
The Leaves are Falling
Mayrath 8”x52 Ft.
PTO Transport
Auger Hopper,
Flex Spout
Reg. $2,938
Now Only
Bush Hog 90-08
m -•
Scraper Blade
Reg. $1,462
Now Only
Gehl 8285 285 Cu.
Ft.TMR Mixer
w/Scales, Magnet -
Demo, New
Reg. $22,171
Now Only
Gehl 6635 SX 80
HPTVirbo, Demo
Rental Return, New
Warranty 1200x16.5
Tires, 72" Bucket
Reg. $25,400
Now Only
Kuhn EL32-150
58” 3 Pt. Roto
Tiller, Demo, New
Reg. $1,850
Now Only
$ 1,569
Wic Model 52
51 Bushel Silage
Cart, Hydro, 5.5
HP Honda, Demo
Reg. $5,466
Now Only
Umberger’s Of Fontana, Inc.
Rt. 4, Box PA 17042 3 Miles E. of Hershey on Rt. 3222
or 1-800-261-2106 =
rajHOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30-5, Fn. 7:30-9. Sal. 7:30-4 1^"“
Westfield 8”x3l
Ft. Transport
Auger, 5 HP
Motor, Demo
Reg. $2,324
Nl>w Only
Bush Hog LLRB4
3 Pt. 84”
Landscape Rake
Now Only
Kuhn FC3O2 9 Ft.
10” Disc Mower
Conditioner, Finger
Comb, Straight
Hitch, Demo
Reg, $17,765
1 Only
Now Only
*l3. A 74-
Bush Hog RZ6O
5 Ft. 3 Ft. Rotary
Chopper, New
Now Only
Brillion SSLP643
3 Pt 5 Ft. 4”
Reg. $2,950
Now Only
We Can Help - Give Us A Call
& So Are Our Prices!
Bush Hog 60-08
3 Pt. 8 Ft. Scraper
Blade, New
Now Only
Brillton SCD7IS
Sol Commander 7
Shank Chisel Disc,
Demo w/Rear Disc
Reg. $15,989
Now Only
Gehl 2412 Center
Pivot 11 ft. 6” Disc
Mower Conditioner
Reg. $18,900
1 Only
Now Only
Kuhn GMD 600 G 2
3 pt. 7 ft. 10” Disc
Mower, Brand
New, Faint Faded,
1 Only
Reg. $6,950
Now Only
New Idea 4854
4 ft. x 5 ft. Round
Baler 31-13.5x15
Tires, New -
Reg. $15,900
Now Only
Bush Hog 40-06
3 Pt. 6 Ft.
Scraper Blade
Now Only
Schoesson 20 Ft.
32 Opening
Feeder Wagon
Reg. $1,597
Now Only
Hesston 1340
12 Ft. Center
Pivot Disc Mower
Conditioner Hyd.
Tilt, Demo, 1 Only
Reg. $21,500
Now Only
Kuhn EL32-30 50’
3 pt. Roto-Tiller
Demo, New
Reg. $1,775
Now Only
Oilier BxlB Metal
dale Rack Wagon
w/BTon Gear
Reg. $2,550
Now Only