Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 2000, Image 122

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    C3O-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 21, 2000
ft Leaman Tractor & Parts Inc.
mm 329 Brenneman Rd.,
Willow Street, PA 17584 (Lancaster Co.)
Ci St 717-464-2874 Fax 717-464-4130
v y Turn Left on Brenneman Rd.
(rom 222 S at Reflon
★ 5 Year Warranty (Complete Unit)
★ Heavy Duty Sprag
★ Price $695 00
★ 20 Years ol Proven Results'
★ TA\ Can Be Shipped UPS
The Strongest units available anywhcie
with a track record to prove it'
Case IH 5130 2WD, ROPS powei shdt 1700
hrs & Case loader .
Case IH 7120, cab, air 4WD 18x42 tires
fresh paint, 170 hp $29,500 ,
IH 1206 Wheatland, very nice cond w/cah .
Ml Uni-System Mdl 800-C w/882 bed 10-hrs
very nice
JD 2955 ROPS, 1992 16x18 rear tires rebuilt 2 •
speed, v nice cond w/front weights
Cash IH 5140 MFD ROPS w/powershfit fresh •
paint new 18x18 tires
IH 5288 MU), cab an late 1984 model 20x18 B
tires new 1240 hrs $22,500
(2) IH 3488, tab air hesh paint hydro trans
rebuilt, 18x18 tires like new Excellent Cond
(Ills $2l 500
IH 3088 tender tractor 18x18 tires 4200 hrs
good cond "
Case IH 5250 cab 2WD powei shift \v/lresh
paint 18x18 reai tins at 859,
IH 786 lender Tractor, 4000 his very bright in
appearance runs out excel •
Case IH 510 loadu w/inatcnal bucket Ins Maxtim
also have mounts to pul this on MX senes
Case2s9o,cab powei shill 20x18 90 r /r tread <S, •
duals good cond 14,500
IH 2000 loader mounts loi IH 656 $l,OOO •
IH 1066, red tab 1975 model 4500 hrs 18x18
dual PTO & hvdiaulics licldicadv •
IH9B6cab,air IB\lS Ores will havelreshclutch •
good T/A .
IH 1256 cab, 18 tires dual h\d & dual PTO .
IH 1066 lender tractor Iresh engine T/A ex
p.iinl & rubber
Mechanically sound but need major cosmetic work:
Case IH 7120.4W1). Cab. $19,500 Case 1H 5140, HBIfttOPS, $10.500
Call Us For Your Used Parts Needs
/. *■<&** * -
- ‘'- s ' 1 .11, •
We Now Accept
★ Engine Overhaul Kits lor most brands,
in trame & complete out of frame kits
Excellent puces from quality suppliers
★ Rebuilt fuel pumps most brands,
comes with 2 year warranty
★ Turbo Chargers (new & rebuilt) I & 2
vear warranties
★ Next Dav UPS Delivery On Most Of
These Items
IH 656, diesel geardnve, WFE
IH Super W6TA-diesel runs good, good sheet
metal rare model
Farmall 450 diesel factory W/F/E 2 pth, new tires
Farmall B-450 diesel (made in Britain) direct start
diesel lactory 1 pi diff lock factory, W/F/E , looks
like a Super M
Farmall MV (high crop) glider kits, build your
own high crop
MF 2805 cab, air. 240 hp, w/PS, trans, 1900 hrs,
tractor good in every way “cheap hp”
MF 230 diesel, low hrs,nice cond
Factory Wide Iron! end for Fannall 400 or 450
MM Model UTU factory propane-currently
running on gas
Massey Harris 444, gas w/lpth
AC G w/cullivators & hydraulics
Engines (used)
,H) 7,61 same as 466 T complete fresh overhaul
11) 1400 hr engine complelle S 4 000
IHPull lype Axial Hon Combine model 1482
w/17 hcadei (same as 14811 combine except pull
tv pel
1998,11) 9510 combine 800 hrs fully equipped,
including given star $95 000 w/giam headei
Ford 8600, vv/ dual power excel cond. good
WFE litsJDsUllei market) 620 720. etc
Factory FRONT Iplh lor Case IH Maxuum tractors
Rear wheel drive attachment for JD 9500 combine
3 pL hitch loi Fannall M 400 or 450
**" ‘-s 11 *~t ■.
See Millcreek Fence for In-Stock Units
• Call for a FREE demonstration - unit in stock.
150-700 Cubic Foot Mixing Capacityi^^
r '^ > ,
•‘frn muiiiin
* HSil'
2285 Old Philadelphia Pike
Lancaster, PA 17602 • (717) 396-8987
“Yo«r Need is Our Challenge”
John Deere Sales and Service EST ’ ,N 1937
Chestertown, MD # Cecilton, MD Glasgow, DE
410-778-3464 410-275-2195 302-834-0114
Are You Doing High Moisture Corn This Fall? I
Great Deals on Used Combines I
Interest Free Waivers Available
Till Sept 1,2001
JD 9600, 4WD w/Duals, 1994
JD 9500. 1990, Like New, 1,611 Hrs,
JD 6620, 1979
JD 218 Flex Head
Call Us On Our Web Page
Salesmen: Mike Kem, Bill Dilling
Commercial Sales: Gerry Godfrey
Chestertown Locat
Interest Waiver Till Sept 1,2001
JD 9600 1994 4WD. 1,220 Hrs
JD 9400 1994, 659 SenET3W;
JD 7720, 1981,2WD
JD 893 Com Head
JD 843 Corn Head
JD 643 Corn Head
JD 444 Com Head
JD 920 Platform
JD 4850 1985. MFWD, 20 Bx3B Duals
JD 7400, 2WD, Dnals.EETriHrs
JD 8300
JD 8310
**** *
Cecilton Locatio
Coming In
JD 924 Cutter Bat
JD 922 Platfoim
(3) JD 220 Cutter Bar
JD 224 Flex Cutter Bar
Coining In
Coming In
Salesmen: Bill Cooper, Ji
• 1-888-JD DEALS
_____ John Dome
JD 7410, 4WD, Left Hand .500 Hrs
JD 4650, Excellent Condition
JD 855, 4WD w/60" Belly Mower & Hyd Angle
Snow Plow, 140 Hrs , Like New
Case IH MX 170, 1998 w/Duals
Case 1835 C Skid Loader
Case 1845 C Skid Loader
Mustang 552 Skid Loader, 1987, 900 Hrs ,
Ex. Cond . . . .
JD 1520 Drill, 1997 w/1570 CoiCTiTTilrt. Like New
JD 7000 BRW Planter
(2) JD 7000 6R Planter, Dry Fert, Just Reconditioned
JD 7200 6R Planter w/Liq Fert Coming In
JD 220 Disc Harrow
JD 145 5 Btm Plow
Tiger Right & Left Hand Flail Mower,
Fits Case 5240 Tractor, Good Condition
Tiger 74" Side Mower, Fits JD 6300
on • 1-888-DEERE-4U
JD 7000 6 Row w/Liquid Fertilizer
JD 7000 12 Row Front Fold Planter
JD 7000 16 Row Fiont Fold Planter
Great Plains 15' No Till Drill
JD 215 Disc Hairow. 15
IH 496 22' Disc Hanow
Unverteith 18'Rolling Harrow $2,650
Unveiferth 27' Rolling Harrow ... $5,500
Unverterth Penetrator 18'
r ck Wright, Lee Callaway
• VD Lagoon Pump, Demo
• 190cu.ft. RisslerStationary
• VD^'"9 er , ®P r t ader ’ pXSix*
3300 gal. tank u)/lsca!tesf good
• 3 Pt. Lagoon Pump, Rent or Sale condition
Knight 360 Cu. Ft Portable, Demo Unit
Knight 300 Cu. Ft. Portable, Demo Unit
EEITI $8,500
< ..shk*
Coming In