Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 2000, Image 116

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    Auto Hdr Control, Tires: Drive - 30.5 x 32, Steer -18.4 x 16.1
815933 1989 C1H1640 2WD, 2387 Hrs, Spec Rotor, GLM,
Chopper, Rock Trap, Tires: Drive -28 L x 26, Steer -12.4 x 16
818836 CIH 7250 MFD Cab, 1745
Hrs, Tires Front -16 9x30, Rear -
20 8x42,1000 Pto, Pwr Shift, 215 HP
A 22784 1999 CIH MX2OO MFD Cab,
514 Hours, Tires Front -14 9x30, 4935 Hours, fires Front -14Lx161 -
Rear -18 4x42,540/1000 Pto, 165 HP New, Rear -20 8x38,3 Pt, 151 HP
800 732-0017
800 341-4028
800 433-0679
'» ■ > ■
B 192171997 CIH 7240 MFD Cab,
2209 Hours, 20 8 x 42 Duals, 195 HP
A 23004 1988 CIH 7120 2WD Cab,
A 21493 19821H1460 2WD, 4640 Hours, Specialty Rotor, A UlOOl 19831H1480 2WD, 5127 Hours, Specialty Rotor,
Chopper, Auto Hdr Control, FDR Rev, Drive Tires - 30.5 x 32 Auto Hdr Control, Tires: Drive - 30.5 x 32, Steer -18.4 x 16.1
A 16020 1984 IH 1440 2WD, 4078 Hours, Standard Rotor, auto hdr Ctrl
A 17263 1985 IH 1460 2WD, 2528 Hours, Standard Rotor, Chopper,
A 22233 1978 IH 1460 2WD, 3615 Hours, Standard Rotor,
A 22345 1981 IH 1460 4WD, 3100 Hours, Standard Rotor, Chopper, Auto Hdr Cntrl,
B 17290 1981 IH 1460 2WD, 2866 Hours, Chopper, FDR Rev, Good Condition
B 18618 1980 IH 1460 2WD, 3759 Hours, Diesel, Rotary Air Screen
C 30220 1982 IH 1460 2WD, 4125 Hours, Specialty Rotor, GLM, auto hdr Ctrl
C 15098 1984 IH 1460 2WD, 2277 Hours, Standard Rotor, Chopper, Rock Trap, ~
B 18509 1983 IH 1480 2WD, 3300 Hours, Standard Rotor, auto hdr Ctrl
817353 1990 CIHI6BO 2WD, 2726 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Rock Trap, FDR Rev, ..
A 22725 1990 CIH 1680 2WD, 3741 Hours, Field Tracker, Specialty Rotor,
A 22559 1983 JD 4650 MFD Cab,
5800 Hrs, Tires Front -18 4x26,
Rear - 20 8x38,540/1000 Pto, 165 HP
l* ; :'
■■ , J
C 19501 1991 CIH 7110 2WO Cab,
2531 Hours, Tires- Front -11 oxl6,
Rear -18 4x38,540/1000 Pto, 131 HP
Hoober Has the Following Case IH Rental Tractors For Sale This Fall
22821 CX 60 MFD CAB
23106 CX 70 MFD HOPS
23079 CX 80 MFD HOPS
21878 MX 100 C MFD CAB
23080 MX 110 2WD CAB
22673 MX 135 MFD CAB
21888 MX 150 MFD CAB
22107 MX 170 2WD CAB
21899 8920 MFD
17186 MX 200 MFD
17230 MX 200 MFD
17331 MX 220 MFD
17595 MX 220 MFD
22155 MX 240 MFD
22461 MX 270 MFD
'Estimated hours tractor still on rental
Call a Hoober Salesman Today for a Great Deal on One of These Itactorsl
Ijjf -~i It J* *"'
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A 22955 OMI Tiger 115 Shank
Subsoiler, Auto-Reset,
12'Working Width
. x ";■'•■ .•••■?
•t •• ;• #
; y ' . t'-x/}":,', ,/.y;
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A 19932 Bnllion 16’ Packer, Ductile
Iron Wheels, Scrapers, Hydraulics,
16 9R 30 Singles
18 4R 30 Singles
18 4R 30 Singles
18 4R 30 Singles
18 4R 38 Singles
18 4R 38 Singles
18 4R 42 Singles
18 4R 42 Singles
18 4R 42 Singles
18 4R 46 Duals
20 8R 42 Singles
18 4R 46 Duals
18 4R46 Duals
20 8R 42 Duals
20 8R 42 Duals
It..*.* * *i.
819636 DM1530 Subsoiler w/ Disc
Gangs on Front, Lead Shanks, Disc
Levelers on Rear, Reid Ready,
SALE PRICE $17,500
818505 Bnllion 5 Shank V-Ripper
Sobsoiler w/ Shear Bolt Shanks
Waiver + W*
819435 Krause 4918 27' Disc,
Standard Gang, Center & Wing Duals,
Packer Hitch & Hoses, New Blades,
mmmFmrmmmm'"' «
/ •‘'iwji'r.vj'aiSS
vV, ■ iL . , ,
; -:■, '. v ,U'V'-
819843 OH 800 Plow, 10 Furrow,
18“ Toggle Top, On-Land Hitch,
Coulters, Reid Ready,
SALE PRICE $11,900
Financing Available
On Ail UsedTtactors
From Hooter
Special Programs Available
for Under 100 HP Tractors
1) 6 Month Interest Waiver
2) Fixed low Rate financing
as Low as 7.9% for 36 Months
3) Split Rate financing -
5.25% for the first 12 Months
4) Lease Options
Special Programs Available
for 100+ HP Tractors
1) 6 Month Interest Waiver
2) fixed Low Rate financing -
as Low as 6.9% for 36 Months
3) Split Rate financing -
4 9% for the First 12 Months
4) Lease Options
Financing Options Subject to
Change Without Notice
All Combines 1
Hooter gfit
> Waiver - WaJV<
> Warranty- A 1
thru December 3
> (Guarantee - Pi
Hoober will gum
upgrade to the n<
B 22866 0M1730 7
Tiger Chisel Plow w
Disc Attachment, I
B 22431 Krause 63!
field finisher w/
For High Residue I
A 23288 CIH 4230 Ml
B 40256 CIH 5120 2V
A 23187 CIH 5140 2V
819890 OH 5230 Ml
C 23186 CIH 5250
B 40441 CIH 5250 Ml
C 19501 CIH 71102 V
A 23004 CIH 7120 2V
819583 CIH 7120 2V
819582 CIH 7120 2V
819586 CIH 7140 Ml
B 40422 CIH 7140
B 40119 CIH 7220 Ml
819217 CIH 7240 Ml
818836 CIH 7250 Ml
B 40565 CIH 8930 Ml
B 40408 OH 9180 Cs
A 23476 OH 92804 V
C 31566 CIH 9350 4V
A 23336 OH 93704 V
840048 CIH CSOMF
B 22937 CIH MX 150
A 22784 OH MX 200
819947 CIH MX 240
B 40566 OH MX 240
B 404621H1086
C 228601H1086 Cat
Al7Bll IH 1086 Cat
B 40092 IH 1486 Cat
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