Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 14, 2000, Image 40

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    /UO-Lmctstw Farming, Saturday, October 14, 2000
State Junior Dairy Winners Selected
York Co. Correspondent
Co.) In a scene reminiscent of
a three-ring-circus performing
under the “big top,” junior ani
mals from across Pennsylvania
competed Monday for top breed
honors in the State Junior Dairy
Show. The junior show was the
opening cattle exhibition event
of the annual Eastern National
All-American event, held at the
Farm Show building.
Three judges and a host of ex
tension and support staff kept
the three arenas running
smoothly and concurrently as
nearly 1,000 dairy animals com
peted in seven separate breed
shows. Junior exhibitors were
treated to “dressed up” main
arena of the Farm Show build
ing, brightened with cherry red
curtains, a display of colorful
Reserve senior and grand champion Guernsey at the
state junior dairy show was exhibited by Terri Johnson,
center, with Aaron Gable, left, exhibiting the senior and
grand champion. Pennsylvania Guernsey princess Melanie
Bradbury presented the awards.
Reserve grand champion Red and White was exhibited
by Dan Puzo. Champion winner Cassandra Knepper was
unavailable for the photo.
Senior and grand champion Milking Shorthorn honors
went to Jessica Kennedy with her senior 3-year-old entry.
flags, accented with dozens of
colorful plants and greenery
adding to an overall festive ap
Type judge for Holsteins and
Red and White cattle was Loren
Elsass, Wapakoneta, Ohio,
while Rachel Tanis, Richmond,
Virginia, evaluated showman?
ship. Dave Kjome, Rochester,
Minnesota, handled the placings
for the Milking Shorthorns,
Guernsey and Brown Swiss
shows, with Beth Cooley, Allen
wood, judging showmanship.
Ayrshires and Jerseys came
under type judging of Kevin
Lutz, Lincolnton, North Caro
lina, and showman winners were
selected by Nancy Toms,
In the Ayrshire division, 4-
H’er Roselyn Adams, Montrose,
Susquehanna County, claimed
senior and grand champion with
her 4- year-old “Rose-More
Angel’s April.” Taking the re
serve senior and grand cham
pion honors was Dorothy
Stickler, Lawrenceville, Tioga
County, with her 5-year-old
“Des Falaises Drame.” Best
senior animal bred and owned
was “Ansell Acres Heligo Thim
ble,” the first-placed junior 3-
year-old exhibited by Larry
Ansell, Scottdale, Fayette
Junior champion of the
Ayrshire breed was the fall calf
exhibited by Christian Fulkman,
New Wilmington, Lawrence
County, “Van Deßomeo Can
dita.” In the reserve junior
champion spot was Elaina
Rader, Connoquenessing, Butler
County, with her winter calf
“Bonniebrae Brooklyn.” Best
junior bred and owned animal
was also exhibited by Elaina
Rader, the spring yearling
“Homestead Acres T P Bessie.”
Dubbed a “total package” by
Judge Kjome was the senior and
grand champion Brown Swiss,
“CIE Betta Vue Rambo
Ashley,” the 5-year- old exhib
ited by Josh Geiwitz, Volant,
Lawrence County. Jason
Larson, Smethport, McKean
County, claimed the reserve
senior and grand champion with
his 4-year-old “Irons BIowpop.”
Best senior animal bred and
owned honors went to Lisa
Jones, Airville, York County,
with her “Stone Fence Emorys
Lilac,” the first-placed junior 2-
Top Brown Swiss heifer titles
went to the top placing pair in
the fall yearling class. Junior
champion was “Minor Acres Pa
trick Morgan,” exhibited by
Mercer Countian Mike Über,
Harrisville. Reserve winner was
“Meadow-Hill Combo Anna
bell,” the entry of David Satta
zahn, Womelsdorf, Berks
County. Selected the best junior
animal bred and owned was the
first-placed fall calf of Erin
Raney, Adamsville, Crawford
County, “J-RA Jetway Kylie.”
Terri Johnson, York, York
County, topped the Guernsey
breed show as grand champion
with her senior 2- year-old
“Rutter Bros. Fayettes Lizzy,” a
tall, stylish young cow cited by
judge Kjome as “one of the best
2- year-olds I’ve ever seen.”
Placing in the reserve senior and
grand champion slot was Aaron
Gable, New Enterprise, Bedford
County, with a 4- year-old
“Cedar Fringed Altann.” Best
senior bred and owned animal
also went to Terri Johnson, with
her junior 3-year-old “Rutter
Bros. Enhancers Lily.”
Amy Guyer, Derry, West
moreland County, snagged two
top heifer-class honors with “Hi
Field Brighton Jaycie,” here
winter yearling selected both
junior champion and best junior
bred and owned. Reserve junior
champion Guernsey was “Tro
tacre Mr. Luck Ann,” the
summer yearling exhibited by
Holly Liggett, Bessemer, Law
rence County.
Holstein champion exhibitor
Scott Walton, Carlisle, Cumber
land County, turned most of his
entries over to friend Kyle Bur
dette to handle in the ring be
cause he was also competing in
the junior judging invitational
event running concurrently with
the show. Walton wrapped up
the grueling day of class plac
ings just in time to see his 5-
year-old “Tower- Vue Tab
Jasmine,” waved into the senior
and grand champion spot.
Named the Holstein reserve
senior and grand champion was
“Beshore Adan Juniper,” the
aged cow entry of Angie
Beshore, New Cumberland,
York County. Best senior bred
and owned entry was the third
placed senior 3-year-old exhib
ited by Aaron Ruck, Andreas,
Schuylkill County, “Ruch Jolt
Adeptly handling a stylish
junior calf almost taller than
himself was Corbin Wood, Lit
tlestown, Adams County, who
earned junior champion and
best junior bred and owned
honors with “Penn Gate Rubens
Flower.” Reserve junior cham
pion was the tall, angular fail
yearling, “Brush-Creek-Vu BC
Kasper-ET,” exhibited by
Amanda Cessna, Everett, Blair
Senior and grand champion
honors over the Jersey breed
were won by the 6-year-old
“Eastmont Donna Jon,” exhib
ited by Trisha Mcllwain, Morris,
Tioga County. In the reserve
senior and grand placing was
Daniel Newcomb, Ulysses,
Trisha left, was the Jersey, senior and grand
Shampion winner, while the reserve spot went to Dan
iewcomb. * ' r 1 ‘
Senior and grand champion Brown Swias was exhibited
by Josh Geiwitz, left. Jason Larson took the reserve senior
and grand champion honors.
With Kyle Burdette at the halter, Scott Walton took Hol
stein senior and grand champion honors with his 5-year
old. Angie Beshore exhibited the reserve senior and grand
champion. From left are judge Loren Elsass, Pennsylvania
Dairy Princess Melinda Wolf, Kyle Burdette, Angie
Beshore, alternate state dairy princess Emily Cloninger,
Scott Walton, and alternate state dairy princess Heidi
Potter County, with his tirst
placed junior 3-year- old “Jer-
Sweet Ace Katie- Bug.” The
senior 2-year-old, “ELS Brook
Mary-Two,” exhibited by Erica
Lloyd, Pottstown, Chester
County, was named best senior
animal bred and owned.
Jersey junior champion title
went to Scott Walton, Carlisle,
Cumberland County, with his
fall calf “Pleasant Nook Jupiter
Marissa.” Named the reserve
junior champion was “SHF
First Prize Rita,” the summer
yearling exhibited by Tori Jo
Fuller, Carlisle, Cumberland
County. Tori Fuller also exhib
ited the best junior bred and
owned entry, her spring calf
“Tiaro Bellvue Additude.”
Senior and grand champion
honors of the Milking Shorthorn
show went to the senior 3-year
old “Kuszluk Cattle Co Lucy,”
exhibited by Jessica Whiting
Kennedy, Butler, Butler
County. Lane Whiting, Edin
(Tum to Pago A4l)