Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 14, 2000, Image 33
Robb Meinen Joins Swine Extension Team By Kenneth Kephart ™ ide Awak * Fan “* P»nn sow operation in Bedford Robert Meinen joined the County. TJirough Robb’s mana tsisssshtfn at the top to prodyctirity in the the Robb ’ S effortS at the Wide ° in addition nnKK l °”ifi!! ) £ t 'i Awake operation also helped • him t 0 teotvt of five produces u recognized in the nation for the li t k nrorfnrj»rc ih *° F h & ! “Environmental Stewards of producers throughout The Pork Industry” award Until Vnn* «i &«kk a sponsored by the National Pork Until June 30. Robb managed Queers Council. • Diesel Fuel Injection Pumps, Injectors, Turbochargers • Factory Trained & Authorized for complete services on: Stanadyne (Roosa Master), Lucas CAV, Simms, Robert Bosch, Ambac (American Bosch), etc. • Instant Exchange or Rebuild (Fast Turn Around Time) • Feed Pumps (John Deere & Most All Applications) • Quality Workmanship, Experience, Troubleshooting. • Free Pick Up & Delivery (100 mile radius of Hbg.) Daily UPS Shipping • NEW CUSTOMER • 10% DISCOUNT Up To $50.00 On Rebuilt or Exchange Injection Pumps. Expires 12/31/00 New Ag Science Construction Complete (Continued from Pago A 32) animal aquaculture/hydropon ics area, and a small group (“ag support”) room for small group work and informal meetings. The school also acquired better equipment in the renovations. In agriculture mechanics classes, students learn wood working and welding and get the opportunity to work on small gas engines, electricity, and wiring. In the animal science lab, stu dents both care for and observe the small animals. Gerbils, for example, provide lessons on genetic studies and reproduc tion, as does the school’s resi dent rabbit population. Students also breed guinea pigs and sell the offspring. Rats, snakes, fer rets, amphibians, and one pig are also housed in the lab for Rohrer’s Quality Hi-Cal Damp Lime NOW ONLY $4.50 Per Ton (Picked Up) jag) (^vuuru^ Registered with PA Department of Agriculture student study. “Most of our students have never been around a pig, period, so basically we’re teaching kids ag literacy,” said Franklin. “Most of our students are not from the farm.” Harold Dietrich has taught agriculture science at Twin Valley High School for six years. According to Dietrich, freshmen can only take two classes, either an environmental aquaculture science class or an agriculture mechanics class. Older students can take advanced levels of the ag mechanics class besides horti culture, aquaculture, animal sci ence, and environmental science. A wide variety of students take an ag science course as a bi ology credit. “We see the whole school. In any class there might be one student from the farm out of 30,” said Dietrich. “Because ag is so broad it is science, it is biology.” • Dump Truck Loads • Spreaders Available 86% CCE Calcium Oxide 41% ENP 67 Magnesium Oxide 6% 55% Passing 100 Mesh 65% Passing 60 Mesh 98% Passing 20 Mesh Lititz, PA • (717) 626-9760 >NE & READY-MIX COM Wenger's Feed Mill, Inc.'s Shippensburg Mill Saturday, October 28 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Join us for an Open House. Tour the mill. Refreshments will be provided. The mill is located just off Exit 9, Route 81 in Franklin County. Wenger's Feed Mill, Inc. 101 W. Harrisburg Ave. If* *' P.0.80x 26 | J Rheems, PA 17570 1-800-692-6008 IJmUMUI Lancaster Fuming, Saturday, October 14, 2000-A33 The greenhouse area has un dergone complete renovation and expansion. This spring, Franklin expects to have a crop of bedding plants to sell to the community. “We pot individual begonias and impatiens for Mother’s Day and sell at the three elementary schools,” said Franklin. “One thing we want to do is put in rainforest plants. The kids have always liked rain forests, so we hope to put in a drip system with orchids and ferns.” Hydroponics projects are also part of the curriculum. “Stu dents get to design their own system,” he said. Senior Beth Hafer has spent four years in the ag science pro gram. “I love forestry. I got into it over the summer at the gover nor’s school and decided to come back to environmental sci ence,” she said. “I stuck with it because I love the program.” Hafer is looking at several state schools to further her education in sports medicine or agriculture- education areas. “I liked working with younger kids with Food For Amer ica,” said Hafer. Food For America is a monthly program where FFA members teach agriculture and environmental lessons to the districts’ third graders. RETE Twin Valley’s 214- member FFA also par ticipates in monthly litter pickups, runs a pet therapy program at a local retirement community, hosts a Christmas tree recy cling program, bakes cookies for a homeless shelter, and hosts an Ag Day breakfast for staff and local agribu siness people from the community. Angela Lengel, a senior, is also a four year veteran of the program. “I was inter ested in the environ mental aspect, in learning about ani mals, forestry and wet lands,” she said. She plans to attend a state school next year to study marine biology. Staff Writer Andy Andrews assisted with this report. A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS!