Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 14, 2000, Image 22
A22-Lancastsr Farming, Saturday, October 14, 2000 First Time’s The Charm For Kready, Nolt MICHELLE RANCK Lancaster Farming Staff MANHEIM (Lancaster Co.) At the recent Manheim Com munity Farm Show, exhibitors had the chance to participate in the second year of the dairy beef Joelyn Donough, left, won first place in the 4-H heavy weight division before taking home supreme champion honors in the beef show. As supreme champion, Donough received the rotating Walter Hiestand Memorial Trophy. Lisa Pfautz, 20, Manheim, won first in the 4-H light heavy weight division before she won reserve champion placing. Judge Ken Brubaker, Berks County, gave participants and audience alike a showmanship clinic during the after noon beef shows. competition, the 4-H and FFA beet show, and a showmanship clinic hosted by judge Ken Bru baker. In his inaugural year in the dairy beef ring, Jevin Kready, 12, Manheim, showed the grand Looking for « dairy facility? \ v/ Kulp Family Dairy Farm, Martinsburg, PA, 534-Cow Freestall Barn A Milking Center champion winner. Not only is this his first year with dairy beef, “Buddy” is Jevin’s first live stock project. Jevin, in the sixth grade at Manheim Christian Day School, received “Buddy” from the lot tery system which disperses the calves at the outset of the 4-H project. “My cousin did it last year and I decided it would be a neat project,” he said. Buddy is Jevin’s only animal, but he hopes to increase numbers and have three animals to partici pate in several fairs next year. Jevin is the son of Gerry and Melva Kready. Nicole Kready, their daughter, won first place in the FFA light heavyweight beef cattle show. The family owns a 100-acre farm, which hosts both layers and heifers. Jeff Nolt, 17, a senior at Terre Hill Mennonite High School, won reserve champion in the dairy beef competition. Jeff works on the 250-acre home farm, which houses hogs and feeds ISO Holstein bulls. Jeffs steer, “Jerry,” came from an area farm. He also re ceived the calf from the lottery system. Like Jevin, Jeff is a first year exhibitor in the dairy beef competition. Jeff has eight years of experience with swine. In the beef ring, Joelyn Do nough took home supreme champion placing. “He’s heav ily muscled and would grade at New Holland, PA* (717) 354-4996 (717) 445-7561 |Tw/ *•■• ' * . - -— '■ '■M Hi Mag (Ag Lime Spreading) Hi-Cai We sell only guaranteed analysis limestone ■tfrjgr Dairy beef winners included reserve champion Jeff Nolt, Manheim, and Jevin Kready, also of Manheim. Both are fir st-year participants in the dairy beef program. This year marks the second year for the dairy beef competition at Manheim Fair. the upper end,” said Brubaker. “As a cow-calf producer I’m concerned about frame, what suits the industry, and the lowest cost of production,” said the judge, who decided Joelyn’s steer was closest to fitting the bill. Reserve champion winner Lisa Pfautz also won with a 4-H animal, an animal which won in the light heavyweight division. Lisa, 20, is employed at a local dairy farm. “Gert” and Todd Zurin went to the head of the showmanship classes, as Todd took home over all champion showman honors. Todd, IS, goes to nearby Man heim Central High School. A six-year veteran of 4-H, Todd has also shown swine and sheep, besides his two years of experi ence with dairy beef. He is the son of Gary and Judy Zurin, Mount Joy, who are involved in helping at the beef ring during the Manheim Fair. The 30-acre Zurin farm hosts crops and 35-40 head of beef cattle. “Don’t save showmanship for showmanship class,” urged Bru baker. “As soon as you walk in the ring, you’re on the job. Your job is to make your calves look better. You should show just as hard for the type classes as you Lai lire build In PA,MD,DE&NJ KINO CONSTRUCTION 601 Overly Grove Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 354-4740 Phil Van Lieu (Home) (717) 259-9077 (Turn to Pag* A 23) Klpst * contac