Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 14, 2000, Image 161
■HI FEED Ikl and SEED Excellent quality, cleaned & bagged Rye, 1 bu bags, discount for quantity. 717-653-4123 Alfalfa, Timothy mixed Ist cutting, 3'x3'x6' square bales. Stored in side. 304-263-4572. WANTED: damaged or moldy com, grain or soy beans. 717-733-4516. MUSHROOM SOIL for sale. Delivery available or pickup. 610-939-9193. Ontario hay, big square bales, 18.5% protein, first cut 80% alfalfa Compet itive Prices. 63 bales per load. Reg Small 519/323-2191. Western alfalfa, small square bales, high RFV, high protein, delivered. 308/3i24-4022. Ryelage for sale, 2000 crop. Delivery available. 717/872-9152, 717/371-5170. Western alfalfa: high tested for dairy and horses. Grass hay. 4x4xB bales, 3x3xB bales & small squares. 1-800-874-2814. INSTA-PRO 2000 DRY EXTRUDER, rebuilt, $30,000 080. 717/872-4058. Gross hoy, sm square & Ig round bales. Wll deliv er. Stumpland Farms. 610-488-1965 Seed Wheat, Cleaned $5.50/Bu Berks Co., 717-445-6426 Seeds oats, barley & wheat, cleaned, treated, bagged. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York Co. Straw for Sale: Stump Acres 717-792-3216. York County. Ex quality alfalfa orchard grass haylage, Ind. wrap ped, testing 20%p, 54%m. 301-271-7767 Maryland Small grain Rye seed, cleaned & bagged- Del avail 717-484-2315 Barsov Barley, field run, bulk. Call after 7pm, 717-548-3504. Rye seed, Aroostoock, cleaned & bagged, $4.50/ bu. Berks Co. 610-683-7922. High moisture com or com silage out of the field. Del. Garbers' for good price, 717-464-2894. Very Nice Aroostock Rye Seed, Cleaned $5/Bu Un cleaned $4.50/Bu Kutz town, PA 610-683-3428 600 4x5 round bales timo thy & grass hay. You haul. Make offer. 908-234-2043. Rye Seed, Large Grain $3/Bu Cleaned 8. Bagged. 610-926-4476 Seed Rye, from Certified western seed, cleaned & bagged, $5.75/bu. 717-665-4740 Mixed hay, Ist cutting, no rain, 12001 b round bales stored Inside, 525/ea. 814-237-0286. Wheat from last yr., cert., cleaned, bagged, cheap. 717-432-4865. High moisture shelled corn. We deliver, grind 8< bag. Large quantities available. 717-589-7676. RYE SEED cleaned and bagged, $5.50 per bushel. Delivery available. 717-687-6940. Rye Seed, bagged & cleaned, $4.75/ba Salem Co, NJ. 856-692-9533. RYE STRAW In round bales, net wrap, $lB. De livered reasonable dis tance. 717-532-8926. Round boles for sole. Coll after Bpm 410/482-6406. High moisture corn. 350 tons aval). Price quoted over phone. Delivery avail. Gerald Zeisloft Farms 570/437-2604. ORGANIC Serfage & Hay dairy qual., certified, de livered. 301-983-2167. 20A certified organic corn for silage, high moisture ear. Trucking available. 717-272-5089 or 717-306-4368. Certified organic round bales, mixed hay, Ist, 2nd B, 3rd cuttings, good quali ty, no rain. 717-789-4433. Rye Seed, combine run & cleaned. Lancaster Co, 717-786-3435. For Sale, Good Quality Dry Cow & Heifer Hay, Round Bales. Ist Cut Orchard Grass Mix. No Sunday Calls 717-933-9263 Hay suppliers, Tlmoth' Alfalfa, Mixed, 700 bale loads delivered. EHyson's Inc, 330-223-1594 New high moisture com 717-442-8517 Colorado & Kansas Alfalfa Horse &. Dairy Hay 230+ RFV 717/529-1114 9am Rolled Corn Silage New Silage Available Delivery Avjil.iblo (717) 786-1458 For Sale 3x3 bales of hay, straw fie baleage. ,610-932-0221 Fancy Western Hay Small or Big Loads Pine Shavings 717/529*1195 Bam Idaho Alfalfa Top Quality, High Protein Call Brad or Kaye 800-223-7163 Alfalfa Seed $9B/Bag • Tested for germination and purity • Field tested in this area 6 years • Innoculated • Can be used on certified farms • Will Ship UPS Homestead Nutrition (717) 354-4398 CITRUS WUETS SOY HUUL PIU.ETS CORN . CSD 5549 Old Philadelphia Pike f •Gap. PA 17527 717/76)8-7529 New Crop Hay (all types) Large & Small Bales Trailer Load Lots Call tor Prices Wind Mill Farm Ivan A. Horst Box 693, RD 2, Liverpool, PA 17045 717-444-2046 Certified Organic Ear Corn for Fall of 2000 Limited Supply Taking Orders Now Delivery Available 410-758-4962 Certified Wheel & Barley Seed Barsoy, Nomini, Agrlpro, Patton, Elkhart, Freedom Weavers Seeds 717/529-2609 * APPLE Pomace, W delivered to your farm j Please call 1(800) 344-1901 i BUTINGEARCORN 1 \ Shelled Corn & Soybeans I Contract or Dally Price I ■ Picked Up At Field Or Delivered To Manheim | (717) 665-9463 I FAX (717) 664-7533 X NOLL GRAIN | Trailer loads of Mushroom Mulch available t -- —i -i—i* FAMILY BUSINESS FOR 30 YEARS NEEB FARMS p Suppliers of most types of »' ’ HAY and STRAW • ALFALFA • GRASS • TIMOTHY • CLOVER • HAY PRESERVATIVES and APPLICATORS Low Potassium Dry Cow Hay Delivery Available'Anywhere Peter & Jean Neeb and Sons R.R. #3, Goderich Ontario, Canada N7A 3X9 Top quality Indiana alfalfa & orchard grass & alfalfa & dry cow hay. Unloading & delivery included. Grinstead Hay Farms, Sheridan, Indiana, 888-758-4151 Ronald S. Keener Grain m Buying and Selling Ear and R Shelled Corn and Soybeans R 60’ Trailer Scales h Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-6309 Home $ 717-653-5254 Elevator liznsrssnzsizzsszEa: R.K. 653-2510, 7171 x WESTERN HAY Various types of alfalfa dairy hay 4th Grass hay for horses & dry cows 4Kb Large & small bales available 4th Large inventory in stock Will Deliver J & L EQUIPMENT Bl4-443-6228 Ask for Jerry . £ Ist & 2nd cut Canadian Hay and Straw $ £ Mixed and top quality 2nd cut | r 3x3xB bales { * We make the hay and deliver \ i Sunnybrae Farms c/o Lloyd Rankin, j } Ontario, Canada a (613) 476-2813 Toll Free (877) 976-2813 j or Cell (613 J 967-7169 } Alfalfa & Timothy & Other Grass Hay Large Square or Round Bales Call Andy 717-375-4878 Will Deliver Phone: 519-529-1141 Fax-519-529-1104 Cellular- 519-272-6806 OCT Sfe? 654-2510 [Boo] Dry Wood SAavings Kiln Dried & Bagged Good for horses or dairy cows Satnuol K. Lapp. Jr. 2008 Horseshoe Rd Lancaster PA 17601 717-299-1412 f w Dairyman's Edge* “For increased feed efficiency and milk production" PAPILLON Agricultural Products Inc Easton MD l 800-888-5688 J Excellent Quality Timothy Nixed Hay Ist & 2nd Cutting for Dairy Also, Good Supply of Dry Cow, Horse & Beef Hay. Delivery Available Bell Tower Farm 570»659«5123 After 6 PM I _ RK-lAIPCT 1225 1 Colebrook Rd. I Special Need * Need 300-400 tons of good sound old ear corn f (1999 crop) to be moved in November, Decembei i 2000, January 2001. Must be clean w/mce ears, I no mold. Premium price available. t 16 tons minimum. I Call for Details 800-654-2510 HMSIIO Tflpla Cl««n«d Tested for Germination WESTERN RYE - More Leafy than Regular Rye Baralfa 32 - Increased Quality Baralfa 54 - #1 in Penn State Trials! Green Spirit Ryegiass more pioductive and highei quality than teieal lye Baienbiug BG 34 Rycgiasses more digestable less seedbeads Pasture blends Red - White Clovers Chicoiy- Matua Annual Ryegrass - Tntical Fescue - Reeds Timothy - Forage Oats - Hakan Bromegrass B BARENBRUG Forages For Profit ... GREAT IN GRASS * A*™" Kl "B Seeds Seed In > Fairview Fruit Farm -c nearest Stock r y 96 Paradise Lane, Ronks, PA 17572 dealer . \ 717-687-6224 RISSER GRAIN Buying & Selling CORN, BEANS, WHEAT & BARLEY SERVING 3 LOCATIONS <HOLTWOOD, PA. s. (717) 284-4628 OFFICE (717)284-3362 RED LION GRAIN CENTER MAINVILLE GRAIN (717) 244-6909 Bloomsburg, Pa. SEED & FERTILIZER (717) 784-6922 Now Available. Wheat & Barley seed Alfalfa & Pasture seed 171 Jil Lancaster Arming, Saturday, October 14, 2000-D2S COTTONSEED FOR FALL DELIVERY barley, corn gfuten, silage, bakery feed citrus, beetpulp, soymeal hulls, midds Rye - Early order discount 877-778-1403 laaiamagmaumnaiamiaiaiaiaiaiaunataMiamaiaiaiaiaagtamaiamumi r SHELLED CORN, EAR CORN AND SOYBEANS Purchases, Sales i Futures and Basis Contracts Call For Daily Quotes and Bids Shady Lane Farms David L. Fite 23 Shady Lane, P.O. Box 673, Quarry villa, PA 17566 Office Grain Complex 717/786-1725 Fax 717/786-2350 717/806-1025 taiaunaiai3iaiaain»aaiaumiiaun3iauMamquuaiaqiamuL|gnaiaiaaiat?U! ■3SSSE- We have scrap cheese and powder for sale that can be used as animal feed, pig feed or catfish food. Call Beatrice Cheese at 610-434-4822 Ask for Bob Koch or n Dennis Kelley [J HAY and STRAW Local and Western In Square and Round Alfalfa for Dairy and Horses various cuttings Grass in Timothy/Brome/Orchard Ist & 2nd cuttings For Dairy and Horses Straw in Wheat and Barley CORN SILAGE out of Field Large Inventory We Deliver WEAVER FARMS 717/258-5224 717/512-6711 Marie) 171