Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 14, 2000, Image 1

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    H MM i-—
V 01.45 No. 50
New Ag Science Construction Complete In Area Schools
Lancaster Farming Staff
and ELVERSON (Chester Co.)
Ag students in two area
schools have reason to rejoice.
New course opportunities and
brand new facilities provide
good news for Conrad Weiser,
Robesonia, and Twin Valley
High School, Elverson.
At Conrad Weiser, for the
200-2001 school year, 144 stu
dents signed up for agriculture
science classes (an increase from
107 the year before), according
to Steve Miller, chair of the ag
sciences department.
The new facilities at Conrad
Weiser High School, located
next to the old school, include a
new greenhouse, small animal
Meiser Family Has Learned How
To Take Timber To The Bank
Lancaster Farming Stqff
ata Co.) Producers are realiz
ing that their old woodlot may
be not only a simple forested
corner of the farm but an addi
tional source of income.
The Meiser family of McAllis
terville, with their combination
of experience in the timber in
dustry and new ideas, have
taken on the challenge of con
necting producers and lumber
The business began in No
vember 1999 with an offhand
Robert More, Montgomery, placed first in the five-acre
corn contest in Pennsylvania. This year’s corn crop is also
entered in the contest. Read more about his winning strat
egies in the section, Corn Talk, in this issue of Lancaster
Farming. Photo by Carolyn N. Moyer, Tioga Co. correspondent
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Five Sections
facilities, and new laboratories
and work areas. The renovations
were completed in early 2000.
Included is a 40- by 60-foot
greenhouse (twice the size of the
old one); a library (measuring 20
by 30 feet with full Internet
access); lab areas, including sci
ence, veterinary, microbiology,
and a filtered plant growth
room; soil preparation room;
and an animal laboratory.
The animal lab will be espe
cially emphasized, noted Miller.
“We want to ensure our stu
dents are not divorced from the
reality of turning animals into
food,” he said.
The Conrad Weiser FFA
boasts 115 members, said Miller.
The members are screened care
fully. Miller emphasizes corn-
conversation. Nathan, a market
ing major at Penn State, had
stayed after class to talk with a
suggested he
,jump 0)0 the Internet
' bandwagon.
“I didn’t think I had the tech
nical skills,” said Nathan, but
the idea took root. Nathan even
tually worked out a way to uti
lize the Internet by connecting
buyers and sellers of timber. He
pitched the idea in his father to
see if Terry thought the business
would work.
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 14, 2000
munications and public
speaking for the club, which
may account for the organiza
tion’s history of success at the
In addition, Conrad Weiser
In the “hotbox” ... teaching laboratory assistants are in charge of specified areas of
Conrad Weiser’s new agriculture sciences wing. Back row, from left, Jessica Eshbach,
senior; Gretchen Miller, senior; Elliot Heffner, junior; Andrew Hoffmaster, senior; Matt
Snook, senior, and teacher and chair of the ag sciences department, Steve Miller. Front
row, from left: Amy Moyer, senior; Lauren Troutman, senior, Elizabeth Detwiler, senior;
David Roth, junior; and Evan Sola, senior. Photo by Michelle Ranch
Kickin ’ Up Some Sawdust At KILE
More than 2,000 Harrisburg-area elementary students learned about agriculture at
the recent Farm City Day celebrations at the Farm Show Complex during the Keystone
International Livestock Exposition (KILE). The event featured tours through the barns
and hands-on participation with 50 interactive displays sponsored by agriculture organ
izations. Here students hone their tractor-driving skills. Read more about how hundreds
of students kicked up the dust at the celebrations on page A3O. Extensive coverage of
KILE is included this issue. Photo by Michelle Ranch
$32.00 Per Year
has a new teaching laboratory
assistant (TLA) position avail
able for seniors who work at the
university level, Miller noted.
“The whole idea is to mimic
college programs with graduate
600 Per Copy
assistants,” said Miller. “They
apply for the positions and are
screened by experienced stu
dents. I can’t believe how well
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