(Continued from Pago A 26) rowamlth. 3. Thoma» and Amanda Ar rowamtth. Produce of dam: 1. Thomas and Amanda Exhibitor* herd: 1. Ken, Mike and Paul Arrowsmith. 2. Kevin Williams. 3. Clifford Stiles. 2. John Stile* Family. 3. Russ Sub- Stiles. ject and Scott Kouse. Dam and daughter 1. Ken, Mike and Paul Stiles. 2. Thomas and Amanda Ar- National Guernsey Show Open Show senior cham pion, reserve senior champion, grand champion, reserve grand champion Melanie Brockway, PA Guernsey Queen; Mindy Wolfe, PA dairy princess; Aaron Gable, owner of champion. New Enterprise, PA; Don Holcom, owner of re serve champion, Greene, NY; Katie Dixon, National Guern sey queen; Lee Kohler, Judge; Jered Haase, association judge, I *lJ ' * < All-American Dairy Show Results State or provincial herd: 1. MD Jersey Cattle Club. 2. Ohio Jersey Cattle Club. 3. _ . u . Porter. 3. Tori Jo Fuller. Virginia State Herd. Intermediate calf: 1. Aaron Horst. 2. Premier breeder Spring Valley and Jesse Kline 3. Erica Uoyd. Pleasant Valley. „ „ ri Senior heifer calf: 1. Scott Walton. 2. Pwmier exhibitor Spnng Valley and Jesse K, ine . 3 . Aaron Horst . Pleasant Vaney. . UTl _ Summer yearling heifer 1. Katie Gedney. 2. Tori Jo Fuller. 3. Crystal Rassau. Spring yearling heifer 1. Tori Jo Fuller. 2. JERSEY show . Scott Walton. 3. Nicole Welk. Junior heifer calf; 1. Jesse Kline. 2. David year)ing hejfer; 1 Scott Wa | ton 2 . 2000 Mid-Atlantic Regional Jersey Open Show grand champion, from left to right, James Bringe, Westfalia- Surge, Inc. Rep; Jeremy Elsass, owner, Wapakonda, OH; Heide Miller and Emily Cloninger, PA alternate dairy princesses. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 7, 2000-A27 Sally Oakes. Fall yearling heifer. 1. Chriselle Fisher. 2. Barbara Richardson. 3. Mollie Vanlieu. Junior champion female: Scott Walton. Reserve junior champion female: Jesse Kline. Three years and over. 1. Ashley and Kns ton Fisher. 2. Andrew Dice. 3. Amy Kaucher. Senior yearling heifer in milk: 1. Robert Graft Jr. 2. Angela ColpeUer. 3. Chanty Fisher. Junior 2-year-old: 1. Ton Jo Fuller. 2. Jacob Chyle. 3. Jimmie Ann Chyle. Senior 2-year-old: 1. Tori Jo Fuller. 2. Erica L Uoyd. 3. Andrew Dice. Junior 3-year-old: 1. Kathryn Banckman. 2. David Chess. 3. Stephanie Carson. Senior 3-year-old: 1. Jason Chyle. 2. Logan Horst. 3. Crystal Rassau. 4- 1. Heather Morrell. 2. Angela Colpetzer. 3. Sarah Smoyer. 5- 1. Aaron Horst. 2. Emily Fawley. 3. Sally Oakes. Six years and over 1. Trisha Mcllwam. Senior champion female; Aaron Horst. Reserve senior champion female. Heather Morrell. Grand champion female: Aaron Horst. Reserve champion female: Heather Mor rell. Best female bred and owned by exhibi tor Jason Chyle. Youth state herd; PA Youth Herd. 2000 EASTERN NATIONAL BROWN SWISS SHOW Junior bull calf; 1. Holly Hemnchs. 2. Jimmy and Gmny Franks. 3. Keith Dirkson. Senior bull calf: 1. J.D. Baumann. 2. Fairhill Farm. 3. Jason Kennedy. Junior yearling bull: Dennis Carahan. 2. Lewis and Truda Tanner. Senior yearling bull: 1. Edward Seller. 2. Dale Dirkson. Champion bull; Edward Beiler. Reserve champion bull: J.O. Baumann. Spring heifer calf: 1. Joseph Hushon. 2. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 3. Jennifer Keilholtz. Winter heifer calf: 1. Jerry Harkness. 2. Jacob Hushon. 3. Jami Leigh Savage. Fall heifer calf: 1. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 2. Roy Mitchell. 3. John and Laura Perdue. Summer yearling heifer 1. Jerry Harkness. 2. Richard Martin 3. Alisa Fava-Fasnacht and D. Fava. Spring yearling heifer 1. Hannah Thompson. 2. Lindsey Ament. 3. Sandra McCrumb. Winter yearling heifer; 1. Samantha Foster. 2. Morgan Franks. 3. Ben Clomnger. Fall yearling heifer 1. Jami Leigh Savage. 2. Jami Leigh Savage. 3. Morrell Farms and F. Strouse. Junior champion female: Joseph A. Hushon. Reserve junior champion female: Jami Leigh Savage. Best junior female bred and owned by exhibitor: Jamie Leigh Savage. Junior best three females: 1. Jami Leigh Savage. 2. Bob, Joyce and Steve Wagner. 3. Jimmy and Gmny Franks. Dry cow, three years and over 1. Jeremy Daubert. 2. Jason Kennedy. 3. Robert and Joyce Warner. Pennsylvania Brown Swiss 2-year-old futunty: 1. Lisa Jones. 2. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 3. Joyce Wagner. Junior 2-year-old; 1. Danielle Bishop. 2. Lisa Jones. 3. Robert and Joyce Wagner. Junior 2-year-old: 1. Danielle Bishop. 2. Lisa Jones. 3. Robert and Joyce Wagner. Senior 2-year-old: 1. Dylan Fry. 2. Brian Neely. 3. Robert and Joyce Wagner. Senior 2-year-old, best udder; 1. Dylan Fry. 2. Brian Neely. 3. Robert and Joyce Wagner. Junior 3-year-old; 1. James and Sharon Keilholtz. 2. Bruce Heilinger. 3. John L. Kennedy. Junior 3-year-old, best udder; 1. James and Sharon Keilholtz 2. Bruce Heilinger. 3. John Kennedy. Senior 3-year-old: 1. Jami Leigh Savage. 2. Edwin Fry. 3. Donald Harwood and C. Walton. Senior 3-year-old, best udder 1. Edwin Fry. 2. Donald Har wood. 3. Jam! Leigh Savage. 4-years-old: 1. Bruce Heilinger. 2. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 3. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 4- best udder. 1. Bruce Heilinger. 2. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 3. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 5- 1. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 2. Morgan Franks 3. Joshua Qeiwitz. 5-years-old, best udder: 1. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 2. Morgan Franks. 3. Joshua Qeiwitz. Six years and over 1. D. Martin, D. Beatty, M. Campbell. 2. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 3. Christopher Birch. Six years and over, best udder 1. D. Martin, D. Beatty, M Campbell. 2. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 3. Christopher Birch. 100,000-pounds: 1. Joshua Hudhon. 2. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 3. Bruce Heilinger. Senior champion female: D. Martin, D. Beatty, M. Campbell. Reserve senior champion female: Robert and Joyce Wagner. Grand champion female: D. Martin, D. Beatty, M. Campbell. Reserve grand champion female; Robert and Joyce Wagner Best senior female bred and owned by exhibitor; Robert and Joyce Wagner. Total performance winner 1. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 2. Joshua Hudhon. 3. Robert and Joyce Wagner. Total performance winner 1. Robert and Joyce Wagner. Best three females: 1. Bob, Joyce and Steve Wagner. 2. Bruce Heilinger. 3. Lonm A. Wickard. Dairy herd; 1. Bob, Joyce and Steve Wagner. 2. Bruce Heil inger. 3. Jimmy and Gmny Franks. Produce of dam; 1. Bruce Heilinger. 2. Richard Martin. 3. Jami Leigh Savage. Dam and daughter 1. Bob, Joyce and Steve Wagner. 2. Bob, Joyce and Steve Wagner. 3. Usa Jones. Exhibitor's herd: 1. Bob, Joyce and Steve Wagner. 2. Bruce Heilinger. 3. Jimmy and Gmny Franks. State or provincial herd: 1. PA State BS Association 2. Mary land State BS Association. 3. New York BS Association. Premier breeder 1. Robert and Joyce Wagner. Premier exhibitor 1. Robert and Joyce Wagner. 2000 EASTERN NATIONAL JUNIOR BROWN SWISS SHOW Spnng heifer calf: 1. Joseph Hushon. 2. Devon Beegle. 3. Holly Miller. Winter heifer calf: 1. Jacob Hushon. 2. Lauren Carnahan. 3. Suzanne Perdue. Fall heifer calf: 1. Dylan Fry. 2. Jacob Pieper. 3. Sarah Wlck ard. Summer yearling heifer: 1. Samantha Foster. 2. Sarah Moyer. Spnng yearling heifer 1. Lindsey Ament. 2. Hamson Miller. 3. Lisa Jones. Winter yearling heifer 1. Samantha Foster. 2. Morgan Franks. 3. Ben Clomnger. Fall yeariing heifer 1. David Sattazahn. 2. Catf erme Perdue. 3. Mike Über. Junior champion; Joseph Hushon. (Turn to Pag* A29> .