A6-Lancaster Faming, Saturday, Saptambar 9, Daily National Grain Market Summary St. Joseph, MO Sept. 6,2000 Report Supplied By USDA Sharply lower grain and soybean bids today. Wheat 3 to 5 cents lower except Minneapolis was 18 cents lower. Corn 1 to 7 cents lower. Sorghum 7 to 8 cents lower. Soybeans 16 to 23 cents lower. In a reaction to recent substantial upturns grain and soybean bids turn sharply lower today. Soybeans showed the most decline but this commodity also posted the most advances. USDA crop rating were not quite as bad as many had pre dicted. However dry weather persist over a large segment of the country, espe cially soybean producing areas. Drought conditions delaying wheat seeding but still not late enough in the season to be critical. The corn crop was pretty much made before the drought became serious. Hot temperatures and drying weather has corn harvest off to a early start and combines running up into the central Cornbelt. Soybeans continue to turn from green, to yellow, to brown and many of the pods at the top of the stalk not fill out. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIV ERY DATE Nothing new to report. DATE CHANGE YEAR AGO TRUCK BIDS: 0960 0950 098%9 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 2.74 Dn 5 2.60-2.61 Minneapolis (DNS 14pct) 3.08 'A Dn 18 'A 3.44 'A Portland (SWW) 2 75-2.80 Dn 4-1 3.17-3.22 St. Louis (SRW) 2.12-2.13 Dn 3 2.40-2.41 Corn, US 2 Yellow; Kansas City 1.60- 1.62 Dn 4 1.79-1.81 Minneapolis 1.47 'A Dn 2 'A 1.78 So. lowa 1.57-1.62 Unch-Dn 1 1.84-1.89 Omaha 1.50-1.53 Dn 7-4 169-1.70 Soybeans, US 1 Yellow; Kansas City 4.80-4.81 Dn 23-22 4.91- 4.92 Minneapolis 4 57 'A Dn 16 'A 4.76 'A So. lowa 4.68-4.75 Dn 18 4.81-4.91 Cent II Processors 4.80 'A- 4.89 '/< Dn 16 Vi-18 'A 5.03 'A Minneapolis truck wheat - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (Dec) Wheat 3.04 Vt Dn 5 'A 3.05 Vt Minneapolis (Dec) Wheat 3.13 'A Dn 3