Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 19, 2000, Image 55

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The Boer crossbred goat shown by Paul Shealer
placed first in market goat competition.
The champion and reserve hogs were shown by the
Shealer siblings, Brians and Paul, respectively.
Cumberland Horse,
Pony 4-H
On Aug. 1, the Cumberland
County Light Horse and Pony
Club’s two horse judging teams
traveled to Penn State to attend
Penn State 4-H Achievement
This three-day event had sev
eral categories for club members
to compete in both individually
and as a team.
One junior team and one sen
ior team from Cumberland
County competed in the state
horse judging contest. Teams
throughout Pennsylvania came
together for this one-day contest.
The junior team consisted of
Kristin Egolf, Jessica Heine
mann, and Michelle Thomas.
Seniors were Heidi Evelhoch,
Trevor Long, Carrie McLaugh
lin, and Mary Strasbaugh.
Judging took place on Aug. 2
at 8:30 a.m. Each individual
team member needed to judge six
classes of horses. Four of the
classes were halter with two per
formance classes.
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The halter classes were aged
Quarter-horse geldings, aged
hunter-type geldings, aged Quar
ter-horse mares, and yearling
Haflinger fillies. Individuals were
judging these classes on the con
formation of the horse.
The performance classes were
western pleasure and hunter
under saddle. Each class had
four horses and contestants
placed the horses according to
their conformation and perform
ance. The junior teams also were
required to give a verbal set of
reasons in placing the aged hunt
er-type geldings. Senior teams
were also required to give verbal
reasons for this same class along
with aged Quarterhorse mares.
The morning of Aug. 3, teams
attended the awards ceremonies.
Individual and team pladngs
were announced at this time.
Thanks to the efforts of Cumber
land County’s horse judging
coach and 4-H leader, Barb Re
bert, the junior and senior teams
placed second in the state.
Junior showman 1 Benjamin Shoener
2 Scarlett Hester 3 Jessica Pacenta
Intermediate showman 1 Jamie Hoff
Intermediate fitter 1 Jamie Hoffman
Market goats 1 Scarlett Hester 1
Emily Schaeffer 1 Isaac Schaeffer 1
Paul Shealer 1 Paul Shealer 2 Kelly
Kramer 2 Paula Lengle 2 Jessica Pace
nla 2 Emily Schaeffer 2 Naomi Schaef
fer 3 Scarlett Hester 3 Elijayh Boeder
3 Isaac Schaeffer 3 Naomi Schaeffer
California senior 1 Scarlett Hester 1
Scarlett Hester 2 Scarlett Hester
New Zealand senior 1 Benjamin Shoe
Market rabbits 1 Zak Hester 2 Benja
min Shoener 3 Scarlett Hester
Alpine doe 1-2 years not in milk 1
Emily Schaeffer 2 Emily Schaeffer 3
Jessica Smith
Alpine doe 5 years and over 1 Naomi
Schaeffer 2 Emily Schaeffer 3 Naomi
Alpine best udder 1 Emily Schaeffer
2 Paula Lengle 3 Naomi Schaeffer
Lamancha doe 5 months-1 year 1
Jessica Smith
Lamancha doe 2-3 years 1 Isaac
Lamancha doe 3-5 years 1 Isaac
Lamancha best udder 1 Isaac Schaef
Nubian doe under 5 months 1 Bnana
Shealer 2 Bnana Shealer 3 Bnana
Nubian best udder 1 Bnana Shealer
Saanen doe 3-5 years 1 Naomi
Saanen best udder 1 Naomi Schaef
Grades doe under 5 months 1 Rachel
Erie County 4-H
Livestock Sale Sept. 7
Interested in filling your
freezer with high quality beef,
lamb, or pork? Then come on out
to the annual Erie County 4-H
Livestock Sale at the Waterford
Fair Thursday, Sept. 7.
The sale will start promptly at
6 p.m. with the sale of the grand
and reserve champion market
lambs, followed by the sale of the
balance of the market iambs.
The grand and reserve cham
pion market hogs will be sold
next, followed by the sale of the
balance of the market hogs. The
sale will close with the sale of the
grand and reserve market steers,
followed by the sale of the bal
ance of the market steers.
According to Sarah Diehl,
Corry, 4-H livestock subcommit
tee chairman, all buyers at the
sale will receive excellent quality
meat and will be encouraging
area youth in a worthwhile edu
cational experience. The sale cul
minates the long project year for
the approximately 60 4-H and
FFA members who participate.
Many of these young people
selected their feeder calves nearly
a year ago, and now these steers
are ready for market, having
been grain-fed throughout the
past 10 months. Lambs and hogs
were selected in the spring, and
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 19, 2000-815
Paul Shealer shows the champion steer and Naon
Schaeffer, the reserve.
Peggy Her has a green thumb when it comes to rais
ing prize winning plants. With her are Bobbi Lea Kram
mer, left, with daughter Hannah Lea.
Snyder Schaeffer 2 Naomi Schaeffer
Grades 5 months-1 year Jeremiah Hampshire pair ewe lambs 1 Naomi
Roeder 2 Emily Schaeffer Schaeffer
Grades doe 1-2 years not in milk 1 Suffolk yearling ewe 1 Kon Morgan
Crystal Smith 2 Emily Schaeffer 3 Emily Market lambs 1 Joshua Eifert 1 Kon
Schaeffer Morgan 2 Bnana Shealer 2 Joshua Ei
Grades 2-3 years 1 Naomi Schaeffer fert
2 Crystal Smith 3 Bnana Shealer
BREEDING SHEEP Market swine 1 Scott Fellows 1
Cornedale spring ewe lamb 1 Jessica Bnana Shealer 1 Paul Shealer 1 Paul
Smith Shealer 1 Jessica Smith 2 Matt Hepler
Dorset yearling ewe 1 Kon Morgan 2 Keith Kramer 2 Shannon Morgan 2
Hampshire yearling ewe lamb 1 Naomi Bnana Shealer
they’ve also been carefully raised
for market in the past several
In all, approximately 25 steers,
25 market lambs, and 55 market
hogs will be offered for sale Sept.
7. All hogs offered for sale will be
judged at the Waterford Fair on
Monday afternoon, Sept. 4.
Lambs will be judged on Tuesday
evening, Sept. 5, and the steers
will be judged on Wednesday
evening. Sept. 6.
Auctioneers for the sale will
include Raleigh Chesley, Chesley
Auctioneers, North East; Doug
Chesley, Chesley Auctioneering,
North East; Sherm Allen, C.
Sherman Allen Auctioneer and
Associates, Conneaut lake; Jeff
Bennett, Union City Livestock
Auction, Union City; and Gary
Shidemantle, Gary’s Sales Serv
ice, Edinboro. These auctioneers
will sell all of the livestock to the
highest bidder.
This year’s auction will also
feature the sale of a charity hog.
The hog, donated by 4-H volun
teer leaders Dayna and Jesse
Fiske, Waterford, is being raised
by members of the Waterford
Livestock Wranglers 4-H Club.
The sale of this hog will benefit
the Waterford Food Pantry. The
charity hog will be sold at the
end of the hog sale order at ap
proximately 8 p.m. on Sept. 7 by
the “Breakfast Flakes” from
Froggy 94.7. The buyer will be
taking home high quality meat as
well as supporting the designated
charity. In addition, the buyer
will receive a commemorative
The auction will also feature
the sale of both a market lamb
and a steer to benefit the Erie
County 4-H/Youth Development
Program Scholarship Fund. The
market lamb, being raised by
Morgan Komarow, Belle Valley,
of the True Grit 4-H Club, Watt
sburg, was donated to 4-H by
Walter and Denise Clark of Son
shine Acres in Meadville. This
scholarship fund benefit lamb
will be sold at the end of the
lamb sale order at approximately
7 p.m.
Joe Reiser, Cranesville, is rais
ing the steer that will be sold at
the end of the sale to benefit the
scholarship fund. The feeder calf
was donated to the program by
Gerald and Darlene Wise and
Paul Wise, all of Wise Acres
Farm, Springfield. Reiser is a
member of the New Millennium
4-H Club.
Contact the Erie County Co
operative Extension Office at
(814) 825-0900 for more informa