Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 19, 2000, Image 50
Kids Progress Seekers LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff Things for kids to see and do at Ag Progress included the sci ence of agriculture coming to life. Out of the ordinary exhibits included a Bugmobile, a roving, talkig car painted like a bug to teach kids about insects and pests. For petting and admiring were native American species and farm animals. Take a look at these kids and some of the things they got to do at Ag Prog ress held Tuesday through Thursday. “Check this guy out. He’s yucky,“ says 4-year-old Aaron Gaylin about the bug he’s examining with a micro scope. Smooching with a minia ture horse is Inga Geten, 14, of Cogan Station. Korner While her husband Aaron checks out “all the seed people,” Virgina Zim merman and children, Heather, 5, Conrad, 2, and Monica, 3, explore the grounds of Ag Progress. Nathanial Peters, 9, favorite activity is “riding this Ford tractor” while his dad works at a booth. Choosing healhy snack foods can be fun when it’s a game.