Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 19, 2000, Image 1

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V 01.45 No. 42
Good Weather, Crops Give Optimism To Ag Progress Days
From the most modern to the uniquely antiquated, farm machinery worked in a show
case setting at Ag Progress Days this week. Sponsored by Penn State University’s Col
lege of Agricultural Sciences, the educational and research aspects of the event were
obvious, in the upper photo nine different makes and models of mowing equipment
were demonstrated in the fields with opportunity to compare their work. This is one of
the most attractive reasons farmers give for attending. But nostalgia was also allowed
to have its demonstration. In the lower photo, the Dr. Robert Cowan family demon
strates the O.K Panama Hay Press that was manufactured in 1905 to 1906. Dr. Cowan
donated the machine to the Paste Agricultural Museum where it was completely re
stored. This is the only known machine of its kind that is not missing any parts. A fun
time was had by both operators and spectators. Photos byEvonttNowswangmr, editor
Ag Progress: Leant, Discover, Explore
Lancaster Farming Stqff
Since 1850, Penn State’s Col
lege of Agricultural Sciences has
utilized an array of field days to
educate producers about latest
practices and research results.
Ag Progress Days has grown
from the original “Grassland
Field Days” to feature a broad
scope of events and exhibits.
From horse breed clinics to
farm equipment on the highway
seminars to stream corridor or
water quality tours to field ma
chinery demos to insect-borne
diseases workshops, the three
day event has become a valuable
educational and informational
forum for the agriculture indus
Community Impact
In the College of Ag Sciences
building, the theme “Inventions
and Innovations” continued the
tradition of disseminating infor
mation to the public from the
university. Martin Shields, co-
Four Sections
designer of the model and assist
ant professor of agriculture
economics, along with commu
nity and fconomic development
extension agent Winifred
McGee introduced the “CIM
PSU” program featured at one
of the booths.
According to program infor
mation, business changes affect
other businesses, tax collection,
public services and school dis
tricts. Consequently, because of
the importance of economic
changes to a community. Penn
State developed an economic
model to help answer the “what
if’ questions of economic
The model analyzes economic
factors in a community and
plugs in data to help decision
makers plan land uses, focus
business retention and recruit
ment efforts, avoid mistakes in
crisis situations, and project the
results of changes to a county.
The model has been used for
ten simulations in several Penn
sylvania counties. In Adams
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Augbsr+9r-2660
county, the model preditected
the economic impact of losing
fruit trees to the plum pox virus.
In Indiana County, the model
projected the impact of closing
the coal mines; in Oil City, the
model analyzed the impact of
closing the oil refinery; in Sus
quehanna County, the model
helped to determine how a pro
posed community rail service
would affect community
The Golden Egg
The program with the theme,
“In An Eggshell; Spinning Gar
bage Into Gold” addressed how
to safely dispose of 300,000 tons
of eggshells per year. Eggshells,
unfortunately, have an odor, are
not quickly biodegradable, are
not accepted by many land
fills .. . and are being produced
in immense quantities every day.
According to program infor
mation, to separate the mem
brane and shell, the shells are
run through a meat processing
(Turn to Pago A2B)
- What a difference a year
makes. Last year at Ag Progress
Days, agriculture faced the ef
fects of drought and the end of
the 20th Century. This year ade
quate rainfall has graced the
growing season. In addition, the
feared Y2K bugs never ap
peared and clear, bright weather
last week for the show gave
farmers and agribusiness repre
sentatives an optimistic outlook.
This optimism was clearly ex
pressed in both the Penn State
Alumni luncheon on Tuesday
and in government day activities
on Wednesday.
In his state of the college ad
dress, Dean Robert Steele said
with the dawn of the new millen
nium, the key words are innova
tion and invention.
“The state of Penn State’s
College of Agricultural Sciences
has never been better,” Steele
said. “Alumni from all periods
of the last Century have brought
us to the present. Now the
brightest and best students are
coming into the college. The
Entries Down, Quality
Up At Pa. Hay Show
Lancaster Farming Staff
Though entries are down
from 130 or so last year to about
83 this year, the 2000 Pennsylva
nia Hay Show at Ag Progress
Days provided a look at some
quality hay.
The Lehigh County 4-H Roundup moves from its previ
ous location at the Schnecksville Fairgrounds to the Allen
town Fair. Sale date is Sept. 2 at 3 p.m. under the
Livestock Tent at the Allentown Fair. Lehigh County 4-H
livestock club members and leaders attended this year’s
Schnecksville Fair in June at the 4-H petting zoo. Front
from left, Donna Rabenold, Todd Bennecoff Jr., Timmy
Billig, John Strawbridge, Adam Rabenold, and Cheryl Ben
necoff. Back from left, Tom Rabenold, Dennis Haas,
Teresa Billig, Todd Bennecoff Sr., and Steven Bruch. See
story page A 22. Photo by Andy Andrews
60$ Per Copy
next generation will take us into
the future.
“Every student who gradu
ated last year could have a job if
he or she wanted it,” Steele said.
“ The problem was not getting a
job. The problem was choosing
which job they wanted to take.”
Steele also complimented the
faculty and staff for their con
tinuing commitment to the stu
dents. New members of the
faculty are bringing additions to
the program.
On Tuesday afternoon, the
Dairy of Distinction Program
held a recognition ceremony and
announced the new class of
2000. Alan Bair, director of the
Penn State Dairy Stakeholders
was the guest speaker. He said
the winners in their farm beauti
fication program were a good re
flection on the whole dairy
industry. Image is very import
ant when dealing with con
sumers. He credited dairy
farmers with not only good look
ing farms but also with personal
integrity that adds to the total
image of dairy farming in Penn
fltirn to Pago A 29)
Despite a wet year that could
cause some damaged hay,
“there is some hay here that is
real good,” said show judge
Lester R. Vough, forage crops
specialist with the Natural Re
source Science Department at
the University of Maryland.
(Turn to Page AST)