Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 12, 2000, Image 9
Virginia Livestock Auctions Richmond, Va. Aug. 9,2000 Report Supplied By USDA Northern Virginia Livestock Auctions Fredericksburg, Front Royal, Mar shall, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Staun ton Union and Winchester for Jul 31 thru Aug 5,2000 Feeder Cattle 1218 head Steersl Med and Lge 1 Small 1 Med and Lge 2 200-300 90.00-130.00 - 107.00 300-400 90.00-121.00 - 111.00 Few 115.00- - - 400-500 90.00-123.00 - 88.00- 91.00 500-600 90.00-113.50 76.00- 80.50 84.00- 90.25 600-700 82.00-100.00 - 78.00- 89.00 700-800 76.00- 86.00 - - 800- 900 75.00-79.00-- Heifers Med and Lge 1 Small 1 Med and Lge 2 200-300 104.00-119.00 - - 300- 400 90.00-117.50 79.00- 85.00 99.00 Few 99.00- - - 400-500 85.00-101.00 - 80.00- 90.25 500-600 82.00- 94.25 • 76.75- 87.00 600-700 75.00- 90.00 - 76.25- 81.25 700-800 75.00- 81.00 - 77.00 800-900 77.50-- Bulls Med & Large 1 Small 1 Med and Lge 2 200-300 120.00-138.00 - - 300-400 108.00- 100.00 100.00-119.00 Few 127.00- - - 400-500 107.00-115.00 81.00 97.00-105.00 Few 85.00-103.00 - - 500-600 90.50-109.00 - 79.00- 96.50 600- 700 78.50- 92.00 - 73.50 700-900 64.50 - _ vCaV" e ?So l Roger and Priscilla Shoemaker Wp Jn , Gary a „ . ?A at^^toA s Shoemaker Tractor Inc, Hillsboro, OH rc/ s W e/f) / ¥^ et " aal ° opes ’ Serving all agriculture with A popular and flexible financing source for all types of equipment, buildings and vehicles. Andrew McLean Elizabeth Anderson I Delmarva Delmarva * 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 I Mike Dixon Mike Fullam Brenda Pfleegor Joe Polite Lisa Sonnen Doug Snee | -a Central PA,West MD Central PA Central PA Northwest PA Northeast PA North NJ Southwest PA,WV . | 814-684-5707 570-966-9202 570-522-0505 724-981-1324 717-866-9217 724-627-5941 * \ r www telmark com ® Ken Darlington Michele Bogucki PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV 610-793-0150 717-244-3665 64.50 Holstein Steer Med and Lge 2 200-300 86.00110047.25- 53.25 Slaughter Cattle 500 head Slaughter Cows 441 head Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 33.00- 44.25 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 31.50- 44.00 Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 27.00- 37.00 Slaughter Bulls 59 head YG 1-2 900- 1300 lbs 46.00- 57.00 YG 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 44.00- 53.25 YG 1-21600 lbs and over 46.00-56.75 Cows Returned to Farms 60 head Large 1, 2nd and 3rd trimester 670.00- 740.00 per head Medium 1, 2nd and 3rd trimester 530.00-640.00 per head Medium 1, 6 yrs old and older 2nd tri mester 450.00-510.00 per head Large 1, 3-6 yrs old 7 months bred 500.00-540.00 per head. Cows with Calves at Side 106 pairs Medium and Large 1, 3-6 yrs old with calves 150-300 lbs 700.00-860.00 per pair. Medium and Large 1,5-8 yrs old 1000- 1300 lbs with Calves 200-450 lbs 600.00- 970.00 per pair Large 1, with calves 2QO - lbs 820.00-5170.00 per pair Medium 1, with calves 200-400 lbs 725.00-800.00 per pair Medium and Large 1, 6 yrs old and older with calves 100-200 lbs 540.00- 690.00 per pair Baby Calves Returned to Farms 97 head Newborn to 4 weeks lease financing.; • Fixed payments: Interest rates rise but fixed lease payments remain the same. • 100% tax deductibility: Lease payments are treated as an operating expense. • Low upfront costs: As little as one or two monthly payments at the beginning. • Customized payments: Lease payment schedules match your cash flow. Sue Beshore PA.NJ MD.VA.WV 717-932-1715 800-451-3322 20.00- per head Over 100 lbs 50.00- 114.00 per cwt Lambs 203 head Slaughter Lambs 65 head New Crop Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 103-108 lbs 81.00- 88.25 Good and Few Choice 1-2 92 lbs 78.00- 83.00 Good and Few Choice 1-2 90 lbs 94.50 Feeder Lambs 97 head Medium and Large 1-2 70-85 lbs 88.00- 95.50 60-70 lbs 90.00- 96.00 50-60 lbs 85.00- 97.00 Few 68.00 Slaughter Ewes and Rams 41 head Ewes Choice 2-4 27.00 Utility and Good 1-3 23.50- 30.50 Cull and Low Utility 1-2 17.00- Goats 65 head (sold by the head) Bil lies Large 65.00- 97.50 Medium 47.50- 58.00 Small 27.00- 38.00 Nannies Large 62.50- 77.00 Medium 45.00- 53.00 Small 22.00- 24.00 Kids 12.00-18.00 Slaughter Hogs 21 head Barrows and Gilts US 1-3 200-250 lbs 38.50- 40.00 Boars 300-600 lbs 12.50-14.00. Friend’s Stockyard, Inc. Accident, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, Aug. 7,2000 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS 200- SOO LBS. 50.00-119.00. STOCK HEIFERS 200-500 LBS 36.00-104.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS GOOD TO CHOICE, NO TEST, MEDIUM TO GOOD 52.00-64.50, HEAVY CHOICE OVER 1450 LBS. 61.00-64.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS HEAVY CHOICE 56.00-62.00, LIGHT 45.00- 55.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS GOOD TO CHOICE 67.00-70.00, MEDIUM TO GOOD 45.00-64.50. BULLS HEAVY 45.00-55.00, LIGHT 40.00-55.50. COWS UTILITY (HOLSTEINS) 40.50-46.75, COMMERCIAL TO GOOD 30.00-38.50, CULL COWS 30.00 AND DOWN. VEALS GOOD TO CHOICE 50.00- 75.00, MED. TO GOOD 50.00-67.00. 808 CALVES 40.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. UP TO 140.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. UP TO 345.00; BEEF CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 150.00. HOGS, TOP QUALITY, UP TO 47.00. SOWS UP TO 32.00. LAMBS, CHOICE, UP TO 84.00. LIVESTOCK PRICES ARE ALL GIVEN PER HUNDRED WEIGHTS. Frederick Livestock Frederick, Maryland Report Supplied by Auction Monday, Aug. 7,2000 SLAUGHTER COWS: 103 HEAD, 1.00 HIGHER. UTILITY 39.00-43.00, HIGH DRESSING LIMOUSIN TO 45.25, CANNERS 36.00-39.75, SHELLY 36.00 DOWN. BULLS: NONE. FED STEERS: LOW CHOICE HOL STEINS 1400-1600 LBS. 54.75-57.50. FED HEIFERS: LOW CHOICE HOLSTEINS 1505 LBS. AT 52.50. VEAL CALVES: 158 HEAD. CHOICE 150-300 LBS. 86.00-98.00, GOOD 75.00-85.00, GOOD 90-125 LBS. 47.00-65.00, CULLS 70-90 LBS. 20.00- 30.00. FARM CALVES: HEAVYWEIGHTS 5.00 HIGHER. HOLSTEIN BULLS LIGHTWEIGHTS 30.00-50.00 HIGHER. #1 90-120 LBS. 97.00-120.00, 125-140 LBS. 92.00-107.00, 80-90 LBS. 75.00- #2 90-120 LBS. 60.00- 95.00, 75-95 LBS. 35.00-65.00; HOL STEIN HEIFERS #1 80-110 LBS. 292.00- #2 100-120 LBS. 170.00- 275.00, 80-100 LBS. 200.00-280.00; JERSEY X 60-80 LBS. 80.00-90.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS #1 SO HO LBS. 130.00-160.00, #2 70-100 LBS. 97.00- BUTCHER HOGS; 8 HEAD. #1 AND MESSICK'S 7481 Lincoln Hwy. 187 Merts Drive Route 30 Rheems Exit - Route 283 Abbottstown, PA 17301 Elizabethtown, PA 717-259-6617 717-367-1319 888-285-0225 800-222-3373 Fall Extended Hours for Harvest! Elizabethtown Store Only! September 5 through October 27 Monday - Friday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Parts Department Will >ll other departments will be closed HEAD KNIVES, SHEARBAR, AUGERS, SPROCKETS. BLOWER BANDS, SPOUT HARVESTING PARTS Time to pull those choppers out and check them over. Harvesting season will be here before we know it. Messick’s has a large inventory of New Holland harvesting equipment parts to fix it right the first time. Prices have been reduced on cutterhejad knives. Call us! 013 ‘SIIO9dV3HS ‘NIVHO U3TlOd 'S3NOIS ONIN3ddVHS 'S3AINX QV3H We are committed 365 days a year to after hour parts support. Just call our pager at: {Bfcl\EW HOLLAND %#Credit Company Mules it eciss In nun the best Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 12, 2000-A9 3 240-265 LBS. 43.00-44.00; i 280 LB. AT 40.00. STOCK CATTLE: FEW OFFERED. GOATS: 16 HEAD. LARGE NAN NIES 50.00-65.00. SLAUGHTER CATTLE: COWS, BREAKERS 40.00-44.50, BONERS 37.00- LEAN 33.00-40.50, COUPLE LOW DRESSING LIGHTS DOWN TO 28.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 300- 600 LBS. 83.00-90.00, HEIFERS 200- 300 LBS. 96.00-102.00, BULLS 300-600 LBS. 83.00-89.00, CALVES RETURN ING TO THE FARM HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 95-130 LBS. 100.00-124.00, HOSLTEIN HEIFERS #1 85-125 LBS. 200.00- BEEF X HEIFERS 125 LBS. 125.00. SWINE: SOWS US#l-3 300-550 LBS. 32.00- FEEDER PIGS BY THE LB. 15-25 LBS. 100.00-120.00, 50-65 LBS. 67.50-75.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, MED. TO LARGE NANNIES AND BILLIES 47.00-100.00, FANCY KIDS 50.00- 61.00, FLESHY KIDS 34.00-49.00, SMALL-THIN KIDS 4.00-32.50. LAMBS: GOOD AND CHOICE 80- 140 LBS. 78.00-84.00. SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 25.00-52.00. SALE EVERY TUBS., 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY AND EGGS; 6:30 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, START ING WITH CALVES. SPECIAL FED CATTLE SALES TUBS., AUG. IS; STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRL, AUG. 25; SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUBS., AUG. 15; PEN LOTS OF CATTLE SOLD IN ORDER RECEIVED: EARLYBIRD PENS CLOSE TUBS., 2 PM. I\EWHOLLAI\D 293-6406 Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, Aug. 8,2000 & & (\EWHOUAAD