Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 12, 2000, Image 260

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    Page 28—Ag Progress Section 2, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 12, 2000
Dairy farmers will have a new,
voluntary tool for marketing
their milk used in non-fluid
USDA has issued final rules
to implement a dairy forward
contracting pilot program for
milk marketed under the Fed
eral milk marketing order pro
gram. The pilot program will be
in effect for milk marketed Aug.
1,2000, through Dec. 31,2004.
Under the new program, han
dlers may enter into forward
contracts with dairy farmers or
cooperative associations to buy
milk that will be used to make
nonfluid products such as
butter, powdered milk, cheese,
ice cream, and yogurt. For milk
covered by forward contracts, a
handler will not be required to
pay dairy farmers the mandated
minimum Federal order price.
Instead, dairy farmers and han
dlers will agree to a price as
specified in a forward contract.
The pilot program is voluntary
and intended to offer an addi
tional marketing tool for dairy
“We hope this new program
will be a positive experience for
dairy farmers,” said Kathleen
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Knowles able, Experienced Staff
Merrigan, AMS administrator,
“but it is important that produc
ers understand this program is
voluntary and that they still
have the provisions of the milk
marketing order program if they
do not choose to forward con
tract. AMS will be monitoring
all aspect of contracting under
this pilot program to ensure that
dairy farmers are not adversely
To help dairy farmers become
familiar with forward contract
ing, USDA has prepared a tip
sheet of guidelines for contract
ing, which must accompany any
contract offered to a producer
by a handler. The contract must
also contain a disclosure state
ment which, when signed by the
producer, acknowledges that the
producer received the USDA tip
sheet. In addition, initial con
tracts may not be written for a
period longer than 12 months.
Both the signed disclosure state
ment and a copy of the contract
must be submitted to the appro
priate milk market administra
tor to be considered eligible for
the pilot program.
Any handler participating in
the pilot program will still be
subject to all other provisions of
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USDA Issues Federal Milk Order
Forward Pricing Pilot Program Rules
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an order and must submit all re
quired reports, including reports
of receipts, milk utilization re
ports, and monthly payroll re
ports that show how much milk
was received, how it was used,
and the prices paid for that
Handlers participating in the
pilot program will also have to
keep, and make available to
market administrators, such
records that verify and establish
the handler’s obligations under
the order. Handlers will be re
quired to submit a copy of each
forward contract, together with
the disclosure statement signed
by a producer or cooperative as
sociation, to the market admin
Frequently asked questions
and answers, and a fact sheet ex
plaining the program are avail
able on the AMS web site at
dairyand are also available from
market administrator offices.
The final rules will be published
in the July 18 Federal Register.
USDA Milk Market
Administrator Offices
• Northeast: Erik F. Rasmus
sen USDA/AMS/Dairy Pro
Lay-By Spray-Hood
Achieve Accurate Directed Spray
Applications in Roundup* Ready Crop
grams P.O. Box 1478 (FT Point
Station) Boston, Mass. 02205-
1478 Tel. (617) 542-8966, e-mail:
• Appalachian: Arnold M.
Stallings USDA/AMS/Dairy
Programs P.O. Box 18030,
Louisville, Ky. 40261-0030 Tel.
(502) 499-0040 e-mail: Amold
• Florida and Southeast: Sue
L. Mosley USDA/AMS/Dairy
Programs P.O. Box 1208, Nor
cross, Ga. 30091-1208 Tel. (770)
448-1194, e-mail:
• Upper Midwest: H. Paul
Kyburz USDA/AMS/Dairy Pro
grams Suite 210, 4570 West
77th Street Minneapolis, Minn.
55435-5037 Tel (612) 831-5292
e-mail: PauI.Kyburz@USDA
• Central: Donald R. Nichol
son, Ph.D. USDA AMS/Dairy
Model 1500 Nurse Trailer
Ag Progress
Aug. 15,16,17
6,OO» pTS
p l?Seb 2o °c
gSie^* 8 ,
Programs P.O. Box 701440,
Tulsa, Okla. 74170-1440 Tel
(918)742-0415 e-mail; Donald
• Mideast: Marvin A. Baumer
USDA/AMS/Dairy Programs
P.O. Box 30128, Cleveland, Ohio
44130-0128 Tel. (440) 826-3220
e-mail: Marvin.Baumer@US
• Pacific Northwest, Arizona-
Las Vegas, and Western: James
R. Daugherty USDA/AMS
/Dairy Programs Building J,
Suite 102; 1930 - 220th Street,
S. Bothell, Wash. 98021-8471
Tel. (425) 487-6009 e-mail:
James. Daugherty® USD A.
• Southwest: J. Richard
Fleming USDA/AMS/Dairy
Programs P.O. Box 110939, Car
rollton, Texas 75011-0939 Tel.
(972) 245-6060, e-mail: Richard
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