ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Ohio Angus breeders paraded 125 en tries at the 2000 Ohio Angus Preview Show, June 17 in Tiffin, Ohio. Bret Barber, East Lansing, Mich., evaluated the 125 entries. Champion Hill Apache led the bull competition, after first winning the junior division. Champion Hill, Bidwell, Ohio, owns the February 1999 son of N Bar Emulation EXT. Jenna Gilbert, Greenville, Ohio, showed the reserve grand champion bull. Crystal Creek ah HAMMER MILLS for Grinding High Moisture & Dry Grains er Grinds Finer than Roller Mills. WE CUSTOM MANUFACTURE Painted, Galvanized and Stainless Steel Fabrication, Feed Bins, Feeders, Hoppers, Covers, Dump Pits, Augers, and Control Systems to Automate Your Operation. Barber Names Winners At 2000 Ohio Angus Preview Turning Point is a March 1998 son of Leachman Saugahatchee 3000 C and first topped the senior division. Champion Hill Peg 1580 claimed the grand champion female title. Champion Hill, Bidwell, Ohio, and John Nicolai Jr., Barboursville, Va., own the April 1999 daughter of Leach man Saugahatcee 3000 C. She first won junior champion. Ashley Bauer, Urbana, Ohio, showed the reserve grand cham pion female, Car Don Miss Ev- automatic farm systems 608 E. Evergreen Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: 717-274-5333 e-maii: ergreen 8463. The February 1999 daughter of SVF Gdar 216 LTD first won reserve junior champion female. A complete list of winners fol lows: 2000 OHIO ANGUS PREVIEW SHOW RESULTS Heifer Calf Champion: Champion Hill and Kahn Cattle Company LLC Reserve Heifer Calf Champion: Cham pion Hill and Fox Cross Farms. Intermediate Champion Heifer: Cham pion Hill. Reserve Intermediate Champion Heifer CUSTOM MADE AUGERS Galvanized • Carbon « Stainless U-TROUGHS AUGER INSTALLATIONS ✓ In feedlots ✓ Commerc!af 6mS Standard Auger Specifications applications ✓ At feedmills or elevators ✓ Around poultry & dairy barns ✓ At your gram bins Tube Gauge Flight Thickness Bu/Hr or bulk tanks ✓ Replacement Augers for feed mixers and farm equipment Call Us For Custom Specifications Ag Progress Section 2, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 12, 2000—Page Heifers nuwCo"^' 00 Hea'/V ° ulv Lar 9» Stock Qfßo , Fl '9hltngi e^men, 3/16" 3/16 3/16” 3000 2000 Champion Hill, Bidwell, Ohio, showed the grand cham pion bull at the 2000 Ohio Angus Preview Show June 17 in Tiffin, Ohio. Champion Hill Apache, a February 1999 son of N Bar Emulation EXT, first topped the junior division. Bret Barber, East Lansing, Mich., evaluated the 125 entries. Holly Irvin Junior Champion Huiter Champion Hill and John Nicolai Jr Reserve Junior Champion Heifer Ashley Bauer Senior Champion Female. John Nicolai Jr. Reserve Senior Champion Female Champion Hill and Dobson Pulpwood Farms. Grand Champion Female. Champion Hill and John Nicolai Jr. Reserve Grand Champion Female Ashley Bauer. Bulls Bull Calf Champion: Champion Hill. Reserve Bull Calf Champion. Kiata Farms Inc. Intermediate Champion Bull; Jenna Gil bert. Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull Champion Hill Peg 1580 claimed grand champion female honors at the 2000 Ohio Angus Preview Show. Champion Hill, Bidwell, Ohio, and John Nicolai Jr., Barboursville, Va., own the April 1999 daughter of Leachman Saugahatchee 3000 C. She earlier won junior champion female. Kiata Farms Inc Junior Champion Bull Champion Hill Reserve Junior Champion Bull James Rentz Senior Champion Bull Jenna Gilbert Reserve Senior Champion Bull Darien*, and Nick Wagner Grand Champion Bull Champion Hill Reserve Grand Champion Bull Jenna Gilbert Cow-Calf Pairs Grand Champion Cow-Calf Champion Hill and Dynasty Farms Reserve Grand Champion Cow-Calf Kisha Goodman Group Classes Get-Of-Sire. Champion Hill and Jenna Gilbert. Junior Get-Of-Sire- Champion Hill. Best Six Head, Champion Hill. 259 ■*
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