Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 12, 2000, Image 227
Page 30—Ag Progress Section 1, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 12, 2000 Machinery Demonstration Map f ** *** MONK m HKHMOmUM MINI HMDUK (TUE) 1! &&**}? puwnw i g g r\ -1. i | H® —■—■ i I **** .. .‘ v >v l n*KBF?fW uuKt • I fpp|g>| "*■!■» f I -.-.... s * IMIW uuki!mlmium/ ' 1 ! I |y <THUR) ‘f I WMO * mupSa / Field Machinery Demonstrations I xploie more than $2O million worth of mn chinei\ and see what it can do Penn State fac ulty will be on hand to answet questions See the map for locations Times and locations of all demonstrations ate subject to change due to weather conditions Mowing Show and Tell with Major Manufac- 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m, turers Grainand Corn Planters, No-Till and Conventional Rakes and Tedders 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m, 2 p.m. High-Moisture Hay Baling Show and Tell with Specialty-Line Equipment Companies Bale Handling 2:30 p.m. 3 p.m. SCHULER "Better Feeders" Models • 1758 F • 2208 F Designed to feed corn silage, haylage and grain rations Patented Feedsaver Design on Schuler "Better Feeders" extends the elevator chain back under the floor I apron This keeps feed loss between the elevator j u\ and floor apron to an absolute minimum Floor I i \ flights arc tipped by chain lifters in order to clean I '■ \ apron flights of material •: 1 '' that may be lost due to / floor apron drag back Elevator chain sweeps across the bottom of the pan, keeping it clean Products 0f... Call For Information & Dealer Nearest To You! 539 Falling Spring Road P.O. Box 219 Chambersburg, PA 17201-0219 888-464-6379 Fax (717) 263-5573 [Ryder supply] WMC* NDOOMI Skid-Steer Rodeo Between Ist St. and Route 45 Get behind the wheel and compete for prizes on a timed hack, after some instruction on safe op eration Wednesday from 12 30-2 30 p m Farm Safety Demonstration Mima End of West Bth St. See safety specialists demonstrate the fire haz ard of using exposed cellular plastic insulation, which is commonly used for all kinds of build ings Building codes require the insulation be covered with a fire barrier, but building codes don't apply to farms and in many rural areas Tuesday and Thursday at 10 30 a m , 12’30 p.m., and 2 30 p m Demonstration Sites Exhibition Area Open Fields Woodland Parklna