Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 12, 2000, Image 220
Jersey Named Supreme Champion a"^«— 25 Of Northeast Region 4-H/FFA Dairy Show (Continued from Pago 20) Baker. Six years and over 1. Willas Dollsader Janice, owned by JordyMcllwam. Frances, owned by Michael Cole. Holstein Spnng Calf: 1. Braund Valley Kool Whip, owned by Bradley Watkins. 2. Vin-Deb Milan Anthmetic, owned by Doug las Neville. 3. Ho-Craf Cousteu Denanne, GUERNSEY Fall Calf: 1. Leroydales Lords Tnsha, Holstein winners are, from left, Philip Bachman, Betsy Hennip, Heidi Alderfer, Alternate Dairy Princess Corissa Coolbaugh, Chris Jackson, Dairy Princess Samantha Bar rett, and judge Richard Keene. Jump on a REAL wagon The diagonal slide system permits close access Reinforced boxes easily handle up to a 30,000 lb load Richardton makes the best high dump wagons... bar none! Series 700 Load Capacity 20,000 lbs. @ 750 cu. ft. • Box Length 12' Dumping Angle 45° • Dumping Clearance 10' 9" • Dump Cycle 1 Min Series 750 Load Capacity 30,000 lbs. @ 1000 cu. ft. • Box Length 15' Dumping Angle 45° * Dumping Clearance 11'* Dump Cycle 1 Min Series 770 Load Capacity 30,000 lbs. @ 1050 cu. ft. • Box Length 15' Dumping Angle 48° • Dumping Clearance 15' • Dump Cycle 1 Min Demand the best... Demand a Richardton Wagon! Available at your REAL Wagon dealer Hitch up a real wagon today at your Richardton dealer Leasing available! BINKLEY & COLUMBIA CROSS ELDER SALES & HURST BROS. ROADS EQUIPMENT CO. SERVICE, INC. Lititz, PA 17543 Columbia Cross Roads, PA 16914 Stoneboro, PA 16153 717-626-4705 570-297-2991 724-376-3740 CLUGSTON AG & TURF. INC. Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-4103 J&M MACHINERY WINELAND SMITH S HETRICK FARM Greensburg, PA EQUIPMENT, INC. IMPLEMENTS. INC. SUPPLY 412-668-2276 Martinsburg, PA 16662 Mercersburg, PA 17236 New Bethlehem, PA 814-793-2109 717-328-2226 814-275-3507 BOX 290*Richardton. n J* Manufacturing Company *fax 701974-3358 ■dß. JkbM A UNITED DOMINION COMPANY E-m,iil*rmcfo ncnnrdton ctctcl com owned by Jordy Mcllwain. Spring Yearling; 1. Maple Lane Larry MARSHALL MACHINERY Honesdale, PA 18431 570-729-7117 owned by Shelby Crawford. Winter Calf: 1. Wellwyn Malachite Kate, owned by Philip Bachman. 2. Du-Mar Progress Omar, owned by Jeremy Alderfer. 3. Du-Mar Grandslam Heidi, owned by Heidi Alderfer. Fall Calf; 1. Braund Valley Shark Eliza, owned by Bradley Watkins. 2. Jenn-Stone IHBM Mint, owned by Mary Mosher. 3. For d-Ridge Design Stacy, owned by Justin Ford. Summer Yearling: 1. PA Gateway Wind sor Daffodil, owned by Betsy Hennip. 2. Du-Mar Legend Tabu, owned by Jeremy Alderfer. 3. Pennvale Jed Clone, owned by Jason Kenyon. Spnng Yearling: 1. Ho-Crawf Counselor Leena, owned by Jamie Crawford. 2. Pennvale Windsor Geneva, owned by Enc Kenyon. 3. Spnng Mountain Charles Jazz, owned by Ben Worthington. Winter Yearling: 1. Ho-Crawf Milan Dia mond, owned by Jodi Crawford 2. Du-Mar Leader Velma, owned by Heidi Alderfer. 3. PA Gateway Endicott Rachel, owned by Betsy Hennip. Fall Yearling; 1. Du-Mar Formation Aquata, owned by Gina Alderfer. 2. Braund Valley Alvin Abby, owned by Andrew Ensign. 3 Calkins Farm Pete Berachah. Dry Cow 2 years and over 1. Du-Mar Broker Larrah, owned by Heidi Alderfer. 2. Du Mar Marko Zedak, owned by Jeremy Less than one minute cycle time Loads go right to the center of the truck box LINCOLN SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT CO. Somerset, PA 15501 814-443-1691 Samantha Barrett and Corissa Coolbaugh present awards to champions In the Red and White show, from left, Barrett, Jason Turton, Coolbaugh, Kristin Carlsen, Sierra Slater, and Jordy Mcllwain. With the Milking Shorthorn champions are, from left, Samantha Barrett, Samuel Cole, Michael Cole, and Corissa Coolbaugh. Alderfer. 3. Gor-Wood-D Skybuck Giggles, owned by Knstina Baker. Junior 2-year-old: 1. Du-MarFred Pansy, owned by Gina Alderfer. 2. Du-Mar Mandel Wendy, owned by Heidi Alderfer. 3. Calkins Farm Counselor Rya, owned by Randy Cal kins. Senior 2-year-old: 1. Braund Valley Peanutbutter, owned by Craig Sheeley. 2. Du-Mar Kemview Fifi, owned by Jeremy Al derfer. 3. Calkins Farm IV Ann Rosetta, owned by Chnsta Calkins. Junior 3-year-old: 1. Du-Mar Chesa peake Eveline, owned by Gma Alderfer, 2. Gen Rich B Heather Red, owned by Re becca Young 3. Calkins Farm Rich Pop, owned by Chnsta Calkins. Senior 3-year-old. 1 Pennvale Encore Brenda, owned by Enc Kenyon. Four-year-old: 1. Du-Mar Astre Evelyn, owned by Gina Alderfer. 2. Pennvale Encore Sheri, owned by Enc Kenyon. Five-year-old: 1. Ridge-Nook Horace Janet, owned by Christopher Jackson. 2 Du-Mar Mark Wayne Flora, owned by Heidi Alderfer. 3. Braund Valley Peanut, owned by Craig Sheeley Six years and over 1 B-F-F Dodger Ellie Echo, owned by Kristina Baker 2. B-F-F Linda Hershey Kisses, owned by Kimberly Baker. JERSEY Spnng Calf; 1. Femlea of Welleyn, owned by Hannah Bachman. 2. Eastmont OJ Doodlebug, owned by Tnsha Mcllwam. 3. Nortnandell Rosecrans Hannah, owned by Marie Norman. Winter Calf: 1. Eastmont Faithanne, owned by Tnsha Mcllwam. 2. Nobledale Vmtz Carmen, owned by Shauna Tavares 3. By-Wynds Jay Justee, owned by Bryan Fitch. Fall Calf; 1. Rog-AI Choice Deanna-P, owned by Aaron Hale. 2. Jer-Sweet Man gold's Mona, owned by Kimberly Barker. 3. Jordy Mcllwain accepts the grand champion Guernsey trophy from Samantha Barrett, while Corissa Coolbaugh presents the reserve grand champion award to Trisha Mcllwain. Topeco Indian Maize, owned by Brad Cole. Summer Yearling: 1. Jer-Sweet Lindsey's Lacie, owned by Daniel Newcomb. 2. By-Wynds Topside Lucky, owned by Bryan Fitch. 3. Wilbe Kim Man golds Mowgli, owned by Kimberly Baker. Spnng Yearling; 1. Eastmont Diana, owned by Tnsha Mcllwam. 2. NEDF All’s Hope, owned by Shauna Tavares. 3. Stans Diamond of Twin Towers, owned by Lnr inda Harkness. Winter Yearling. 1. Cozy Valley Chief Sena, owned by Scott Harkness 2. Breezy Hollow Topside Beth, owned by James Banks 3 EBT R Top Filler Roxy MB, owned by Enk Traver. Fall Yearling: 1. Ky Ken Nealy Sable, owned by Kyle Howland 2 Jer-Sweet Alana Prince Apple, owned by Kimberly Barker 3 Elm Brook MBSB Odessa, owned by Heather Yurkamn Dry Cow 2 years and over 1 Jer-Sweet Pride’s Eve, owned by Daniel Newcomb 2 Elm Brook Sooner Osha, owned by Heather Yurkamn. 3. Rog-AI Barber Deann, owned by Aaron Hale Junior 2-year-old 1 Jer-Sweet Teddy’s Care-Bear, owned by Kimberly Barker 2 Normandell Berretta Whim, owned by Mark Norman 3. Jer-Sweet Independence, owned by Daniel Newcomb. Senior 2-year-old. 1 Jer-Sweet Maple’s Mangold, owned by Kimberly Barker 2. Topeco Hermitage Jellybean, owned by Amanda Cole 3. Combo Gordon Tootsie, owned by Samuel Cole Junior 3-year-old 1 Jer-Sweet Ace Ka tie-Bug, owned by Daniel Newcomb. 2 Windy Acres Alf Kimber, owned by Chns tme Eick. 3 Melody Meadow Brandis D Bunm, owned by Michael Cole Senior 3-year-old: 1. Conssas Esther Echo, owned by Conssa Coolbaugh 2. Breezy Hollow Aerostar Blossom, owned (Turn to Page 24)