Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 12, 2000, Image 217

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    Page 20-Ag Progress Section 1, Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 12, 2000
Bradford Co. Correspondent
TROY (Bradford Co.)
Eastmont Donna Jon, an aged
Jersey owned by Trisha
Mcllwain, was the big winner at
the Northeast Region 4-H/FFA
Dairy Show at the Troy Fair
grounds Monday, July 31.
Mcllwain’s cow was named
the supreme champion after
judges Dean Daubert, McElhat
ten, and Richard Keene, Gil
bertsville, N.Y., perused the 179
entries from seven breeds.
Named the reserve grand
champion Jersey was Daniel
Newcomb’s Jer-Sweet Ace Ka
tie-Bug, a junior 3-year-old. The
junior champion Jersey of the
show was Trisha Mcllwain’s
Eastmont Faithanne, a winter
calf. Daniel Newcomb’s summer
yearling, Jer-Sweet Lindsey’s
Lacie, won reserve junior cham
In the Holstein show, Christo
pher Jackson’s Ridge-Nook
Horace Janet took top honors as
the 5-year-old was named grand
champion. The reserve grand
champion was Du-Mar Broker
Larrah, a dry cow owned by
Heidi Alderfer.
The junior champion Holstein
was PA Gateway Windsor Daf
fodil, a summer yearling owned
by Betsy Hennip. She was fol
lowed by Wellwyn Malachite
Kate, a winter calf owned by
Philip Bachman.
Junior 3-year-old C.M.
Ayrshires Novembers May,
owned by Amberleigh Yurka
nin, was named grand champion
of the Ayrshire show. Named re
serve grand champion was Am
berleigh Yurkanin’s fall
yearling, Ridge View Daria, who
was also the junior champion of
the day. The reserve senior
champion was Marl-Ayr Trident
Peanut, a dry cow owned by
Marlesa Coolbaugh. The reserve
junior champion of the Ayrshire
show was Elm Brook Mays
Summer, also owned by Amber
leigh Yurkanin.
Dublin Hills DP Ivy, a 4-year
old Brown Swiss owned by Ran
dall Shores, won grand
champion honors in that show.
The reserve grand champion
Brown Swiss was CIE How Mis
Even Polly, a 5-year-old owned
by Renee Shores.
The junior champion Brown
Swiss was Tiffany Spencer’s
Elm Brook Jetway Glacier, a
spring yearling. The reserve
junior champion, Towpath Star
Cara, owned by Abbie Kuhl
man, was selected from the
spring calf class.
In the Guernsey show, fall
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Jersey Named Supreme Champion
Of Northeast Region 4-H/FFA Dairy Show
Brown Swiss show winners and presenters are, from
left, Samantha Barrett, Randall Shores, Corissa Cool
baugh, Renee Shores, Tiffany Spencer, and Abbie Kuhl
calf Leroydales Lords Trisha,
owned by Jordy Mcllwain, was
named the junior and grand
champion. Mcllwain also
showed the reserve junior cham
pion, spring yearling Maple
Lane Larry Janice.
Samuel Coles showed cham
pion Milking Shorthorns. The
senior and grand champion
animal was Summit Vista Ad
miral Monica, a dry cow, and
the junior and reserve grand
champion was White’s TC-3, a
fall calf.
In the Red and White show,
Jason Turton’s 4-year-old, Cen-
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terview Congo Shelby-Red, won
grand champion distinction.
The reserve grand champion
honors went to Frith-jof Sun
gold Rose Red, a senior 2-year
old owned by Kristin Carlsen.
The junior champion title
went to Ford Ridge Cine Marti
an-Red, a spring yearling owned
by Sierra Slater. The reserve
junior champion ribbon was
awarded to Our-Way Pom Pom-
Red, a fall calf owned by Jordy
Following is a list of show
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A nms
Eastmont Donna Jon, held by Tricia Mcllwain, second
from left, was named the supreme champion of the North
east Region 4-H/FFA Dairy Show. Shown with her are Dairy
Princess Samantha Barrett, Daniel Newcomb, Corissa
Coolbaugh, Jordy Mcllwain, and Kimberly Barker.
Spring Calf: 1. MauHair Acre Tndent Golf,
owned by Steven Padula.
Summer Yearling: 1. Elmbrook Mays
Summer, owned by Ambeiieigh Yurkanin.
Spring Yearling: 1. Goldview Replica
Ginger, owned by Carl Long Fall Yearling;
1. Ridge View Daria, owned by Amberleigh
Junior 2-year-otd: 1 ■ Burk-Ayr Red Star's
Raspberry, owned by Mariesa Cootbaugh.
Junior 3-year-old: 1. C.M. Ayrshires No
vember's May, owned by Ambeiieigh Yur
Five-year-old: 1. Burk-Ayr Patches
Pansy, owned by Mariesa Coolbaugh.
Spring Calf: 1. Towpath Star Cara,
By Klerk's
7’, B’, 9’, 10’ & 12’ New
Used 9’ Ag Bagger $8,900
• 3 PI. Bale Wrapper
& Table Models
owned by Abbie Kuhlman. 2. Rocky-Slope
RL p Cristin, owned by Kurtis Page. 3. Elm
Brook Jetway Aggie, owned by Jeffrey
Winter Calf; 1. Rocky Slope RL Build
Nicole, owned by Stefanie Smith. 2. Pen
IRE Dom TR Tyzee DLS, owned by Philip
Risser Fall CaH: 1. Rocky-Slope RL-PR
Misty, owned by Stephanie Smith. 2. Hill-
Lea Denice, owned by Ross Thomas. 3.
Victory Acres Mantic Jeane, owned by Mi
chael Cole.
Summer yearling; 1. Rocky-Slpoe RL J.
Jessica CCS, owned by Kurtis Page.
Spring Yearling; 1. Elm Brook Jetway
Glacier, owned by Tiffany Spencer.
Winter Yearling: 1. Victory Acres
Naughty, owned by Abbie Kuhlman.
Four-year-old: 1. Dublin Hills DP Ivy,
owned by Randall Shores.
Five-year-old: 1. CIE How Mis Even
Polly, owned by Renee Shores. 2. Rock-B-
Ridge My Diamond, owned by Kristina
(Turn to Pago 23)
Kelly Ryan
and Tenders
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