Dianne and Lyndon Hepler of Pittman and children, Matt, 8, Deidre, 11, and Kendra, 5, visit the Lebanon Fair to garner some ideas to incorporate into their own commu nity fairs at Schuylkill and Tri-Valley. The Heplers operate a farrow-to-finish operation on their farm and serve as leaders of Grassy Meadows 4-H. Erin Willard, 14, leads a Hampshire yearling during lead line competition. Erin placed first in the senior division. The wool for Erin’s red wool sweater and straight skirt with a matching beret and scarf came from the sheep on her grandparents’ farm. People Who Make The Fair Go ’Round-- *■** (Continued from Pago B 2) The best brownies are baked by Katie Myers, left; Mollie Knause, center; and Tara Dice. Homemaker of the Year Lori Dice sits by her display that shows off her multiple talents that enabled her to garner first place. A LESSON WELL LEARNED... Lancaster Farming'! CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Phone- 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Mom Thu INtff Trickt cXP' y DHrae Tracking Powder* \ Kills Rats & Mice i 6 lb. Bucket \ 49.95 • ns + $6.00 Shipping \ Blain Supply * Rt 1 Box 117 H Blam PA 17006 \ 717/536-3861 I