Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 05, 2000, Image 55

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    We try to teach our kids to be
street-smart, musical, athletic,
and even computer literate. But
teaching them the value of
money can be more difficult than
getting them to clean their
Given that adult Americans
are saving too little of their pay
checks and declaring bankruptcy
in record numbers, it’s essential
that the next generation of con
sumers be better prepared to face
their financial future.
You know the importance of
teaching kids “the three Rs”
reading, “riting and “rithmetic.
But experts who specialize in
money matters for children gen
erally agree on the need to teach
them “the three Ss:”
• Saving. Putting some of their
money aside so it’s there to pro
tect them in the future.
Historic Gardens Showcase Native Plants
COLLEGEVILLE (Montgom- day, August 15.
ery Co.) “Natural Landscapes Quaker botanist John Bartram
and Habitats” will conduct a was famous for discovering and
walk at the Historic Bartram’s collecting native plants in coloni-
Garden, starting 5 p.m. on Tues- al America. The Franklinia tree,
Mahoning Outdoor Fumates
Cut Your Heating Costs With Our
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Teach Kids The Financial Facts Of Life
• Spending wisely. Living
within their means and being ed
ucated consumers.
• Sharing. Being generous and
To help parents, guardians,
and even grandparents raise fin
ancially responsible people,
FDIC Consumer News offers the
following suggestions:
• Give an allowance. If used as
a teaching tool and not a givea
way, an allowance can be one of
the best ways to teach kids, even
as young as five or six, about
money, taking pride in their
management skills, and becom
ing more charitable. There are
many different ways to structure
an allowance and, of course, each
family has to decide what’s right
for them (in terms of how much
allowance to give, what kinds of
things the child should start pay
ing for, and so on).
• Help your child start a sav
ings or investment account. The
old piggy bank still can be a fun
way to introduce little ones to the
concepts of saving and managing
money. But at around age eight,
your child may want to open a
small savings account and begin
learning what banking's all
about, from filling out deposit
slips to reviewing statements.
• Encourage the right kinds of
“child labor.’’ Jobs can teach
kids to be responsible and to
enjoy earning and saving money.
One way is to pay a child for
extra work around the house
the kind you might hire someone
else to do'. This could mean
cleaning the garage or baby sit
ting a sibling on a Saturday
which he discovered and propa
gated, is now extinct in the wild.
At Historic Bartram’s Garden,
a garden expert will lead the Co
operative Extension tour group
through a native plant ex
hibit, a wildflower meadow
on reclaimed land (a former
dump) and along the once
walled river, now restored
Do You Suffer From Fibromyalgia?
BWhen I was introduced to New Image I was 50 pounds over weight and suffered fromtibromyalgia
I was so depressed and in pain the majority of the time I was taking steroids and four other
medications one ol which made me so groggy I could hardly get out of bed and another gave me
ulcers I began taking New Image secretly because I thought my family would make fun of me
Alter a month, I discovered I had lost eight pounds and seven inches Wow 1 Then it dawne don
me I was feeling better, the depression and pain were gone In two months I was off all
medications I feel SUPERIFIC 1 ’ Now two years later I have lost 43 pounds and 30 inches Than
you New Image for giving me a new life again Judy Swift Mt Washington KV
All Herbs
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The ingredients are all safe
and natural Gum Karaya
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Guarana, Korean Ginseng,
Bee Pollen White Yellow Bark
(Wiedewmds), Bladder-wrack
(Fungus Vesticulosis), Qotu
Koia, Licorice Root, Relshi
Mushroom, Astragalus, Ginger
Root.Rehmanma Root, and
Chmmium Piconate (300
Mici ‘ '<»ts
night. Author and family finance
expert Neale S. Godfrey encour
ages parents to maintain a list of
nonurgent jobs a child can do.
“Then when your offsprings asks
you for a second pair of designer
sneakers or money to go ice skat
ing with friends,” she said “refer
to the list.” Godfrey says this
“overtime pay” helps everyone
it’s extra income for the child
and a time-saver for busy moms
and dads.
• Play “show and tell” while
you manage your own money. If
you expect your kids to become
responsible with their money,
and yours, you have to practice
what you preach. Serve as a good
example of what it means to
save, spend wisely, and share
with others. You’ll make more of
to a wetlands as it may have
looked in John Bartram’s era.
The Franklinia tree should be in
bloom at the time of the tour.
Unlike all other walks in the
“Natural Landscapes & Habi
tats” series, this is not a free
walk. Cost will be $5.
More information on Bar
tram’s Garden is available online
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 5, 2000-B7
an impression on your children if
they can see and hear what
you’re doing to manage your
• Make learning about money
fun and interesting. We’ve al
ready mentioned a few ways to
stimulate a child’s interests in
saving, spending wisely, and
sharing money with others.
Final thoughts. One of the best
things we can do for our children
is to prepare them for life “on
their own.” Whether your kids
are tots or teens, instill in them a
sense of responsibility when it
comes to managing money,
working hard, and being charit
able. The time you devote to
teaching the financial facts of life
could be one of the most reward
ing investments you ever make.
To receive a walk schedule
and registration form, send a
self-addressed stamped envelope
to Recycling Education Program,
Natural Landscapes & Habitat
Walks, 1015 Bridge Road, Suite
H, Collegeville, PA 19426, or call
the Recycling Education Pro
gram at (610) 489-4315.
Sun Tea
Brew *a freslf batch
of Sun Tea every 24
hours. Bacteria will
grow if not properly re
frigerated. Here are the
tips from Lipton Tea:
1. Place nine Lipton
Cup-Size Flo-Thru Tea
Bags or three Lipton
Family-Size Flo-Thru
Tea Bags in a clean
gallon jar. (Decaffei
nated, green or herbal
tea should not be used.
Caffeine is a natural
preservative and be
cause there aren’t any
additional preserva
tives added, this is one
form of protection
against bacterial
2. Fill jar with cold
3. Cap the jar loose
ly and place it in hot
sunshine for three-four
hours. Do not exceed
four hours.
4. After removing
the tea bags, refriger
ate your Sun Tea with
in five hours of when
the brewing process
5. Discard the Sun
Tea after 24 hours
from the time brewing
began. Thoroughly
wash the gallon jar
with hot soapy water,
and rinse before each
Spoilage bacteria
will grow if not proper
ly refrigerated.