EVERETT NEWSWANGER Editor QUARRYVILLE (Lancaster Co ) - A stylish junior 3-year-old Jed daughter topped the 90-yead Lancaster County Holstein show held at the fair grounds last week Coredale Jed Simba out of Coredale Precisonst Sassy won the class and went on to senior and grand champion honors for Steve Wagner and Roy Thompson from Quarryville. They also had The champions at the Lancaster County Holstein show are from left, Tom Arrowsmith with Wagner and Thompson’s grand champion, Emily Ullom leading Kristie Kennett’s reserve grand champion, Kristie Kennett leading Wagner and Thompson’s junior champion and Nicole Welk with her reserve junior champion. HEALTH KICK V/emr hsmtu hag ''We're Here To Serve' 1 FARMS- We can insure all farms from mushrooms to fish, and from dairy to nursery stock. No farm is too complex