Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 29, 2000, Image 60
824-Umcasttr Fanning, Saturday, July 29, 2000 Sale Reports STEELESALE Horst Auction Center, Ephrata, held an auction of antiques, household goods, primitives and collect ables Saturday belong ing to Fred and Ruth Steele. The sale drew 390 registered bidders. Highlights of the furniture sold in cluded a paint decorated blanket chest, 41,650; a walnut half Dutch cupboard, $1,650; a walnut schoolmaster’s desk, $1,450; a paint deco rated settee, $1,000; a walnut stretcher base table, $850; a spinning wheel, $425; a red painted Windsor chair, 4475; a walnut desktop cash register, $250; a tiger maple two-drawer stand, $235; a one-drawer stand, $210; a pine dry sink, $525; a high-top dry sink, $650; a pine bench and table, $675; a pine flower chest, $325; a spinet piano, $400; and a two drawer farm table, $B5O. Also, a yellowware 32nd Berks County Pomona Grange Consignment Auction Saturday, August 26, 2000 8:30 A.M. Located at the Leesport Farmer’s Market Grounds just off Route 61 at the North end of Leesport, Berks County, PA. Selling full line of Farm Equipment, Tractors, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Tools, Antiques, Household Goods and Collectibles, Deadline for advertising is August 5,2000. To consign items call: 610-683-8200, 610-926-5389, 610-589-4466, 717-933-4218 Items may be brought: Farm Equipment - August 24,12 Noon to 8:00 PM & August 25, 8:00 AM • 8:00 PM Household and Lawn & Garden: August 24 & August 25-12 Noon to 8:00 PM - No Items Accepted on Sale Day - Payment is Expected Day of Sale No Out-of-State Checks Accepted ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 71 ACRE STEER & CHICKEN FARM (STREAM & POND) J.D. FARM MACHINERY - TRACTORS - J.D. COMBINE APPROX. 75 ACRES STANDING CORN - GRAIN BINS & DRYING SYSTEM - FULL UNE SHOP TOOLS THURS., AUGUST 24, 2000 9AM - Real Estate 1 PM LOCATION: 1356 Woodlyn Dr, Denver, PA (close to Fivepointville) From Exit 21 PA Turnpike Rt 272 North to Rt 897, turn right onto Rt 897 South approx 3 mi turn right onto Woodlyn Dr to farm Brecknock Twp Lancaster County Real Estate consists of 71 Acre farm w/2 1/2 sty 1858 dated sandstone 4 frame house w/5 bdrms, large eat-in kitchen, family & living rms, laundry & full bath, full bsmt 4 attic EFM stoker hot water heal .~l _ Barn IS 40’x98’ sandstone & frame bank barn w/attach 30’x50’ & 60x80 barn (approx 175 hd capac ity) & 20’x65' stave silo Equip. Bldg. 40'x56' Pioneer round roof bldg w/separate gram dryer pole bldg Shop masonry 30‘x50’bldg w/16 overhd door Chicken House IS frame w/siding high rise 42'x365‘ layer house w/45,900 capacity, attach egg & cooler room w/Dlamond *7O Egg Packer w/Hi Sneed Hand- Land consists of 71 acres w/approx 50 acre highly productive tillable land Approx 6 acres pasture w/stream, 1 3/4 acre pond & approx 14 acres woodland Approx 2,620’ frontage along Rt 897 & Woodlyn Dr Zoned Ag Bldgs in good state of repair Farm to Be Sold to Highest Bidder Regardless of Prioel Terms 10% down, balance Jan 12,2001 For details, financing, plot plan call auctioneers at 717-445-4309 or 717-733-1006 Auction Conducted By Randal V Kline, Lloyd Kreider & Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers Lie #2116 #499, #513 717-445-4309 * «r«* jp **. mold, $210; a wrought-iron hour glass, $250; a gaudy ironstone waste bowl, $300; a cheese cutter, $500; wrought-iron meat skewers, $225; a tin wall lantern, $240; a large thin quilt pat tern, s7oo;a tin spice box, $425; a child’s foot warmer, $425; a BECHTOLDSALE flow-blue china place A Public Sale of per setting, $230; a silver sonal property was mesh purse, $400; a held July 17 by Ruth dome-shade iron light, Bechtold, at 2109 A $295; a sponge layer Philadelphia Pike, pitcher, $325; a double Lancaster, Pa. There student lamp, $425; a vvere 258 registered set of sleigh bells, bidders attending the 4400; a cog roller sa ] e . organ, $350; a gaudy Some items sold Welsh china service wer e; side-by-side for six, $1,000; and a china bookcase combi two-piece set of china, nation 41,450, oak ex s22o. tension table $350, Also, a heart- Kawai piano $550, li shaped cheese mold, brary table $325, Eber ssso; a Enterprise so i e chairs $45 each, coffee mill, $300; a child’s tea set $95, cast needlepoint sampler, i r on dog bookends $450; a patchwork $220, guitar $5OO, Fire quilt, $1,800; an iron King bowls $l4O, sugar nipper, $210; a child’s desk $lO5, Car- Majolica plate and nival dish $5O and cups, $350; two Majol- peanut butter glasses ica butter pads, $280; $l6 each, a seven-piece iron- Miller and Siegrist stone toilet set, $900; a were the auctioneers. * Terms by MARVIN W. & ESTHER R. ZIMMERMAN 717-445-6859 Kenneth Howard, Atty. KUNE, KREIDER * GOOD rm ' ma w l Msms -m ' nm stoneware decorated crock, $350; a spatter plate, $320; a Hubley alligator ashtray, $250; a Toro snowblower, $310; a large wooden utensil tray, $230; a copper candy kettle, $260; a chess game board, $325; a mechanical fireplace spit jack, $300; a large iron door knocker, $170; and a wooden wall box, $540. r *! AT*'* GLASS SALE Property belonging to Edgar and Cathe rine Glass was put up for public auction Sat urday at 43 Highland Drive. There were 175 registered bidders. Items for sale in cluded a dining room suite, $400; a three piece living room suite. $300; two reclin ing chairs, $280; a Maytag washer and dryer, $540; a Maytag refrigerator, $390; a boxspring and mat tress. $250; a Lane “Horst Auction Center n COIN SALE Tuesday, August 1,2000 inspection - 4:00 P.M. Sale - 6:00 P.M. Sale to be held at Horst Auction Center locat ed at the corner of Rte. 322 and Durlach Road (approx. 2-1/2 miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster Co., Pa. ********************** (34) Pieces Bust Half Dollars, 1811 Unc. 59 Pieces Commemoratives Including 1928 Hawaii. Proof and Mint Sets, Bulk Silver and Silver Dollars. For Sale List Call Auctioneer (717)738-3080 ********************** Terms: Cash or PA Approved Check. Horst aucts. T. Glenn (7i* U 73£F3080 Timothy G. Fax #(717) 738-2132 Thomas A. ■voices of experience" PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY, 3 TRACTORS, SKID LOADER, ETC. in a vacant field 2 miles S of Benton, Pa 1 mile off Rt 487, Watch for Auction Arrows off Rt 487 near L&K Mills (Col Co) TUES. EVE AUG. 1,2000 6 PM Sharp (No smalls - be on time) IH 806 D tractor, 18 4-34" rubber, 1H 706 G wfe tractor, JD 3020 D wfe tractor. Bobcat 6428 skid loader - gas, 1150 hrs, IH 720 5-18” reset plows,-on land hitch; chisel plow, McConnell 24’ cart harrow, IH 510 discl2’. Miller Pro 5100 SU wagon w/roof; Gehl 920 SU wagon w/roof, IH 56 blow er, NH 311 baler w/thrower-sharp, NI rake, IH 1190 haybme, 16’ thrower rack wagon, IH 12 ton run gear w/flatbed, Zimmerman 36’ elevator, 2 pth backblade, 3 gravity wagons (2 Alum), NI 3626 m spreader w/gate’ diamond plate pickup bed, other junk machinery NO SMALLS - BE ON TIME TERMS: Cash or Good Pa check evening of sale (Everything paid in full evening of sale ) Preview evening of sale For info call Auctioneers ONLY 11 " Owners: BARRY & DOLORES WISE Conducted By a ■ il 1515 Keener Hill Road Muncy, PA 17756 PA Lie. *RY 71L Auction CO. (57°) 546-6907 PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE Located at 2418 South sth Ave. Lebanon, Pa. Thursday Evening AUGUST 24, 2000 6:30 PM Directions from Lebanon Pa. take Rt. 897 also sth Ave. go south to village of Flintville, sale on left. Lot size approx. 124 ft. frontage X approx. 300 ft. deep situated thereon is a 2 story home with kitchen, livingroom, diningroom, bedroom and full bath on Ist floor 3 bedrooms on 2nd floor. 40ft. x6O ft. shop with office, small kitchen and bathroom. Note shop was used by electrical business many possibilities exist. Terms: 10% day of sale, Settlement within 45 days. To see property, call for appointment. Terms By: Mervin Sensenig 610-913-8487 Atty. Steiner Sandoe Cooper Auct. Sylvan B. Witmer Auct. Service AUOOIBO7-L 717-933-5328 cedar chest, $260; a five-piece bedroom suite, $500; an iron horse, $135; Wallace Nutting pictures, $42.50; $55, $62.50 and $75; two feather pillows, $3l; a Rose ville vase, $110; an 18- inch TV, $155; a 10- inch bench saw, $80; and a gas leaf blower, $45. The auctioneers were Robert E. Martin, Leola; Jeffrey R. Martin, New Hol land; and Michael L. Martin, Strasburg. COMPLETE AUCTIONEERING SERVICE WED., AUGUST 30, 2000 1:00 P.M. 19-3/4± Acre Snyder Co. Farmette, near Troxelville, PA. The property has a 5 bedroom home, with eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room & bath & laun dry room combination. Extras include enclosed porch, 2 car garage, several workshops, 2 bams. Acreage is 1/2 open, 1/2 wooded. Property locat ed 2 miles from Walker Lake, 1 mile from Tall Timbers. A great country spot. Directions: From Harrisburg travel North on Rts. 11 & 15. Just north of Liverpool, turn left onto Rt. 104 and proceed to Middleburg. Turn left or South on Rt. 522 and continue to Beaver Springs. At the Mobil Station turn right & continue on Rt. 235 to Troxelville. Proceed through town & auc tion will be on the right. Signs posted. KENNETH E. HASSINGER RR 02, Box 985 McClure, PA 17841 (570) 658-3536 AU-001532-L PUBLIC AUCTION Thurs., October 5, 2000 At 1:00 P.M. 179 Acre Farm in Snyder County, 115 Tillable Located 1/2 mile south of Route 35 and 104 inter section, Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA. Turn off Route 104 at Pleasant Oil and take Flint Valley Rd., approx. 1 mile to farm. Large 2 story frame dwelling, 4 bedrooms, bank bam w/40 stancions and large loafing 4O’x6o’ shed, 20’x60’ silo w/unloader. Milker pump and vacuum line. 38’x80’ implement shed w/com crib on ends, 60’ bunk feeder, good com and alfalfa ground. Terms: $15,000 down day of sale, balance in 45 days. MR. & MRS. CLYDE ALDERFER 570-539-8456 Attorney: Tom Clark, 570-837-0091 AUCTIONEERS: Kenneth E. Smith, AU 867-L • 570-837-3535 Dennis Hassinger, AU 2689-L • 570-837-3159 ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Monday, August 14th 5:00 pm (doors open at 3:00 pm) Miller’s Auction Center, Bethel, PA (exit #3 off 1-78, Berks County) Call to consign or for information (717) 933-5736 NOTE: YOU MAY BRING IN MERCHANDISE ANY THURSDAY FROM 9 TO 10 AM AND 4 TO 6 PM Things Already Consigned are, 3’x6’ Gollam’s ice cream sign, Gollam’s wooden paddles, early dentist chair, W.C. Fields cookie jar, W.C. Fields pitcher, oak china closet, Gollam’s menu listing, rockers, depression dining rm. suite, oak round table, blanket chest, dep. glass & much more coming in. ‘Auctioneer: Dwight D..Miller_AUoo24l4-L NEIL A. COURTNEY R.D. #1 Box 239 A, Richfield, PA 17086 (570) 539-8791 AU-002651-L •e