Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 29, 2000, Image 55

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American Livestock Breeds
Conservancy recognized the im
portant breed conservation work
by Richard Nicoll of the Colo
nial Williamsburg Foundation’s
Santorum, Donaldson Urge Repeal
U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum and
Guy F. Donaldson, president of
the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau,
urged the U.S. Senate to repeal
the “unfair estate,” better
known as the “death tax.” Both
leaders made their statements at
a news conference here recently.
“Perhaps no section of the tax
code is more unfair and more of
a direct hit on entrepreneurship
and the ethic of savings than the
death tax,” said Santorum as he
pledged support for its repeal.
Donaldson, leader of the
28,000-member farm organiza
tion, said, “Many times Pennsyl
vania farm family heirs are
forced to sell their farms to meet
the financial demands of the
‘death tax’ following the death
in the family. It’s a situation
where nobody really gains any
thing, except government, which
collects a tax that virtually elim
inates a farm family business.”
The House passed The Death
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Livestock Breed Conservation Program Honored
Coach and Livestock Depart
The Century Conservation
Award was presented by the
ALBC board of directors to
Nicoll for his work in promoting
Of Death Tax
Tax Elimination Act (H.R. 8)
with a near veto-proof vote (279-
136). The House-approved legis
lation repeals death taxes by the
year 2010. The legislation re
tains assets (up to $5.6 million)
on a stepped-up basis when the
tax is repealed in 2010.
The stepped-up amount
would be indexed to increase au
tomatically with the inflation
rate. All estate sizes would
retain stepped-up basis assets of
$1.3 million. If an estate were
larger than $1.3 million, the
heirs could choose which assets
retain the stepped-up basis.
There would be an additional
$3 million of assets eligible for
stepped-up basis on estate trans
fers between spouses, bringing
the total value of stepped-up
basis assets in such transfers up
to $4.3 million.
The legislation also reduces
all estate tax rates by about 15
percent over 10 years and lowers
the bottom effective rate from 37
percent to 18 percent. The top
Attach Your
Farming Mailing Label
18 County.
rate is cut from 55 to 53 percent
in 2001 and to 50 percent in
2002. All rates are reduced by a
percent in 2003-2006, by 1.5 per
cent in 2007, and by 2 percent in
2008-2009. The unified credit is
changed to an exemption in
2001, which lowers the bottom
estate tax rate from 37 percent
to 18 percent.
The Pennsylvania congres
sional delegation vote on the leg
islation split along party lines
with Republicans favoring and
Democrats opposing the legisla
tion. Most Democrats are sup
portive of alternative legislation
that would address elimination
of estate taxes for family-owned
businesses. Passage is question
able, and the Senate legislation
is expected to mirror the House
While U.S. Senator Santorum
supports estate tax elimination,
U.S. Senator Specter is unde
cided. President Clinton has
threatened to veto the House
passed measure.
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and conserving several endan
gered breeds of livestock and
bringing the issue before the
public within the context of the
mission of the Colonial Wil
liamsburg Foundation.
Mail To:
Lancaster Farming
Mailbox Markets
1 E. Main St.
P.O. Box 609
Ephrata, PA 17522
Farm animals have long been
part of the Williamsburg experi
ence, But when Richard arrived
15 years ago, the livestock pro
gram was low profile and little
research had gone into the selec
tion of livestock breeds.
He began to research 18th
century material and compiled a
list of breeds that would be ap
propriate for the time period.
Nicoll initiated a cattle pro
gram based on the Milking
Devon for dairying and oxen
work. This year you can even
find a Devon beef roast sizzling
on the spit in the Governor’s
Palace kitchen. He encouraged
staff to do the research and to
pursue the purchase of an
American Cream Draft horse
for the carriage program, and
later the Canadian breed was
Nicoll improved the sheep
program from using phenotypi
cal sheep to genotypical sheep
with the arrival of the Leicester
Longwools, and essentially rein
troduced the breed into North
America. The poultry program
has expanded to four historic
chicken breeds, and there are
plans to add turkeys and pi
geons in the near future.
The historic rare breeds dra
matically increased the interpre
tive potential and provided the
opportunity to discuss rare
breeds, the 18th century agricul
tural revolution, Robert
Pennoll seed, wheat, silo
repairs, Geo B Leid, 919
Leid Rd , East Earl, PA
17519, Lane Co
Fox 2300 2RN belt & p/u
head, field ready,
$l,OOO/offer, 2-7 50-16
front tires & rims, 6 lug,
50%, $5O/offer, Berks Co ,
IH 3 pt 14’ Vibra shank, IH
615 combine, MF drill, sm
seed attach , gandy 14'
seeder, Newcastle Co,
12T Lowboy trailer, 24' long
deck, elec brakes, pmtel
hook, needs some tires,
$2,800 080, Lane Co,
Hay rack for over truck cab,
new 750/20 recaps , plastic
feed bags, used once, call
between 4-10 pm, Berks
Co, 610-756-6758
Fuerst 10' harrow &3 pt lift,
too wide, would like to trade
for narrower one, Lane
Co, 717-733-1991
5’ mower for economy, Jim
Dandy tractor, $250, call
Ron, 973-377-5524
Seed rye, $4/bushel,
Northampton Co, 610-
DB mower free Ontario
gram drill on steel, $2OO,
gooseneck horse trailer,
side ramps, $l,OOO, Crafts
man mower, $250 080,
York Co, 717-235-5448
Jacob ewe plus, Merino
cross ewe lamb, $lOO, 2
Merino Jacob cross ewes,
$75 each, beautiful fiber,
Chester Co, 610-925-3325
Ford 7710 FWP dual pow
er, 3 remotes, new 184R34,
good cond, $14,000,
Franklin Co, 717-532-3781
Hay truck 73 Ford, L 800,12
spd , 34,000 GVW, new
eng & 20' bed, power tail
gate, good tires, 6’ sides,
$7,000 cash, Sch Co,
Parkes 12” planer, $450,
call Ron, 973-377-5524
Giant Angora rabbits, white
& colored, show quality,
super wool & bodies, also
Angora goats, E-mail
moonray@erols com,
Lehigh Co, 610-967-6087
Columbia sheep, lambs &
yearlings, $125, Perry Co,
717-567-3629 J
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 29, 2000-819
Bakewell’s pioneering livestock
breeding techniques, and the
changing livestock industry
around the world.
Williamsburg’s fields and
barns could have more easily
been populated with more
modern and common breeds. It
would have saved time and
money to use artificial insemina
tion on the rare horses, sheep,
and cattle, to avoid road trips to
obtain new animals, and to
move breeding groups. Yet the
rare breeds have paid back the
investment by providing inter
esting topics to discuss, beautiful
animals to show visitors, and the
feeling that Williamsburg is
helping these vulnerable breeds
to survive.
Colonial Williamsburg’s con
servation, study, and display of
material culture is known and
copied throughout the museum
world. Thanks to Nicoll’s vision
and guidance, the livestock pro
gram is also well known in the
museum world. He encourages
other museum and living history
sites to use rare breeds to en
hance their mission. He is fond
of saying he wants to make the
rare breeds program so popular
that it will continue long after he
leaves Colonial Williamsburg.
Nicoll’s contribution to rare
breeds conservation has been in
valuable, while at the same time
enriching the experience of visi
tors to Colonial Williamsburg.
JD rear wheel wls off 2520,
approx 5T ear corn in crib,
Choretime 10T feed bin,
call eves , Lane Co , 717-
Ml 5 bar rake, $4OO, IH
3xlB semi trip plow, $4OO,
Dixon BHP 30" mower,
PTO, bucksaw, Lane Co ,
Farmall H, new tires on
back w/loader, $975, Allis
WD-45 NF factory, power
steering w/loader, $2,200
080, Leb Co, 717-866-
Oliver Super 77 wide fron
tend gas, $1,700, Timothy
hay, $2 50/bale, miniature
horses & ponies, $6OO &
up, York Co, 717-229-2218
Miniature donkeys, Jacks &
Jennys, Adams Co , 717-
Clean, bright wheat straw,
$2/bale, Lane Co, 717-
1986 Ford 250 p/u 4x4
truck, Ontario gram drill, 4”
& 6" gram augers, gravity
bin wagons, stainless hog
feeders, Lane Co, 717-
30-06 Classic Sporter in
box, 270 Rem , like new,
3x9, Sako 243, 22 auto
matic, fair, JD 4440, sharp,
Berks Co, 610-589-5763
Heifers & cows, over
stocked, 323 Ml corn pick
er, $3,000, Gehl 700 har
vester w/conveyor, $2,950,
Lane Co, 717-625-4970
Honey, 60 lb bucket, light
clover honey, $57 & $8
S&H, Perry Co, 717-957-
New 3 Super Hi Miller, 10
ply tube type. 2 traction
sure grip, 10 ply tube type,
$250 tor all, Berks Co,
Rototiller 15’, heavy duty,
good cond , $1.200, trade
for soybean no-till planter,
narrow row, call after 6
pm , Gloucester Co, 856-
Cratlsman 16HP Kohler oil,
pressurized eng , 46’’ deck,
hydro , trans , wheel wts , 3
yrs old, exc cond , $BOO,
York Co, 717-456-5463
JD 620, real classic,
restored, for shows & pulls,
extras mcl, $B,OOO, just
below Oxford, PA, keep
calling, MD, Cecil Co, 410-
398-6337 I , > . , ,
13 6x38 Armstrong fire, like
new, $l5O, box staplers,
exc cond , w/staples, $35
each or $6O for both. NJ,
Climb Co, 856-451-0338
AKC German Shepherd
puppies, 9 wks , shots &
wormed, Intercourse area,
leave message, Lane Co,
Rebuilt clutch assembly for
Farmall Fl 2-14 belt pulley,
air cleaner tor same belt
pulley for Oliver 70, York
Co, 717-244-3415
Buff Orpington chicks, non
sexed, $2 each, 3 for $5,
good quality, ltd quantity,
(sons ages 4-8, first “job"),
Adams Co, 717-259-9831
.Badger 2 beater forage
wagon, exc cond, 80,
Brow bush hog, $9OO, 14
tooth Brady chisel trailer
model, exc cond , $1,200,
Sch Co, 570-277-0239
AC B hand start, runs
good, parts, restore, $450,
Farmall A w/cult rear wts ,
needs TLC, $950, North
hampton Co, 610-759-
Diamond plated mud flaps
& running boards for 90
Chevy ext cab & rubber
mat for short bed, Lane
Co, 717-733-9413
1976 Int 4200, 350 Detroit
13 spd , 40,000 lbs , Hen
dneson rears, parts or
repair, $l,OOO, Juniata Co ,
NH B'xls’ hay wagon,
$6OO, Ontario 14 s d gram
drill, NH 518 manure
spreader for parts, 80,
Sch Co, 570-277-0239
Austin Healey Sprite pro
ject car, old Esso gas
pump, commercial turf
equip , very reasonable,
sale due to moving,
Chester Co, 610-896-9519
1980 V W Westfalia camper,
2nd owner, well main
tained, recently inspected,
$4,200 080, York Co , 717-
1993 7800 145 HP tractor,
power, shift, 3100 hrs,
good cond , loaded GE
auto washer, working
cond , $4O, Leb Co, 717-
Mastiff/St Bernard mix
pups, adorable, healthy,
great temp F 200, also NH
707, 3 pt ht harvester
w/hay head, Lane Co.