'age 16—Dairy of Distinction Supplement to Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 29, 2000 Pi District 11: George Wilcox Eric County Extension 850 East Gore Road Erie , PA 16509 (814) 825-0900 District 12: Brett Brumbaugh Box 123 Brock way, PA 15824 (814) 328-2095 Dairy of M Distinction District 14: David & Janet Hileman .RDI Box 422 Tyrone, PA 16686 (814) 684-1498 Pennsylvania Districts And Area Coordinators District 13: Susan Alexander Jefferson County Service Ctr. RD 5 Brookville, PA 15825 (814) 849-7361 J. Kenneth & Lisa Wiker J. Kenneth and Lisa Wiker of Holtwood own this 75-acre, second generation dairy operation. They milk 82 head of Holsteins. J. Kenneth and Lisa have lived on the farm for 12 years. However J. Kenneth had worked for his father for several years before he purchased the opera tion. The Holtwoods are proud of their farm and thankful they have the opportunity to raise their two children, Matthew and Emily, at the same place where J. Kenneth was raised. District IS Norman Coons 20031 Black Road Dry Run. PA 17220 (717) 349-2847 District 16: Bernice Gable RD 1, Box 361 Newport, PA 17074 Lancaster County District 18: Allen Roszel RD 3, Box 74 Montrose, PA 18801 (717) 278-2433 District 17: District 19: Robert Hockeohrock 1 “““. . RD 1 Box 612 1225 Industrial Highway Richfield. PA 17086 18966 (717) 694-3318 (215)322-0200 District 20: Russell Rooks 1431 N. Main St * Allentown, PA 18104 (610-437-2666
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