Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 29, 2000, Image 136
D24-Lancaster Firming, Saturday, July 29, 2000 RISSER GRAIN Buying & Selling CORN, BEANS, WHEAT & BARLEY SERVING 3 LOCATIONS . HOLTWOOD, PA. (717) 284-4628 OFFICE \ (717)284-3362 RED LION GRAIN CENTER MAINVILLE GRAIN (717) 244-6909 Btoomsburg, Pa. SEED & FERTILIZER (717) 784-6922 Now Available Wheat & Barley seed 3 Alfalfa & Pasture seed FEED INGREDIENTS DIRECT TO YOUR FARM MOLAS • makes feed more palatable • tempts their tastebuds • cow gains more energy • reduces dust • improves cows appetite < We can delivery molasses direct t( your farm to mix in yourTMR. Ta' to your nutritionist about how this fits into your program. Available as liquid, or dry in 501 b bags. OILS - For Animals •Corn *Many Others SWEETCAKE 16NU - Molasses Blocks For The Livestock Industry. Available In 200 Lb. Size NATIONAL HORSE PRO - Liquid Feed Supplement All Liquid Products Are Available In The Following Sizes: 5 Gat Bucket, 55 Gal. Drum, 275 Gal. Tote, or Bulk (empty containers also for sale) CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-327-4406 ■ ZOOK MOLASSES CO. nsri Main St., P.O. Box 160 Honey Brook, PA 19344 U.P.S. H HOURS; Monday-Friday 7AM- 5 PM Q a Uy Over 60 years of Service El Dairy, Swine & Poultry Producers! New Products Now Available... With the addition ot oui new soybean processing facility, we now otfci these pioducls to meet your nutntional needs Manulaetunng these products oui selves allows us to utilize locally giown soybeans and support our local agiicullural community' GOLDEN PRO 46 XP GOLDEN MEAL 40 natuial. mechanically An 18 peiccnt fat content along extiuded and expelled soybean with a 40 percent eiude protein pioduct is expeiicncmg gicat makes this mechanically extruded acceptance with local dan ymen A meal product a valuable compo course golden coloied meal with a nent in a vanety ol rations Full 69 '( lat content. Golden Pio 46 XP lat content gives you a high level is exlicmcly palatable Golden of digestible energy, while high Pio 46 XP is a natuial way to lempcraluic extruding ruptures bung the value ol high by-pass the oil cells lor bcttci nutritional piotcin into diets that icquirc a absoibtions lowei lat level This A pioduct of Keystone's expelling process, tins oil can be used in a wide vanety ol on Linn applications A natuial alternative to animal lats, this oil piovidcs needed cneigy in various unions To make these pioducts available, and to help you utilize your home raised soybeans Keystone Mills announces its Soybean Exchange Program As manufacturers and distributers ot Golden Pro 46 XP and Golden Meal 40, we are anxious loi you to try our products We arc otlenng a soybean exchange program featuring these quality nutritional products [H7T] KEYSTONE MILLS m 309 Martindale Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-354-4616 • 717-738-4251 * 1-800-733-4909 Attention CRUDE SOYBEAN OIL //•>' P!//</ ■ f /(tf m/////>■<• hurt IS'l’l BnmnH|i|l iti fbwuzer RmSiKH 1717/228-8372 mobile! _ 4x4 Round Wrapped Clover Baleage Delivery Possible 717/944-3690 Call Evenings after 8 p.m. ******************** | Jackson | 3 Shavings Mill £ j 4’, Chain Drive, « 3 4 Cylinder Cat 3 £ Diesel, Live Bank, £ £ Cornell Blower £ J w/10 HP Single £ * Phase, Cylcone, j* * plus approx. 30 cord j» 3 of dry cedar logs. * £ $25,000 £ 3 856/358-3310 * ui Tr r CUSTOM % I GRAIN ROASTING!! on your farm Try our roaster cooling unit for immediate storage • Get more milk • Increased butterfat • Save your moldy corn SCHNUPP’S GRAIN ROASTING Lebanon, PA 1-600-452-4004 David N. Groff RD 3, Lewiaburg, PA Sa 570-566-1420 K|jfl FERTILIZER “Competitive Prices” • Ag Limestone • Rock Phosphate $ • Calcium Sulfates Sales & Spreading il Testing Available ZIMMERMAN LIME ►. & FERTILIZER \ (717) 733-7674 * Prompt Delivery £ Sweet ‘n (K) with Sulfur PARA-AG 14014 Paradise Ch Rd , Hagerstown, MD 21742 Info. Phone: 301-745-1473 or 301-797-3483 • (Fax) 301-797-1718 Min. Analysis 40% Cal Ox 1 5% Mg. Ox 2 5% K2O (Potash) 3% SO2 (Sulfur) 72% CEC Application Damp Farmers Direct Field Delivery Dealers Wanted Handle, Apply and Stock Pile Correct your P H and add 2 valuable nutrients in same product F. 0.8. Hagerstown, MD Call F6r Pricing m Buying and Selling Broiler Manure Mushroom Mulch For Sale Penn Ag Products TURKEY MANURE 1-Ton = N 105 lbs. P 68 lbs. K 38 lbs. 18% Mo. 100 ton or more free use of a spinner spreader Save money and spread Manure yourself'i" | M Call -1*800*379*0175 : (570) 966-2451 ffiy , y lower, Broccoli, 0\ bbage, Kale, 'JJJX ssel Sprouts 3 \ >on - FALL MUMS \ very Avallable. J *jf It is time to ORDER! USAGYPSUM The strawberr y Plasticulture System c,km,.s.m> season has arrived! ummtHtmmm (Clean Start, MDI Doesn't effect soil pH Improve soil condition \ Reduce compaction > *Registered varieties: Great results on S Seneca Honeoye Corn. so\beans, alfalfa. % pl»® 1 jT j . AlUtar Pastures and piodtice “I- * J" jewel /viisiar Bam dry Earliglow Latestar A T sk l d ' dn T t,er (Clean Start, MDI Northeaster than lime, teduces We m plelsed to our settling ill manure tanks, jommg forces with three other *limited quantities leduces odots prominent growers end suppliers to form now what is called, Plant ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Bags or Bulk-application Tsbmtotm Uro joint venture J/lfao aVaiCaßCe... terrier dealers wanted was established to prowde grow ers with true-to-type, registered Non-Registered varieties I strawberry plugs, Qcan Start, 1 MD, which are grown under the CHfllldlCr strictest standards The plants be mg propagated m a controlled en- Sweet Charlie wonment allows them to be pro tected from transmitted virus dis- Camarosa I eases To ensure the virus-free status and quality of theplants, the Jf, growing conditions are monitored JT' • and inspected by trained person- / a! X? .V.* * ne l from both the MD and NJ / 0> * • , XV Department of Agriculture •1* • Contact us now ? . . » - < < Jersey Asparagus Farms, Inc. LJ Y CAL } f 105 Porchtown Rd Pittsgrove, NJ 08318 111 MAG (800)499-0013 Fx (856)358-6127 J 1! ® jersey asparagus, com 200 Mesh 98% Dry 100 Mesh 99% Dry 60 Mesh 99% Dry 20 Mesh 99% Dty Reg MD, PA 250 tons of layer manure avail Aug 19-22. $4/Ton at the farm. 717-569-2076 PLANTS Plug Plants, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Celery, Cauliflower/ Broccoli Cross, E 8. R GREENHOUSE. Elam Beiler 51 Esbenshade Rd, Ranks Pa 717-687-7969 Call 9-9:IOPM or Lv Mess. M ■fj FRUITS a VEGETABLES We have a fresh shipment of 1/2 bu. wooden peach baskets. Also other sizes from 1 qt. to bushels. Corrugated containers from 2 qt. to 1-1/9 bu. aluminum stepladders, used bushel crates and more. Call for prices. Frecon Orchard Supplies Rif Afla 231 Powder Mill Hollow Road Boyertown, PA 19512 610-367-2933 VwfT Hussman Dairy Milk Coolers - 5 cases, 56 ft Federal Freezers - Can be used as freezers or coolers 9 door, 25 ft - 8 door, 22 ft - 9 door, 25 ft Hussman Produce Cases - 4 cases, 48 ft., very nice Hussman Meat Cases (4) - 9 ft., 12 ft, 8 ft., 22 ft Hussman Deli Case, 12 ft, self-contained,.very nice Piqua #4O Hyd. Cardboard Balers 1 rebuilt -1 used 1 year Copelamatic Compressors #265 7Vz hp low 90L R 502 9RBI-0765TFC #264 2hp mid-temp 90GR12 #254 shp mid-temp 91DR12 #249 shp mid-temp 92A R4I4D #266 shp low-temp 95H HPBO #255 shp mid-temp 98G HPBO #268 3hp low-temp 938 HPBO #250 7V4 hp mid-temp 98G MP39 #251 2hp mid-temp 688 #252 3hp mid-temp 86G MP39 #257 shp mid-temp '6Bl Rl2 #253 shp mid-temp 89GR12 #256 2hp mid-temp 84KR12 #261 3hp low-temp 95G HPBO LAL-031OTAC800 3Ol-334-8005 Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage, Flowering Kale 8. Flowering Cabbage, plug plants. North Star Greenhouse. John D Lapp, 206 N.Star Rd, Ronks, PA 17572 717-687-8889 FERTILIZER Greenhouse plug plants, celery, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cab bage, leftuce. Buck heights Greenhouse, 161 Buck Heights Road, Quar ry ville, PA 717-284-3252 UPS. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Celery, Lettuce plants, 717-692-5600 Dau phin Co. STOCK UP EARLY! MRBI-0500TFC800 LALI-0310TAC