A36-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, July 22, 2000 At last year’s Lebanon Fair, swine show grand champion market hog went to Justin Fuls, left. At right is show judge Henry Holloway. Market beef grand champions at last year’s Lebanon Fair. From left, Kyle Fleener, reserve; Heather Fuls, grand champion; and Brian Hrutkay, Judge. • Tiiniw - Gorgeous Little Males - $350 Bred Females - $BOO , • Miniature Donkeys - Chocolate, Gray, : | White, Jennies & Jacks • Highland Cattle - Young Heifers, Bred Cows • Miniature Pony - 6 mo. Sorrel Filly - $5OO a WINDING CREEKS FARM u&a.W 717/865-4473 Lebanon ff~it www.wlndlngcrtekittrm.com l I IS"S! Kyle Fleener, right, won grand champion heifer at last year’s Lebanon Fair. At left is Erin Templin, fair queen, and in center is Brian Hrutk A LESSON WELL LEARNED..* LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS!