Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 22, 2000, Image 141
■ HOMES AND S' MULES Smiii Eg ■ Residences ■ Bams ■ Hay & Grain ■ Farm Machinery ■ Farm Products and Supplies ■ Tack Vint our Web Site at wu’wfannfamtly com jPFarm NN Family Serving All of Pennsylvania 888-647-2276 Toll Free Indamiual and group lift insurance annuities and disability income produc aho available through Farm Family Life Insurance Company M Morgan H Service M M L j \\ MLF Dynamite m (Irish Ent XTedwm Topics) Joseph Esh ►< M 2151 Forry Road || M Lancaster, PA 17601 M M 317-392-6809 H ttzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzJ 3 i KELSO A MULES Buy-Sell- Trade Wanted to buy older lazy mules In the line Year-a-round Business Satisfaction Guaranteed 270-435*4X29 , 1-877-247*4479 MM sheep IUI AND GOATS Romney fleeces, natural colored & white. 304/462-7075. Reg. Romney white ram, 5 yrs old, exc. disposition, 100% proven, $225. 304/462-7075. Reg. Romney & Romney Polypay & Romney Scot tish Black Face Crosses. Ewes, lambs, rams & wethers. White & natural colored. Closed flock, healthy, easily handled, excellent fleeces. Starter flocks or all 52. Good homes please. 304/462-7075. Chocolate Shetland Ram Lamb For Sale 856-299-0509 Quality Toggenburg Dairy Goats-Young milk ers producing 7-10#, does 8< bucks for show or pets. Priced w/wo pa pers starting at $125. 215-822-2367. (6) six month old reg. Romney ewes, same age ram lambs. 610-987-3389. Icelandic sheep, ewes & triplet ram lambs; also Cashmere goat Kids. 717-732-1818. Proven Schllchter Hamp shire ram. 717/859-1094, Showalter, Akron. Reg. Katahdin hair sheep. No sheering ' required. Rams $200.717-749-7086 Reducing breeding ewes & selling lambs. 717-417-1195 Reg Hamp. rams at farm or USDA Ram Test. Pratt, 814-349-8900. Reg full blood Boer Goats, good variety, starting at $200.410-969-9324. Double J Farms Reg. Boer Goats Percentage & Full Bloods 410-398-8231 l Boer Goat Flock Disper sal- 150 Goats, all per centages 8. full bloods. One or all. Bing Crest Boer Goats. 717-272-6023. ed! LIABILITY COVERAGE ■ Care, Custody & Control ■ Riding Instruction ■ Clinics ■ Boarding Instruction ■ Shows ■ Carriage & Buggy Rides ■ Hay & Sleigh Rides ■ Umbrella Philip Baker ■I SHEEP ■ [■l AND GOATS FrederiCk,MD2l7o2 Wionei 301-662-4197 to*. Rob "' r “ id D e i n n r ore y* * 2000 SHOW LAMBS AVAILABLE Call Now for Good Selection @lu& AaHtfa 301-371-4483 5842 Broad Run Road 800-331 -9122 Jefferson, Maryland 21755 PENNSYLVANIA'S 22nd PERFORMANCE TESTED RAM LAMB AND INVITATIONAL EWE SALE AND SHEEP PRODUCERS FIELD DAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 5,2000 Sheep Producers Field Day starting at 8:45 a.m. Saturday, August 5,2000 2:00 p.m. Saturday - Ram & Ewe Sale AT PSU’S AG ARENA - NEXTtO PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE'SMEAT ANIMAL EVALUATION CENTER 651 Pox Hotlow Road, State College. PA 16803 RAMS ON TEST: 36 - Dorset® (19 Fall bom) 2 - Southdowos 35 - Suffolks (t Fall bom) 1 - Oxford 15 - Hampsbires (3 Pan bom) 3 - Tunis Approximately 60 ewes will also be consigned for sale from performance breeders Penn State is an affirmative action, equal opportunity university Penn State encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities If you anticipate needing any type qf accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Amy Pyle (814-863-7346) in advance of your participation or visit. ■■ SHEEP ■ PI AND ■L— Small Dorset flock for sale, 11 ewes 1 ram, some bred for late sum mer early fall lambing. Best offer. 570-324-2666, 717-684-0501 Katahdin ewe lambs, whites and brown 8< whites. Lamb for your freezer. 215/541-0809. Goats Galore! We have over 500 goats to choose from. Comm or show, full blood & percentage boar 8< Spanish. Come visit our farm 8. pick the goat of your choice. 717-485-4770 BOER GOATS - Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids Goats wanted Adult dry does, 1-4 yrs. no horns, ki good health. 860-546-9969 SVWNE Yorkshire & Duroc boars and gilts. Also bred gilts. Jim Parlett, 88 Parlett Rd„ Airville, PA, 17302, 717-862-3610. BENNECOFF'S HOGS Order your Project Pigs, also Boars & Gilts, Serv ice Age, Hamps, Polands, Berks, Durocs & Yorks. 610-285-6582. Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds i Fred Patterson (931)364-7050 * Duroc * Yotfcshln * Spotted * Clutter * Londract * Hampshire'* Plttrain * (rod Gifts A loan for sate Brad gilts ara brod for purebred & crossbrod litters Alto, Club Pigs lor tala. PRV A Bruc. validated hards. t,—> Calvin Lazarus & Sons 610-799-3375 Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 uoLLOWAyiii ;nktics nuitocs /hami>s Where Genetics & Figures Meat* ; Duroc Boars Gilts & Bred Gilts w/due date S figures ; Delivered just about anywhere I Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 rNevv f up f Ultra M ern ars & Gilts N W rea y I ry ur fall ree in E E 0 0 Call Dave ARNOLD HOG FARMS BRED GILTS Handmated Due August thru October 33 Head All Sired By & Carrying Service To Superior Performance Tested Boars. BOARS New Group Of Boars Scanned June 22nd Averaged 247 lbs., .51 BF, 5.88 LE Small Lots of Feeder Pigs _liv_ry T Eastern NY . .u^ust . 1 " N_w England ..u ust 1 E E ra ra ra 0 El ra E 0 E ra 0 El 13 E ra E 0 El Crossbred • Landrace Yorkshire Leon L. Arnold 717-273-5880 W/Bhooequipment Ipß and SUPPLIES Used 4xlo hog slats, good condition, ' l s4s/ea 080. 717-859-3158. New 8< used concrete slats. EAA Herr Farms 717-464-3321 SPECIAL SALE Tuesday, August 1, 2000 Buildings and Equipment Most Items Are In Fair - Excellent Condition Aluminum Roofing and Siding Painted Steel Siding Trusses, Varied Sizes 24'-88' Assorted Lumber Pressure Treated Wood (Flooring Supports) ELECTRICAL MATERIALS 250 KW Diesel Generator CT Cabinets Transfer Switches Disconnect Switches Florescent Light Fixtures with Covers PVC Conduit VENTILATION B Fans Varied Sizes 18" Cool Cell Pads Agtron Controllers Dutchman Chain Feeding Systems Chore Time Auger Systems Feed Bins HOG EQUIPMENT Stainless Steel Nursery Feeders Stainless Steel Finisher Feeders Stainless Steel Gestation Trough Plastic Flooring Fiberglass Floor Supports Woven Wire Flooring Expanded Metal Flooring Nursery and Finisher Fencing Farrowing Crates Gestation Stalls Scraper System Parts Mi Assorted Hardware, Bolts, Nuts, Lags, etc Stainless Steel Cable All equipment is removed and ready to go. Many building materials are removed and ready to go, some buildings still standing. Cash, PA Check or Certified Check (all sales are final). Forklift available to load, you haul, or hauling can be arranged for you. Route 272/222 south from Lancaster, pass Willow Valley Motor Lodge & restaurant to the next traffic light and turn left following 222 south (route 272 goes straight) and go 1/8 mile to traffic light and go straight and continue 1 mile then turn left on Gypsy Hill Road and go 4/10 mile and turn right into paved driveway (look for sign). ■■■POULTRY IW AMD MB SUPPLIES Bobwhite quoil, flight con- Big Dutchman House, dltioned. Call for age and closing operation cages prices. 717-492-1818. 9<>od shape, narrow —. . „ chain, corner wheels. Muted Swans, wings cut, motors, heart cups, pres 7i/,'i£. S no£! d ' * l5O/ea sure gages, regulators 8. 610-399-0299 Diamond egg packer. Adams Co., 717-624-3258 Pearl Guinea Keets, IAH7 weeklv ' Baby chicks: fast growing log/ brojler chjcks h|gh pro _ Bobwhite quail & chukars, duction layer chicks, flight conditioned, brown and white egg. Call various ages, call for Moyer's Chicks, Quaker prices. 717-687-5143 town, PA, 215-536-3155. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 22, 2000-D2l ILDING MATERIALS UIPMENT -48" ELLANE TERMS DIRECTIONS FANCY HEAVY ROOSTERS WANTED Year-Round 717-484-4549