834-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000 SAT JULY 29 8 30AM JD 5400 tools trailer toys 543 Graystone Rd Manheim Pa Stanley Car penter owner Blame N Rent/el auct SAT JULY 29 9AM John M Hess Auction Service 2 story brick home 185CooperAve Lane Pi For James R Archer Sr Estate John M Hess Bob & Dennis Wol gemuth aucts SAT JULY 29 9AM Parkland School Dist Surplus Sale Machinery kitchen vehicles sup plies at the Fogelsville Elemen tary Bldg on Rt 100 S of Fogelsville Pa Tim Wotrmg Auct AU15631 SAT JULY 29 - 9AM Woodland Car Tools, Antiques at 161 East Maple Grove Rd Bowmansville PA For William G Musser LeßoyS Horst Auct 436-L SAT JULY 29 - SAM Real estate & Personal Properly East end of Richfield PA |ust N of County Line Restaurant & Rt 35 West PUBLIC AUCTION — mm* At Paradise Sale Barn, Paradise, PA J m JyLfl Directions: Approximately 8 miles East 9.00 am of Lancaster - PA on Route 30 turn on T (M) A Z Meadow Lane to sale on right. [Tr .. . Forklifts, Wood & Metal Working Equipment Thursday, July 20,2000 Approx. 30 Forklifts 12 000 lb Cat Model VI2O 2 Stage Mast, Dual Pneumatic Tnes Diesel Poweied, 11.000 lb Cal Model VIIO 2 Stage Mast, Dual Pneumatic Tues Diesel Powered, 9 000 lb Cat Model T9OD 3 Stage Mast S/S Cushion Tues, Propane, 8,000 lb Cal Model TBOC 2 Stage Mast. Folk Positioners, Cushion Tues Propane 6,000 lb AC Model P6O 24, 2 Stage Mast, Pneumatic Tues, Gas 6 000 lb Claik Model C5OO Y6O 2 Stage Mast, Pneumatic Tues Gas, 7 000 lb Claik Model C-70 2 Stage Mast Cushion Tires, Propane, 6,000 lb Clark Model C5OO S6O Tuple Mast S/S Cushion Tues Propane 6 000 1b Cat Model T6OB Triple Mast S/S Cushion Tnes Propane 6 0001 b Claik Model C5OO-S6O Tuple Mast S/S, Cushion Tues Piopane, 6 000 lb Vale Model GLC 060 Tuple Mast S/S, Cushion Tires, Piopane. 6,000 lb Cat Model VC6ODSA 2 Stage Mast S/S Dual Pneumatic Tires, Propane, 5,000 lb Cal Model VSOD Tuple Mast, Pneumatic Tues Propane, 5,000 lb Nissan Model EHO2A2SV, Tuple Mast Pneumatic Tues Diesel Powered 5,000 lb Cal Model TSODSA, Triple Mast S/S, Cushion Tues Piopane 5 000 lb Cat Model TSOC Tuple Mast S/S, Cushion Tires, Piopane. 5 000 lb TCM Model FG2S, 2 Stage Mast, Pneumatic Tires Piopane, 4,500 lb Claik Model C5OO 45 2 Stage Fiee Lilt Cushion Tues Piopane 1995 - 5,000 lb Komatsu Model FG2S - 11, Tuple Mast, S/S Cushion Tues, Propane, 4,000 lb Yale Model GLC-040 Triple Mast, S/S, Cushion Tires Piopane, 4,000 lb Claik Model C-40, Tuple Mast Cushion Tires, Piopane. 4 000 Ih Pume Movei Model RC4O. Tuple Mast Cushion Tues. Battery Poweied, 4,000 Ih Claik Model TW-40 Tuple Mast S/S, Cushion Tues. Balteiy Poweied, 3,(X)0 lb Nissan Model CPHOIAISV Tuple Mast S/S, Cushion Tues Piopane 5 000 lb TCM Model FCP-15 Tuple Mast S/S/ Cushion Tires Batteiy Poweied 3,0001 h Clown Model 30SP 36TT Older Picker with Tuple Mast Claik Model NPI 2D 240 m Lilt Double Reach Tiuck. Battery Poweied Manual Pallet Jacks Dock Plates High Cal Model OS I 20NE Sussoi Lilt Mec Model 24D Aenal Woik PUlfoim. Grove Nugget Series Batten Poweied Sctssot Lilt Air Compressors Gardenei Demei Model SPODA 7SO CFM Diesel Powered Rotary Suew An Compressor Skid Mounted 781 His Good Cond Allas Copco Model XAS SO - 100 CFM Skid Mounted An Coinpiessoi Dent/ Diesel Poweied Multi Quip 90 CFM Portable An Compressoi Isu/u Diesel Poweied 8 in Gas Poweied Portable Water Pump Rex Model Rexral 6 Gas Poweied Pavement Rollei Wood and Metal Working Equip. Budgepoit I H P Milling Machine with 9 m x 42 in Powciteed Table Sa|o Sweden Model VF-12A Variable Speed Milling Machine Allen 1 Spindle Drill Piess. 4 Lincoln Welders, Jet 20" Chop Saw, Pedestal Gimdei. Maivel Model 9 Hacksaw. Collins Model 22A Thiead-o malic Threading Machine with Dies. Kidgid Model SIS Thieading Machine with Dies & Cullei Ridgid Model 1822 Cenlei - Lock Thieading Machine with Dies & Cutter, Greenlee Model No 777 11/,"I 1 /," to 4" Bendei Kalanwoo 9T1 6 Metal Cutting Band Saw. I//' Banding Cart & Tools 16 Sheet Metal Brake, Laige Model Pram 11 P & G Plant Machine. Abrasive Sand Blast Cabinet with Dust Collector Scotchman Iron Worker with Punches & Angle Cutter Attachment Economy Model 6011 Hydiauhc Cardboaid Baler, 2 - I Yd Conciete Hoppeis, 1 - 16" Conciete Troweleis Blower Fans Industiial 9x16 Metal Cutting Band Saw, Ridgid Model 100 Pipe Thieadei with Cultci & Dies, 6 Misc Si/es Aluminum ScalDe Planks, Rotaiy Tables, Machine Vises, Angle Plates, Shop Tables, Welding Tables Dull Bits, Reameis, Chucks, Shop Carts Cummins Diesel with Clutch Skid Mounted, 48,000 ft. 3/4” Schedule 40 Steel Tubing, Tons of New Conveyor Belting Up to 30” Wide IXsks Chans fik Cabinets I oldmg Tables & Lots ol Mist Supplies Lancaster Equipment Elam S. Stoltzfus All Advertised Items Subject to Prior Sale. Cash or Honorable PA Check Only All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising. Not Responsible for Accidents 4. Auctioneer: Mel Hoover AU-003111-L 717-354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn Perry Twp Snyder Co Earl E & Lorraine E Renmnger Mark J Jones Auct #AUIS9S L SAT JULY 29 9AM Real estate at 989 Mountain Horse Rd Hall fax PA Ronald & Jean Woland Owners Linn Lenker Auct #AU -003745 L SAT JULY 29 9AM Eastern Panhandle Contractors Auction Martmsburg Wv Equip trucks trailers & containers Wolfe aucts SAT JULY 29 9AM Antiques furniture, glassware tools At 1069 Ridge Ave Ephrata, Lane Co Pa By Everett & Annie Reich John Harvey Fry, The Auctioneers SAT JULY 29 - 9AM 6 Acre Woodland 93 Plymouth Tools & Personal Property for Wm G Musser at 157 East Maple Grove Road, Bowmansville Leroy S Horst Auct AU-000-436-L SAT JULY 29 - 9AM 2 Acre Country property, JD traactor, HH goods, tools From Rt 322 just west of Rt 272 turn onto N Acad Lifts Office Supplies Food on Premises emy Dr to property on right Ephrata Two lane Co ByElviun M & Maty A Martin Aaron E Martin auct SAT JULY 29 10AM 4 tracts in Adams Co East Berlin 640 Rife Rd , East Berlin Pa Randy L Hilker auct SAT JULY 29 10AM Real Estate Antiques Collectibles Lawn & Garden Tools Rt 17W towards Seville, in lekesburg Perry Co PA Roger & Barbara Pederson Klmgs Auctions Inc PA Lie #OO5OO MON JULY 31 - 2PM Remholds Fire Co Banquet Hall Rt 897 Remholds PA Antiques Person al Property and Tools Art Pan nebecker Auction Service AUGUST TUES AUG 1 - Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle PA TUES AUG 1 - IPM Trustees Auction Sale of Real Estate 3 Parcels to be held in front of the Washington Co Courthouse Hagerstown MD J G Cochran Auct A5000832-L WED AUG 2 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co Pa 717- 656-2947 WED AUG 2 - 12 Noon 11/12 acre farmette farm equip, antiques, HH goods 369 N Shirk Rd New Holland Pa by Ivan W & Lydia B Hoover Aaron E Mar tm, auct WED AUG 2 - 2PM Antiques, Household Goods, Collectibles & Tools at Horst Auction Center Rt 322, Ephrata, PA Horst Auction eers AU43BL Terms By WED AUG 2-6 PM 77 acre farm 270 Cedar Ridge Rd, New Oxford Pa John & Belinda Lehr owners Mike Stemner Auct THURS AUG 3 - Backhoe trucks construction equip Stools At 10 Sunset Lane Lititz By Clyde Suader Builder Aaron E Martin^uctionService THURS AUG 3 - 9AM Complete woodworking shop going out of business auction From Rt 30 E of Lane take 896 S through Slras burg to White Oak Rd turn right to sale on left King s Woodcraft Mel Hoover aucls THURS AUG 3 4PM Furniture Tools Personal Prop Storage Lehigh Career Technology Institute ANNUAL SURPLUS AUCTION FRI., JULY 21, 2000 4:30 PM 4500 Education Park Dr.. Schnecksville, PA PA Route 22 to Allentown, Take Route 309 North or Schnecksville at the Light 15” Leßlond Lathe w/Attachments, 4-13” Southbend Lathes, 10” Southbend Lathe, 24” Brickford Drill Press, #1 Special Milwaukee Horizontal Milling Machine w/Vertical Head & Slotting Attachment, Power Hack Saw, Mohawk Vehicle Lift, Printing Presses - AB Dick Model 360 & 9850 & Multi 1360 GPC, Porter Built Router, Tennewitz Table Saw, Arc Welders, 2 Pallets of New Towel Dispensers, Meters, Overhead Projectors, VCR’s, 2 Way Radios, Projectors, Boxes of Computers and Parts, TV’s, Circular Saws, Chairs, New Holland Model 68 Baler, Sinks, Round Tables, Ice Cream Freezer, Steel Tables, Chairs, Bradley Sinks, Hand Tools and More! Terms: Cash or PA Check, Sales Tax will be Collected. JOHN PFEIFFER, JR. - AUCTIONEER AU29B2L - 610-262-0423 PUBLIC AUCTION J.D. 5400 - 4X4 w/LOADER - TOOLS - TRAILER - TOYS SAT., JULY 29, 2000 8:30 AM 543 Graystone Road, Manheim, PA (Next to Roots Country Market Off Rt. 72 - Watch For Signs) J.D. 5400 - 4 Wheel Drive w/J.D. 540 Hyd. Loader, 200 hrs; Set of Forks for Loader; J.D. Cylinder, J.D. 425 Lawn Tractor w/54” Mower Deck and Blower Bagger L.N. Hydr. & Power Steering; Dixon Mower; Woods 6’ 3 pt. Rotary Mower; Cross Country 2 Wheel Trailer w/Ramp - L.N.; J.D. 55EV Chain Saw, Gas Blower; J.D. 18” Rotary Mower; JD. 50 Dump Trailer; J.D. Portable Heater; Homehte 160 Gal. Per Min. Water Pump; Gas Weedeater, Pressure Washer w/Hose & Gun. J.D. 3/4” Socket Wrench Set; Snap-On Tool Boxes - Top & Bottom on Wheels; Large Assortment of Box & Open End Wrenches; Adj. Wrenches, Metric Sockets; Line Wrenches; Clamp Vise Grips; Ratchet Wrenches; Heavy Duty Sockets 7/16” to 1-1/4”; Electric Impact Wrench, Craftsman 1/2” Socket Set; Pipe Vise; Pipe Wrenches; Pipe Threader, Tap & Die Set; Carpenter Tool Box with Carpenters’ Tools; Electric Drills; Divell Meter; Timing Light; Marquette Battery Charger; Cut-off Saws; Side Grinder; Sabre Saw; Electric Cords; Jack Stands; Shop Vacuums; Creepers; Step Ladders; Wooden & Aluminum Extension Ladders 10’ & 24’; Come-Along, Clover Seeder; Chisels & Wedges; Chicken Coops; Bag Wagons; Rope; Brooms; Grain Shovels; Wooden Table; Pedestal Fan; Slate Tools; 3/4” Plywood; Saw Blades. TOYS J.D. 8400 Pedal Tractor; J.D. 5020, 4955, B, 630 LP, 8440, 2550, 70; Car; Airplane; Harvester; Banks; Lunch Box; Books & Literature; Trucks; Ford; Chev; Dodge; Tonka; IHC 5130, 5120, 1586, Picker; N.I. Spreader; A.C.; Oliver 1855; Ford TW3S; TW2S; 7710; Deutz 6240; N.H. Bank; Sperry N.H. Picture Set; Winross Trucks; Huskey; Stauffer; B.R Kreider; Meridian Bank and Other Toys. NOTE: All of this equipment is like new & well taken care of - large tractors & mower will be sold at 12:00 noon - Toys sold at approx. 11.15 am. Terms: Cash or Good Check Seller: STANLEY CARPENTER 717-653-4934 AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, PA 717-764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Bldg 99 Ford Contour, 86Chev Mini Van at Blue Bird Lane ream stown PA Noah J & Gloria M Raber Kline Kreider & Good Aucts #499 513 2116 THURS AUG 3 - SPM JD Back hoe 4x4 Pickup Construction Equip Trucks, Kubota Tractor Tools at 10 Sunset Lane Lititz PA Clyde Sauder Builder A E MartiilAuction Svc #AUOO22BO-L FRI AUG 4 - 6 30PM 2 Parcels 310 Lake Rd North Thomasville Pa Estate of Pauline E Staub Blame N Rentzel, auct FRI AUG 4 - 7 PM Feeder Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange NY PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, PERSONAL PROPERTY, BEANIE BABIES AND TOOLS MON., JULY 24, 2000 Sale At 2:30 PM To Be Held in the Reinholds Fire Co. Banquet Hall, Rt. 897, Reinholds 8 Pc Dining Room Suite, Trestle Table; Modem Dry Sink, Bunk Beds; Victorian Sofa, Tea Cart, Bentwood Rocker; Chest of Drawers, Bookcase, Computer Desk, Coffee Table, Deacon's Bench, Patio Table/Chairs. Sentry Safe, Zenith T.V, Stereo, Microwave; Milk Glass; Set of Crown Ming Dishes; Mixing Bowls, Casseroles; Pfaltzgraff; Stainless Cook ware; C I Fry Pans; Crock Pot; Avon, Baseball Cards; Comic Books; Games; Dolls-Barbie; American Flyer Engine #332 and Other Access ories; Tins; Beanie Babies; And Display Case; Pocket Knives; Metal Dogs; Mantel Clock; Electronic Radial Arm Saw; Craftsman Band Saw; Router, Table and Vacuum System; Plumber’s Tripod; Work Bench; Sears Radial Arm Saw; H.H. Strieker Axes; Beaty Broad Axe; Double Bladed Stohler; Stanley Planes #l9l and #5 and Others; Chisels; Punches; Augers; Levels; Spoke Shavers; Dangle Schtuck; Oyster Knives; Meat Hooks; Wedges, Brace and Bits; Block Plane; Folding Rules; Seeder; Tongs; Beatty Slick; Cleaver; Craftsman Bhp. Riding Mower with Bagger; Lawn Roller: Electric Edger; Hedge Trimmer; Bhp. Snowblower on Tracks; Bag Wagon; Bikes; Stepladder; Metal Cabinet and Many Others Items Too Numerous to Mention. Terms By: Richard and Ruby DeLong and Others A #AUOOI476L M\ rt Pannebecker mm uction Service B - habecker m I #1296-L PUBLIC SALE OF ANTIQUES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., JULY 22, 2000 Sale At 8:30 AM To Be Held in the Denver Fire Hall, Locust St., Denver Boro, Lane. Co., PA 2 Pc. 9 Light Grained Slant Top Desk; Cherry Drop Leaf Table; Blanket Chest w/2 Drawers; 4 Pc Depression Bedroom Suite, Washstand; Dough Tray; 6 Pc. Bedroom Suite; Old Feed Chest; Decorated Nursing Rocker; Maple China Closet; Buffet; Singer Sewing Machine; Clothes Tree, Cedar Chest; Wooden Commode; 4 Pc. Maple Bedroom Suite; Mm. Blanket Chest; Child’s Drop Leaf Table; Trunks; High Chair; Sofa; Reclmer; Gooseneck Rocker; Baking Board Table; Zenith TV; G.E. Upright Freezer; Fngidaire Refrigerator, Washer, Dryer; Magic Chef Microwave; RCA TV; VCR; Stereo; Breakfast; Wooden Cupboard; Wheelchair; Floor Lights; Rugs; Electrolux Cleaners; Hummels; Depression; Carnival; Leed’s Platter; Blue Willow; Glass Baskets; Sugar/Creamers; Madras Platter; Children’s Plates; Ironstone Teapot; Italian Pottery; Crocks; Candlewick; Water Set; Wine Set; Milk White; Berry Set; B & G Plates and Bells; Redware; Chicken On Nest; Hall; Stem; Jardinieres; Mantel Clocks; Mixing Bowls; Stemware; Veg. Dishes; Aunt Jemima S & P; Cookie Cutters; Milk Kettle; Guardian Service; Stainless Cookware; Utensils; Flatware; Sterling S & P; Corning; Sunbeam Mixer; German Cuckoo Clock; Himeisen Wooden Lights; Stereo Viewer; Local Memorabilia; Kerosene Lights; Sad Iron; Records; Halloween Costumes; Avon; Scanner; Agate; Assorted Old Books-Children’s, Textbooks, Classics French and English, Hymnals; Sheet Music; Needlecraft and Old Life Magazines; Masonic Items; Jewelry; Hats and Boxes; Parlor Light; Bottles; Dated Trivets Fersomnling; Games; Vintage Clothing; Quilt; Tablecloths; Feed Bag Material; Bonnets; Comforters; Indian Blanket; Shawls; Hankies, Doilies, Afghans and Fancywork Made by Florence Binkley; Birdbath; Picnic Table, Bike; Metal Shelf; Shop Vac; Hand and Garden Tools and Many Other Items Too numerous to Mention • Preview Fn., July 21, 4 00 pm - 8 00 pm only • No out of state checks' FLORENCE H. BINKLEY ESTATE rtPannebecker *f"™SSb notion Service 717-336-2933 (Fax) J. FRY AUCT. OF Terms By
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers