Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 15, 2000, Image 65
Sale Reports ; - I,J - M&Bt AGRII TRACTS #2 - 22 mm THURSDAY, Jtsvr 27, 2000 > : * - ~4 PM ' LOCATION: Take Rt 272 South |ust past WDAC, turn nght on Truce Rd„ straight onto Martic Heights Rd tofutt Nebo Store turn right onto Hilldale Rd approx 300 yards to Auction on right TRACTHH Consists of rural/country land, 21-1/2 acres ideally located at end of private cul-de-sac lane featuring approx 9 acres tillable land, balance woodland TRACT #2 Consist of ideally located country tract 22 acres most ly wooded offenng great home site potential with Southern expo sure, also located at the end of private cul-de-sac lane NOTE: Both tracts are surveyed, perc & probe tested for stan dard septic systems Both offer quiet, rural setting for Southern Exposure home site Zoned rural conservation * ABSOLUTE AUCTION: One tract (Buyer's choice) will be sold Absolute Auction to the highest bidder regardless of price. Other tract subject to confirmation. Terms-10% down, balance 60 days For additional information and land plotting call Auctioneers 786- 3394 or 733-1006. Inspection of property can be made anytime RAYMOND W. SULLIVAN 111 Auction Conducted By Uoyd Kreider, Randal V Kline, Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers 786-3394 or 733-1006 Lie #SI3L - #499L - #2116 Consignment Auction Saturday, July 22nd 9 AM Followed by an Evening Toy Auction Taneytown Farm Equipment Route 194 1.5 miles north of Taneytown, MD Selling antique and late model tractors, farm equipment, industrial equipment, and lawn tractors and equipment White 2-180, cab, 3,000 hrs , 180 HP, triple remotes, very, very nice Antique Tractors- JD 320 standard fully restored very sharp. Ford 981 live PTO F&R weights hydraulics 1200 original hrs., JD L w/JD cultivators. Case 300 gas triple range, IH W 6 restored, Farmall H restored, JD 720 diesel sharp western tractor, AC Dl4 factory snap coupler 3 pt., JD 630 w/f, AC Dl2 hi crop factory P/S (rare), MH 101 senior, Farmall A, International 350 hi crop utility (rare), Oliver OC3 crawler. Ford BN, Farmall Super C, Farmall 140 w/sicklebar mower. Tractors - JD 4020 diesel power shift side console, Ford Jubilee, Oliver 550 w/loader, nice, JD 2640, AC Dl7 series 111, Oliver 1850 nice 2800 original hrs., JD 4020 power shift M&W turbo kit, JD 2010 p/s, Oliver 55 diesel, Oliver 1650, White 2-180 cab 3000 hrs. 180 HP triple remotes very very nice, Kubota M 6950 4x4 cab 70 HP, AC 6080, International 400 diesel, International 444 diesel P/S live pto, Ford 9N w/loader, Ford 2000 w/loader, MF 265 Compact Tractors - JD 1070 4x4 w/loader 400 hrs. Ford 1700 w/loader, Kioti L 82204 4x4 loader, Kubota 85200 w/mower, Yanmar 1610 D 4x4 w/Loader, Ford 1710 4x4, White 16, Kubota 88200 4x4 w/mower, Kubota L 2550 4x4 loader, Kubota 81750 4x4 hydro loader, Ford 1920, IH 234 w/mower, JD 850, Ford 1600 Industrial - Case 1840 skidloader one owner, Bobcat 843 sktdloader. Bobcat 743 skidloader, Altec asphalt planer hardly used, Case 580 CK w/loader, NH 555 Skidloader, Case 1537 Skidloader, OMC Mustang skidloader (sharp) Equipment - Brand new NH 157 3 pt. hay tedder. Woods 315 15’ batwing mower, Danuser postdriver (nice), Bushhog 15’ batwing mower, NH 163 4 star tedder. Woods 121 10’ mower, NH 847 baler, JD 3x disc plow, Brinly loader, JD 1209 haybine, NH 469 haybine, NH 56 rake w/dolly, Cub manure spread er, JD 8300 drill w/press wheels, New 10’ land leveler, JD 1-1/2 HP motor, Hesston 30A stacker, Hesston 30A stack mover, Rhino 20’ batwing mower, JD 327 baler, Hesston 530 round baler, NH 630 round baler (like new), NI 272 cutditioner, Int. 5100 18x7 drill grass boxes double discs, Farmhand 835 grinder mixer, INT 2255 loader, MF 130 manure spreader, NI 215 Manure spreader, Oliver ground drive manure spreader. Woods RMS 9 5’ finish mower, NH 451 sicklebar mower. Scraper blades, Hay rakes. Plows, Balers, Mowers, Com planters, Discs, Original Conestoga wagon, Pequea hay wagon w/JD run ning gear, MF 22 double disc gram drill, Woods 121 10’ mower, JD T scraper blade, Woods 348 4’ belly mower. Lawn Equipment -JD 317, JD 430, Ingersoll 5016 Frt. cut mower, JD 318, JD AMT 622, Grasshopper ZTR, JD 260 w/48” deck, Chetec 16 hp Kohler 4 wheel utility vehicle Dump bed 35 hrs. Vehicles - 1989 Dodge Dl5O 4x4 w/Myers plow, Diamond Rio tandem trailer 50,000 miles on rebuilt 270 Cummins, 1988 Ford Cabriolet Conversion 460 AT Nice sth wheel, 1990 Ford F 350 w/1 T Dump bed 460 5 spd. Electric hoist new paint tires, Antique Collectibles - JD 1-1/2 HP motor, Original Conestoga wagon. Toy Auction Consignments - JD 630 pedal tractor, Ford 8000 pedal tractor, Farmall super M pedal trac tor, Farmall 560 pedal tractor, Int 1066 pedal tractor, (2) Texaco tanker trucks, JD industrial pedal trac tor, JD 4030 series pedal tractor, Ertl Int. Agway tanker, 1984 Hess truck. Original JD loader, Original JD manure spreader, Oliver silkie toy 77, JD 140 L&G, Michigan crane “nice”, 12 case collector trac tors, Case Millennium steam engine, plus too many lots to advertise, there will be something for every one. Farm and Construction Toy, Memorabilia, and Pedal tractor auction to begin @ 4:00 PM or 1/2 hour after equipment auction which ever is later and is expected to last at least three hours. All items subject to prior sale. Many Many more items expected for both sales. We will have more than 50 tractors to sell on sale day Consignments accepted through 7/21/00 12 Noon! Sale Managers - Tony Battaglia 410-751-1500 & Greg McGraw 410-239-9399 Loading available - We can truck anywhere Sam Walters, Tony Quarrick and John Hess auctioneers Food rights reserved 786-4537 Kenneth Howard, Atty. AUCTIONEERS shift, side console WEAVER SALE A three-bedroom ranch-style house with an attached two-car garage sold for $95,000 Saturday during a public sale of real estate and house PUBLIC AUCTION Wednesday Evening JULY 19, 2000 at 5:30 PM Located at The New Tripoli National Bank park ing lot. Madison St., New Tripoli, PA, Lehigh Co. Item being sold is a 1997 Ford F 450 XLT-4x4, Dually Truck w/7.5 Litre Engine, Auto, Air, 15,000 GVW, 11’ Aluminum Dump Body w/Sides, 1 Owner w/13,800 Miles (In Like New Condition). Note: Bank has the right to reject any or all bids. Any questions or to review truck call Fred Xander at New Tripoli National Bank 610-395-8834. Terms: Cash or Acceptable Check. No Out Of State Checks. Save This Ad - Only Ad. Sale Order By: New Tripoli National Bank New Tripoli, PA AUCTIONEER: Robert A. Amer AU-000024-L Phone 570-386-4586 v-—-^jiv f - Ford 981, live PTO, F&R JD 320, standard, fully weights, hydraulics. 1,200 restored, very sharp original hours hold items held for Abram and Betty Weaver, 114 Chestnut St., Brunnerville. The buyers were Merlin and Christie Cinder, Lititz. There were 163 reg- istered bidders. Among items sold were a Honda 11- horsepower riding mower, $1,075; a Snapper self-propelled mower, $75; a Crafts man leaf blower, $75; a Masport gardener rototiller, $45; an elec tric chainsaw, $35; a Mighty Mac 5- horsepower shredder, $160; a Homelite snowblower, $200; a picnic table, $9O; a garden plow and disc, $7O; an extension table and boards, $340; a bedroom suite, $150; ' Eastern Panhandle v CONTRACTORS AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 29, 2000 • 9 AM MARTINSBURG, WV ~ Drive-Thru Auction - Free Ice Cold Watermelon ~ DIRECTIONS: FROM RT 81 - Take Exit 12. Follow Rt. 45 East to the 3rd light. Make a Right onto Rt. 11 South. 1.6 Mile turn Right (Beside U-Lock- It Self Storage ) 7/10-mile back lane to sale site. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY - NEW ITEMS ADDED DAILY TRACKLOADERS & DOZERS: CAT 9551, OROPS, GP bkt; CAT 9518, OROPS, GP bkt, S/N 86J1893, JD 455 E w/hoe attach. ** CAT DSC, OROPS, 6-W bid. good u/c; CAT D4C, OROPS, 6-w bid, good u/c BACKHOES & WHEEL LOADERS: JD 10D, OROPS, CASE 580 Super E, 4x4, EROPS, std hoe; JD 4IOC, 4x4, EROPS; CASE 580 D, EROPS, cab, 4 wheel drive, extendahoe, S/N 9057702; CASE 580 D, EROPS, std hoe, CASE 580 C, OROPS; CASE 580 E, OROPS, CASE 580 C, OROPS, ext hoe, CASE 580 CK-33 TLB, S/N 4161750 ** CASE W-208, S/N 913206. CASE W-14, JD 6648, EROPS, quick attach bkt; JD 544 C, EROPS, ACS. quick attach bkt. SKIDLOADERS & TRENCHERS & FARM TRACTORS: CASE 1845 C; CASE 1737; BOBCAT 743; BOBCAT 753 ** VERMEER V-450 w/bkhoe, plow & bid, 1089 ong hrs; VERMEER V-430. ** FORD 7700 CALL wide frt, PTO; CASE IH 585 utility, OROPS, dual outlets w/6’ RH sickle bar mwr. HYD EXCAVATORS, CRANES & MOTORGRADERS: CASE 1085, Cruz-Air. ** GROVE 15 ton crane, gas engs; BUCYRUS ERIE 20 ton crane. ** JD 770 motorgradei, real ripper, BUCKET 510 C giadei, EROPS, Idr, ripper, 4x4, hydrostatic dsl. MISC. EQUIP: IR 175 air comp w/Deutz dsl; VERMEER chipper, 12’ drum, CLARK GPS-25 forklift. DUMPS: ‘92 MACK TRI/A w/new T-l steel body, 300 Mack, 44,000 reais, 18,000 frts., ‘B7 MACK R model TRI/A, bed & hoist only 2 mos old, 300 hp, Mack 6 spd, 44,000 rears, 18,000 frts; ‘B7 MACK R model, T/A 14' steel dump, new 300, 4 valve, 44,000/18,000, ‘B7 MACK R model T/A 15’ new steel dump, 300 Mack, 4 valve, 6 spd, 44,000/18,000; ‘B9 IH S/A dump, DT466, 5/2, Alcoa wheels; ‘B5 FORD LBOOO S/A dump, 3208 Cat, 7 spd, PS/ A/B, 38,400 gvw, ‘B9 GMC 3500 dump CAB & CHASSIS: ‘B6 IH 1600, 7.3 dsl, 5/2, ‘B6 IH S-1700, 9 Odsl, 5 spd, P/S, A/B, ‘B3 FORD F-700, gas, auto. UTILITY & BKT TRKS & TOW TRKS: ‘94 DODGE Ram 3500, Dual wheels, closed util body, long wh base, Cummins dsl, 5 spd, ‘94 CHEVY 2500 util body trk, gas, auto, ‘9O FORD F 450 Superduty util body, V-8 gas, auto, ‘9B GMC 3500 util box trk w/generator pwr supply unit, dual whls, auto, V-8, gas, “88 GMC 3500 12’ cube van w/generator, air comp & hot air htr, V-9 gas, auto **’BB GMC 6000 S/A line body trk, V-8, 5 spd w/Teco 37’ single man bkt & 125 cfm Sullivan air comp, ‘B9 CHEVY 3500 bkt trk, auto, V-8 gas, Waldon lift squirt boom. **’77 FORD F6OO tow trk, 5/2 spd, V-8 gas. VEHICLES & BUS: ‘93 DODGE Ram, V-8 auto; ‘92 FORD FOl5O, 4x4, gas, auto; (3) FORD Explorers, 4x4, V-6 gas, auto, A/C, YRS ‘93, ‘92 & ‘9l; ‘92 GMC Jimmy, V-6, 4x4, A/C; ‘9l DODGE Ram Cargo van, gas, auto, ‘B6 B-700 60 pass bus, 8.2 Detroit, auto, P/S, hyd brks. TRAILERS & SEA CONTAINERS: 2000 EAGER BEAVER 35 Ton Lowboy w/Wetline, Power Pac, Air ride, 3rd axle attach; ‘9l Utility diop deck air ride, 48x102; ‘B9 T/A MATLOCK enc, tractor pullers special trl w/underbody bxs, 52,400 lb gvw; New 2000 TOWMASTER T-40 tagalong 20 Ton, air brks; ‘93 BUTLER T/A tilt top trl, ‘9B HUDSON T/A 10 Ton air brk equip trl. ** (4) 8’ Sea Containers, (6) 20’ Sea Containers, (4) 40’ Sea Container. MISC: New tools; Cut off saws; Drills; Drill presses, 110 volt welder, Poita powers; Torch sets; Truck load of New Office Furniture; Lumber, Building supplies & Many Additional Items too Numerous to List TERMS OF SALE: Complete Payment On Sale Day with CASH or CASHIERS CHECK Company or Personal check accepted only it accom panied by a “Current Bank Letter of Guaranteed Payment” Visa & Mastercard accepted - a 5% administrative fee charged on all non-cash/non check purchases. PRE-SALE FINANCING AVAILABLE: CONTACT BY JULY 21 Telmark LLC at 800-451-3322 or Keystone Leasing Co at 800-444-8333, ext. 168. VA A.F #l2B VA DLR #8929 INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS, INC (800)443-9580 • (301)898-0340 9801 Hansonville Rd„ http://www/ Frederick, MD 21702 email: Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000-825 and a box spring and mattress, $BO. Also, a blanket chest, $130; an oak chest of drawers, $55, a dehumidifier, $45; an oak treadle sewing machine, $180; a Gen eral Electric refrigera tor, $120; a dryer, $130; a sugar and creamer, $35; a Shirley Temple pitcher, $3B; two-footed candy dishes, $9O and $6O; a vase, $6O; a sewing machine, $6O; an agate roaster, $3O; a croquet set. $27; and four quilts, $lOO, $9O and TRUCKS SELL FIRST! SALE CONDUCTED BY two at $35 each. The auction was conducted by Aaron E. Martin Auction Ser vice, Ephrata. ZEISET SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held July 6 by Eli and Anna Zeiset, along Rt. lO north three miles north of Morgantown, Berks Co., Pa. The 2.5 acres of open land with a stream was sold for $6,600. Horning Farm Agency conducted the sale.