A3B-lancastar Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000 Indiana Livestock Homer City, Pa. Thursday, July 13,2000 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE: 145. STEERS & HEIFERS STEADY. COWS STEADY TO 2.00 LOWER STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 1175/1470 LBS. 66.50,71.25, SELECT 1- 3 62.00, 64.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 COUPLE 1380, 1630, 62.00, 62.25. HEIFERS; CHOICE 2-4 1070, 1530 LBS. 65.00, 71.75. SELECT 1-3 63.00,65.00. STANDARD 1-2 46.50, 52.00. COWS; BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN 40.00. 45.75. BONERS 80-85% LEAN 36.25, 42.00, LEAN 85-90% LEAN 32.00. 37.00, SHELLS DOWN TO 31.00 & DOWN, BULLS: YIELD GRADE 2 1150, 1890 LBS. 46.25, 50.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: M-l 550, ONE AT 82.00. HEIFERS: FEW - M & L-2 375/485, 52.50, 60.00, 510/970, 55.50, 72.00. BULLS: FEW M-2 365/880,64.00, 76.00. CALVES: 68. FEW GOOD 135/215 LBS. 60.00, 76.00. STANDARD & GOOD 90/115 LBS. 30.00,57.50. STAN PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE - SHOP TOOLS HOUSEHOLD - ANTIQUES SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 2000 • 9 AM 1195 Newport Road , Pennryn, Lancaster County, PA DIRECTIONS: SQUARE in Manheim take Doe Run Road East follow to 2nd red light and go left onto Penryn Road to Auction on Right, comer of Penryn and Newport Roads. ROUTE 72 at Elstonville go East on Newport Road - follow tor approx. 3 miles to Auction on Right. ORDER OF SALE 9:00 AM Shop Tools & Machines -10:00 AM Antiques & General Household - 11:30 AM Guns -12:00 Noon Real Estate 12:30 PM Vehicles Followed by Furniture, Appliances, Lawn & Garden REAL ESTATE: 2.5 Story Frame Home with Vinyl Siding and New Replacement Windows on Most of the Dwelling; Home Features an Eat-in Kitchen, Living Room and Family Room plus Full Bath on Main Floor, 2nd Floor has 2 Bedrooms and an Attic; ALSO; A separate 2 Bedroom Apartment on the 2nd Floor of Home with Living Room and an Eat-m Kitchen and Full Bath; Small Barn on Property; Site is 1 acre. Comments : Both the main house and apartment have their own Central Air and heating Systems. Lot has it’s own drilled well and an on side septic system. Will be sold for $65,000 or more ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD Important Pair of Cut Crystal Alter Lights on Carved Wood Columns from Saint Paul’s U.C.C. Church, Schaefferstown, Sponge Decorated Blanket Chest; Oak Library Table; Boston Rocker; Child’s Rocker; Dough Tray; Church Pew; Fine Oak Wall Telephone; Nice 2 Door Milk Cupboard; Needlepoint Rocker; Baker’s Cupboard; Late Victorian Love Seat; Slag Lamp; Advertising Tins; New Holland Die Cast Tractors; Washbowl and Pitcher Set; Good Oil Lamp with Painted Shade; Clothes Tree; Advertising Crates; Stoneware Crocks; Milk Can; Brass Jardiniere; Wall Cupboard; Custom Dry Sink with Top; Miniature Drysmk; Trestle Table; Hutch Table, Small Single Two Part Glass Door Cupboard; Child’s Miniature Cupboard; Children’s Wagons; GE Refrigerator with Ice Maker; GE Glass Top Electric Range; Litton Microwave;.Kenmore Sewing Machine; Maytag Washer & Dryer; GE Washer &’j§syer\ Craft Items; and Many More Household Items. TOOLS: Edison Machinist Tools (Bridgeport Type); Milling Machine with Acunte Readout System; Misting System; Power Feed Table; R-8 Collars; 1240 Jet Lathe with Top Taper Attachment; Faceplate; Steady Rest; Metric & English Threading; Tool Post Grinder; Oxy-Acetylene Welding Outfit; Victor Torch Set w/Rosebud Tips, Drill Press; 3 Phase Converter; 3 Phase Power Band Saw, Arbor Press; R-8 Boring Head; 8” Machinist Vise; 12” Rotary Table, Reamers: Drills (Taper & Regular Shank); Tap & Die Set; Kennedy Tool Boxes, Starrett Measuring Tools, Machinist Hand Tools, Anvil. WOODWORKING: 10” Ciattsman Table Saw, Makita 12” Planer & Joiner Combo, Delta Bandsaw, Dewalt Radial Arm Saw, 2 Shapers, Rockwell Wood Lathe, Delta Spindle Sandei, Belt Disc Sander, 2 Scroll Saws, Older Shop Smith Unit, Misc Hand Tools MISC. ITEMS Older 5 HP An Compressor; Ready Heater; Cabinets with Hardwood Tops; 14 HP Wheel Horse Riding Tractor w/48” Mower Deck; 5 HP Craftsman Sell Propelled Lawn Mower; Lawn Cart; Parker Lawn Sweeper; Iron Pump Trough; Weedwacker; Lots of Hand Tools, GOOD LUMBER: Walnut, Oak, Cedar GUNS: 30-06 Rifle w/9x Scope; 222 Rifle w/Scope, 7 MM Spamsh- Amencan War Rifle, 12 Gauge Single Shot-gun, VEHICLES: 1989 Ford Conversion Van w/Tow Package, Captain Chairs and Television, 1985 Dodge Van. TERMS: 10% Down Day of Auction for Real Estate - Balance Due in 45 Days at Final Settlement. Conditions By: RONALD & AUDREY GETZ INSPECTION BY CALLING AUCTIONEER AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: ROY D. SHIRK, AUCTIONEER LICENSE# - QU-0034248-L 988 Horseshoe Pike, Lebanon (717) 867-1119 - Fax: 867-5606 DARD & GOOD 65/85 LBS. 25.00, 50.00. UTILITY 50/70 LBS. 17.50,27.50. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS STEADY TO 20.00 LOWER. NO. 1 95/120 LBS. 80.00, 107.50 NO. 2 80/115 LBS. 50.00, 82.50 HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS: FEW NO. 1 90/110 LBS. 260.00, 325.00 FEW NO. 2 75/105 LBS. 95.00, 190.00. BEEF TYPE BULLS & HEIF ERS 70/120 LBS. 105.00, 165.00, 250 ONE AT 89.00. HOGS: 25. BARROW & GILTS STEADY. 45-50% 250/270 LB. 46.75, 48.50, 40-45% 240/290 LB. 35.00, 45.50. SOWS: 1-3 305/445 LBS. 34.00, 38.75. BOARS: 260/465 LBS. 12.50,17.00. FEEDER PIGS: 17. 1-3 25/30 LBS. 26.00, 27.50. 2-3 40/45 LBS. ALL AT 40.00. SHEEP: 21. CH 65/80 LBS. 67.50, 70.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP 16.00, 28.00. GOATS: 12. NANNIES: MEDIUM 20.00, 47.50. KIDS: SMALL 12.50, 22.00. Public Auction Register. Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated Sat at 2:23 P.M. JULY SAT JULY 15 - 9AM~Buildina #HSVA'S MAH" KICK Upcoming Auctions Monday, July 17*10 AM The Boli Factory 800 East High St., Carlisle, PA. Gas Pizza Ovens, Hobart 60 Qt. Mixer, Bakers Pride Gas Ovens, SS Kitchen Equipment. Much More. Monday, July 24 • 10 AM Karn’s Prime and Fancy Foods Silver Spring Rd & Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, PA Grovery, Bakery and Meat Equipment. Full List to Follow. Monday, August 7*lo AM Dunkin’ Donuts Store Mt. Holy Springs, PA Hobart 80 Qt. Mixer w/60 Qt. Bowl Adapter & Cheese Grinder Power Hub. PLY MOLD Booths, Coffee and Bakery Equipment, Taylor Counter Model Makes Frozen Coffees and Slushie. Full List to Follow. MARK BARANOWSKI AU 2570 (717)657-2317 FREIGHT STATION AUCTION 19 Wilson Street, Middletown. PA 17057 Norman Coumey RHII6-L (717) 944-6537 B Terms Cash or Certified Funds MON., JULY 24 5:30 PM INDIAN: Chippewa Beaded Shoulder Piece, Woodland Beadwork on White Doe Skin - Moose Hide Jacket & Sash - Moose Hide Jacket & Sash Woodland Beadwork, Antler Buttons - Chief Portrait Owe Deer Hide From Kenora Canada - Doe Skin Dress St. Regis Mohawk Decorate Yoke Woodland Beadwork - Doe Skin Shirt Fringed & Decorated With Shells - Sioux Doll 14” Wrapped Braids Beaded Mantel, Sash & Mocs - Cut Glass Beaded Pouch - 9x12 Navajo Rug, Red General Pattern - St. Regis Mohawk, Mugs Beaded on Top - Old Beaded Purse Mid West - N.W. Coast Miniature Totum Pole JEWELRY: 14 CT Gold Bracelet, 14 CT Gold Diamond Tennis Bracelet Approx. 4 CTS, 14 CT Gold Rolex Cellin - Costume & Silver - Agate Hearts & Crosses - Gorham Sterling Service For 8 Strasburg pattern with Extras COLLECTIBLES: Air Castles, Parrish - Knifes Pottery - Necco Jar - 2 Violins - 2 Guitars - Military, Cook & Art Books - 16 Ga. DBL Shotgun, Sears - 12 GA Shotgun, Sig, Hoffins & Allen - Sets of China - Sewing - Old Bottles - Weeden & Empire Toy Steam Engines - Brass Umbrella Stand - Binoculars - Yellowware - Wattware - Gramtware - Records - Rockhound Coll - Large Decorator Tea Pot - Seth Thomas Mantle Clock - Flow Blue Bowl - Indian Pottery - Blue Decorated Crocks DEC ARTS: O/C Seascape 27x28 - O/C Street Scene, Wash Square - 4 Enamel on Copper by Louis Cardin 1970’s - W/C Hunt Scene, Signed by Thomas Blinks - O/C Man Playm Violin - Other Photos, Prints, Lithos & Oils FURNITURE: Oak Wardrobe - Oak Chest of Drawers - Blanket Chest - Clean Modern, Diningroom, Bedroom, - Mirrors - Lamps - Chairs 10% Down 717-944-6537 Material Auction at Koser Building Matenals. 523 Koser Road, Eliza- 717-944-6537 hrs?=== bethtown, PA Equipment ana Tools. Building Materials John Koser AH-000140-L, Wolgemulh Auction Service SAT JULY 15 -10 AM Surplus Building Supply, Davenport Cen ter, New York, between Oneonta & Davenport Ron Ingham. Aucl SAT JULY 15 - 10 30AM Keys' Annual Summer Auction of New & Used Surplus Equipment at the Hazen Store, Norm of Exit 14 off I -80 814-328-2222 MON JULY 17 -10 AM The Boh Factory, 800 E High St, Carlisle, Pa Mark Baranowski, aucl THUFIS JULY 20 - PM Autos, trucks, tractor, motorcycle, gas engine, antiques, collectibles 7 miles W of Carlisle on US #ll S off of 1-81 between exits 11 & 12 Rowe's Auction Service RH79L PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JULY 22, 2000 12:00 NOON Frederick Fairgrounds Frederick County Md. Take 70 to Frederick Fairground, Right off Rt. 70 300 + Longaberger Baskets including J.W., Family Traditions, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Hostess, Collectors Club, Easter, Christmas, May Series, Bee, All American, Booking, And Many Other Baskets, Pottery, Rod Iron. If you are a col lector plan to attend. Longaberger is a trademark and is not affiliated with this auction or auction service. Terms; Cash, Approved Check. Out of state Check w/bank letter. No Buyers Premium James E. Summers Auctioneer 301 846-4229 Auctioneer AU2425-L PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JULY 22, 2000 9:00 AM To be held at The West Pennsboro Township Firehall, Plainfield, PA Located west of Carlisle along Rte 641 (Newville Rd) FURNITURE: 12 Pane comer cupboard; 2pc blind door cupboard; 5 dry sinks - walnut, one, two, three drawers, 6 one drawer night stands - cherry, walnut; walnut cabinet base; pine one door cabinet; chimney cupboard; blanket chest; 6 walnut cane seat chairs; walnut Eagle inlaid grandfathers clock with Westminster chimes made by Earl Swamer, cane seat rocker; cherry drop-leaf table; pine and open washstands; wal nut spool leg table, walnut sewing cabinet; rock ers; caned youth chair; cabinet with tin punch door; walnut QA style tea table; walnut what not stand; many stools, Windsor style rocker; caned stools and captains chair, mortised bench; much more; Note: Furniture is in good condition having been restored by Earl Swamer MISCELLANEOUS: 3 early coffee grinders; OG mirror; 2 New Haven clocks; spinning wheel, wooden straw fork; 2 white button wall racks, tin push' up candle sticks; Ironstone wash bowl and pitcher, hanging lamp; Wallace Nutting print; 3 post card albums; photos; salt crock; wagon seat, kerosene lamps; spice jars; redware; Roseville vase; walnut mirror; shaving mirror; counter top scales; iron pots; iron frogs; Zither; lanterns, cranberry scoop; tramp art comb case; foot warmer; tin cans; collection brass school bells; Wynedotte steam shovel; tin spice set; doll buggy; candles; butter churn; Rodda Candy Lancaster tin; ladles; rolling pins; 2 old sleds; bottles - some local; blue jars, walnut frames; baskets, sleigh bells; egg basket; John A Andrews wood wagon; wood express wagon, walnut cra dle, milkeans; Texaco oil can; horse collar; hames; childs ladder back rocker; youth chair, 2 wooden wheelbarrows; depression crocks, augers, milk stools; much more. Earl and Nancy Swarner ALSO: cherry drop-leaf table; 5 Hitchcock chairs; square oak table; mahogany slant front desk; smoking stand; modern bedroom suite; pol ished copper apple butter kettle w/3 iron feet; cut down round oak table; pair brass lamps; decorat ed iron kettle; park bench; Wards safe, captain chair, cream cans; 11 Hess trucks; electric roast er; cowbell grain flail; wooden rake; bam beam borer; apple peeler; recliner; 4 Eclipse self pro pelled mowers; Troybilt 5 hp mower NOTE: We are full with good items. Building is Air Conditioned. Terms: Cash Or Good Check Only Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 Visit Our Website: www.kennysauction.com SAVE THIS AD SAT JULY 22 - 8 30AM Gehman’s Store auction, furni ture, store fixtures, J S Stahl pot tery, antiques & collectibles 535 Mam St„ Bally, Pa Berks Co Ralph D Freed Auct AU000294- L SAT JULY 22 - 9 30AM Antiques collectibles, furniture, art, Fiesta, Stangl, tools, Ford tractor Yorgey Poultry Farm 135 Spook Lane, Pncetown, Ruscombmanor Twp, Berks Co George Miller Auction Co *RY-000-140-L SAT JULY 22 -12 Noon Longaberger Baskets at Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick Co. Md James E Summers, auct MON JULY 24 -10 AM Karn's Prime and Fancy Foods, Silver Spring Rd, SCarlisle Pike, Mechamcsburg, Pa Mark Bara nowski, auct
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