Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 15, 2000, Image 36
A36-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000 Tioga County Celebrates 10th Annual Farm City Day (Continued from Pago A 1) surance Assistance Program. “I want everyone to know that in the Mid-Atlantic states and New England, where we had this disastrous drought, no state legislature or governor has dedicated more assistance dol lars to agriculture than has been the case here in Pennsylvania,” said Hayes. The secretary also brought greetings from Gov. Ridge as he read a prepared statement. “Agriculture is the com monwealth’s leading industry, providing jobs for about 20 per cent of our state’s residents and making the link between our rural and urban dwellers vital to the success of our state’s econ omy. Partnerships must be forged between rural and urban residents to ensure a better qual ity of life for generations. Be cause without our farms and farm families, city and urban families lose their valuable supply of local food sources, and without our cities and towns, farmers lose both market centers and processing facilities for their products.” The theme of farm families and urban dwellers working to gether was reiterated by event chair Sherri Butters, who made it her goal to talk to as many vis itors as possible. With more than 2,500 people milling about the farm and taking advantage of the scheduled activities, that job kept her busy for most of the day. “I tried to stop people as they were walking along and I had lots of good comments. I spoke to one couple from Corning, New York who had two kids. She said this is the kind of event she had been looking for for her kids. She said she felt so safe!” said Butters. Wagon tours of the farm Doug Wright, left, takes a moment to speak with Jenny and Doug Lawton during the day’s events. Richard Lee, right, feeds a spoonful of ice cream to Dean Lee during the first Farm City ice cream eating contest. Both Richard and Dean are from Sabinsville. fields were packed throughout the day. On the tour, families learned about the history of the farm and formed a captive audi ence for Natural Resources Con servation Service worker Howard Rutledge, who talked about conservation practices and strip cropping. People were also on hand to explain the uses for many old time tools that were displayed at the event. Kids and adults even got to try their hand at shelling corn the old-fashioned way, with an old corn sheller. Although he admitted that this method is much slower than the machines of today, Art Shumway was quick to point out that this con traption was a lot faster than shelling it by hand. Children’s activities were the highlight of the day for many visitors. One hundred twenty-six youngsters participated in a pedal tractor pulling contest and many others tried their hand at an ice cream eating contest. Many more children thought that a maze constructed with bales of hay was nothing but fun. One of the most popular spots for kids and parents alike was the petting zoo, sponsored by the Mountaineers 4-H Club, where emus, bunnies, chicks, ducks, pigs, goats, and other animals got plenty of attention. The day will be recorded as another successful Farm City Day event in the annals of Tioga County, according to Butters. Part of the emphasis this year was to better the relationships with the civic organizations. “We hosted the auction with the Wellsboro Rotary. We said that we would provide the place and the advertisements if they would solicit the items for the auction. We ended up making $3,600 at the auction, which will be divided between the Farm City Day Committee and the Rotary Club,” she said. The Farm City Day portion of the money will be used to cover necessary items such as insur ance, tent rental, and other ex penses. This helps ensure that families can enjoy the day’s ac tivities free of charge. This year the committee also sold T-shirts to help raise money for the event. Besides enjoying the day’s featured activities, those who at tended this year’s event haid the opportunity to register for free ice cream for a year, donated by Schwan’s Sales and $520 worth of Exxon gasoline from Acorn Markets. Jill Marple, Coving ton, was the lucky ice cream cer tificate winner, and Megan Zuchowski, Wellsboro, took home the free gasoline certifi cates. Even Mother Nature cooper ated to make the day’s events run smoothly. “Overall the weather was one of the nicest days we had,” said Butters. “It was a good family fun day!” Secretary of Agriculture Samuel Hayes, Rep. Matt Baker, and Sen. Roger Madigan present a mock check to Tioga County Farmers, represented by Carl Kroeck, to show that Tioga County farmers received more than $1 million in disaster assistance for 1999. Capitol Region gronomy Team BUY A NET AND USE IT POTATO LEAFHOPPERS DEVOUR ALFALFA Mark Goodson Penn State Cooperative Extension Capitol Region Extension Agronomy Team Here in Pennsylvania we have adopted a system of dairy pro duction that relies heavily on producing high quality alfalfa haylage and hay. Our climate and soils are suited very well to alfalfa. And alfalfa has the po tential to make the dairy pro ducer a lot of money by providing relatively cheap homegrown protein for the herd. Good management is required to produce high quality alfalfa. Tyler Wood, Pottstown, makes his way through the hay maze that was constructed in a corner of a field. In my book, good management means having a plan then doing the right thing at the right time. Without the plan, one never knows what to do when the time comes. In fact, without a plan, we miss the boat. This article is to encourage you to get an inte grated pest management plan for alfalfa, then follow it. Potato leafhoppers migrate into Pennsylvania every spring and are a major pest to alfalfa. Entomologists and agronomists have studied leafhopper move ment and pattern of damage. This is a predictable pest and in tegrated pest management (IPM) threshold data is readily available. We know how to scout for it and we know how to control it. (See “A Pest Management Pro gram for Alfalfa in Pennsylva nia” Special Circular 284 from Penn State Cooperative Exten sion). It is often a damaging pest in second cutting and almost always in third cutting alfalfa. Leafhoppers damage alfalfa in four ways, according to M. Curtis Wilson, professor of ento mology at Purdue University: 1. Stunting of plants. Growth is greatly reduced, sometimes more than half that of a normal plant. 2. Loss of quality. Protein is reduced. Leafhopper feeding in jects a toxin into plants that re duces protein production. Data indicates that protein loss occurs very quickly with relatively low insect populations. Five percent loss in protein occurred at a pop ulation level commonly attained when leafhoffers have not been controlled. 3. Loss in yield. Yesterday, I measured seven-inches more in height where leafhoppers had been controlled vs. no control in the same field. 4. Loss in plant vigor. Leaf hoppers drain alfalfa of its vigor, resulting in serious carryover ef fects in later cuttings. These ef fects are reflected in: (Turn to Pag* A 37)