Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 15, 2000, Image 155
™HONDRU OVER 200 TRUCKS AVAILABLE FROM OUR 4 DEALERSHIPS BslillHIdM" FORD Oldsmobile Pontiac Route 230 E-Town • 717-361-7776 95 FORD 4x4 98 Chevy Kl5OO, VB, PW&L, Auto, AC, Addt Tilt, Cruise 97 Pontiac Bonneville, Auto, AC, PS, PB, PW&L 97 Pontiac Grand Am GT Coupe, 5 Speed 97 Ford Mustage GT, 5 Speed, V-8, Leather, 3,000 Miles 96 Dodge Ram Club Cab, Cummins Diesel, SLT 96 Olds Cutlass Sierra, Equipped, 27,000 Miles 95 Foret F 250 4x4 Super Cab, V-8, Auto, AC 95 Chevy Kl5OO Ext Cab, V-8, Auto, Equipped DODGE Route 230 E-Town • 717-367-6644 . 99 DODGE SLT, Quad Cab, Dually, Cummins Diesel, 15,000 Miles 97 DODGE RAM 2500 I- *1 4x4, V-8, Auto, AC, SLT LOADS OF USED PICKUPS CALL ANY STORE FOR DETAILS OVER 20 CHASSIS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE FOR BODY INSTALLATION AT OUR LOCAL BODY COMPANIES! fIL HAMILTON USED TRUCK SALES lyg RO. Box 157 • 55 Doe Run Road • Manheim, PA 17545 Phone: 717-665-7145 ■ F0x717-665-2137 e™™, Sp Custom Air Brakes, A/C, 260 WB, 192 CA , 'B9 MACK New 10' Dump, E-6 Mack, 275 HP, 9 Spd. Trans . Fuller 35,000 GVW $29,500 V-8, Auto All prices Include Rebates, Excli Email - C&C, 370 Gas, 5 Spd. Trans., 2 Spd. Rear, Hydraulic Brakes, EXPERIENCE Route 72 Manheim • 717-665-3551 2000 FORD F 250 SUPER jJMiDUTY CREW CAB rioio 4^ I Choose > 00 Ford Fl5O Super Cab, 4x4 99 Ford F 350 Cab S Chassis, Diesel 98 Ford Club Wagon XLT 98 Expedition, Eddie Bauer 97 Ford FI 50 4x4, 41,000 Miles, VB, 5 Speed 97 Ford Ranger Super Cab 4x4 96 Ford F150,4x4, Auto 96 Ford Bronco, V 8 ■TrrrTVnrni CHRYSLER niuir MLJUILJILM 1 Route 72 Manheim • 717-665*2473 2000 CHEVY S' .JJSk EXPRESS Cargo Van AH^jpP^ V-8, Auto, PS, PB, AC, A Work Horse l lude Tax, Tag and $4O Dock Fee 'B5 FORD F-700 225 W.B , 150 C.A $10,500 4x4, Diesel, PS, PB, Auto #OP36A #OF7I2A #OPOSBA #OPOS9A . . #OF7IIA 3 To Choose From #OF743A 3 to Choose From 97 Dodge Sport AC, PW&L, ie, AM-FM '■•V i '-.’.US. ■94 INT. 4700 C&C, Low Profile, DT-408,190 HP, 6+l Trans., Hyd. Brakes, Custom Int., A/C, 176 W. 8., 108 C.A., 25,500 GVW $19,500 ~T '92 FORD LNBOOO C&C, 7.8 Ford Diesel. 210 HP, 6 Spd. Trans., Custom Cab, Air Brakes, 234 W. 8., 168 C.A., 33,000 GVW $18,500 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000-031 C&C, 429 Gas, 5 SpiJ Trans , 14,000 Actual Miles, 207 W B , 140 C A., Like New $19,500 1990 F 450 Super Duty dump truck, 5-spd, 460 engine, new paint, 58,000 mi, gooseneck & hd re ceiver hitches, $10,500. 2000 Hudson tri-axle gooseneck, 23,000 gvw, 23' w/5' beavertail 8. ramps, $5200. 215-258-1127. 85 Ford F-600 16 Foot Box Great Work Truck 21k GVW 5 Spd, Gas Eng. Must Sell. $3900. 610-647-8521 Bulk feed body, 1993 Pin son, 3 pockets, hyd. drive, exc. shape, can deliver, $BOOO 080. 410/957-3476. Master Mechanic tool set, large Mac 9-dr. bot tom, 10-dr upper box. Proto side box. Many air tools 8> specialty tools. 717/597-5151 evenings. Septic Tank Truck, '69 White, Cummins eng, 2200 gal, SS tank, Gordon Rupp pump w/back flush, $4500. 'B9 Ford 350 utility truck, Reading bed, 5 spd w/OD, 460 eng, low mile age, good cond, $B5OO. 717-225-1888 1962 Mack Thermodyne dsl 6-wheeler w/18' Mid west grain body & twin cyl. Harsh hoist, all good condition, $5OOO. 302/398-8754. Travel Trailer '97, 30', Has it All! Exc Condition $ll,OOO 717-755-7473 '95 Ford XL FI 50 short bed, 4x4, super cab, 300 EFI, 5 spd., PS, PB, air, AM-FM cass., new radi ate, $11,500. 717-733-2873 Dry storage trailer, 48x102, could be repaired to use on road, $2OOO obo. 1-800-839-3338 1971 Int dump truck, sin gle axle, V 5549 air brakes, $3500 obo. 610-287-7894 '93 Chevy Cheyenne 2500, 3/4 ton pickup, 305 auto, PS, PB, 7,200 GVW, blue, 128,000 miles, latest in spection, good work truck, $3,675.717-733-2873 STOCK GOOSENECK 16x6x6'6", STOCK BUMP ER 16x6x6'6" 3 HORSE SLANT OPEN STOCK w/ dressing rm & rear fack. Used 2 horse 1986, call for pricing. New & Used trail ers available. NETCO Trailer Sales, 410-838-1282. ■94 FORD F7OO