Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 08, 2000, Image 56
Bl6*Lmcasttr Fanning, Saturday, July 8, 2000 1C ask von This column is for readers who have ques tions but don’t know who to ask for answers. “You Ask—You Answer” is for non-cooking questions. When a reader sends in a question, it will be printed in the paper. Readers who know the answer are asked to respond by mail ing the answer, which will then be printed in the paper. Questions and Answers to this column should be addressed to You Ask—You Answer, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Attention: Lou Ann Good. Or, you may e-mail questions and answers to Please clarify what question you are answer ing when responding. Do not send a self-addressed, stamped en velope for a reply. If we receive the answer, we will publish it as soon as possible. Please in clude your phone number because we some times need to contact the person to clarify de tails. We will not publish your phone number unless you request it. QUESTION Mrs. Robert Lowe, Shermans Dale, wants the music and words to the song: “Eleven more months and 10 more days, I’ll be out of this Calaboose.” She writes that this is a very old song that an older gentleman used to sing. QUESTION Jonas Beiler Jr., New Holland, would like information on raising nightcrawlers for fishing bait. QUESTION A Gordonville reader is looking for a timecard clock that runs off a 12-volt bat tery or electric. Send information to Elmer Ebersol, Colonial Rd. Woodworks, 139-A Colo nial Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529. QUESTION Robert Fleckenstein, Woods town, N.J., wold like to know where to buy a Time magazine dated May IS, 1950. QUESTION A reader wants to find a copy of Larry Benoit’s book, “How To Bag The Big gest Buck of Your Life.” He also would like to find wooden molding planes made by E.W. Car penter, Lancaster. QUESTION -7 A Schuylkill County reader would like reasonably priced, good, used, full size bicycles, either boys or girls. Also, the reader wants to know where to find a heavy duty, air-tire tricycle. QUESTION Mrs. John David Zimmerman, East Earl, wants to know if someone has a Model. 47 Royal sweeper or Tristar they wish to sell. QUESTION Elam Lapp, Brookside Book store, wants to know if anyone has Valentine cards from the early 1900 s. QUESTION Sylvan Ressler, Bart, wants to know where to find a small blue, softcover men’s quartet book called “Vaughn’s Sons for Men.” He also would like to find 78 LP records by the Kings Herald Quartet, The Good News Gospel Singers (a Brethren mixed chorus from York County), and a record of a Brethren men’s quartet also from York that included the song, “Stilling the Tempest.” QUESTION Tom Hill, Boyertown, wants to know where to buy an air alarm, used at some gas stations to signal the attendant when a car pulls up to the pumps. QUESTION Stan Szczepanek, Boyertown, wants information about brooding chickens using a coal-fired brooder. He wants to know what time of the year to do this, how often the fire needs to be fed, etc. He’s also looking for a pamphlet describing the use of a Eureka Colo ny Brooder. QUESTION Merryleigh Berger wants to propagate some roses from her mother’s rose bush before the homestead is sold. She tried grafting and the glass jar method over clip pings in the fall, but has not been successful. Any help someone could give her would be ap preciated. QUESTION Linda Boyer is an organic pro duce farmer in Lancaster County, and writes, “sometimes I feel like we are all alone out here.” She would like to hear from other organ ic farmers from Lancaster and surrounding counties. Send correspondence to 505 Lambert Rd., Narvon, PA 17555. QUESTION A man from Lititz wants to know of a person who could knit a sweater for him. Call (717) 768-7663. QUESTION - Audrey Lohr, R.l, Box 153, Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666-9706 has a calendar col lection that she will give to the person who, several months ago, had requested calendars for school projects. Contact her to make ar rangements for delivery. QUESTION A Shippensburg reader wants a pattern and instructions to sew a winter hooded parka in either men’s small or ladies’ medium. QUESTION Mary Stoltzfus, Kirkwood, is in need of used greeting cards (all-occasion). Send to her at 331 Bartville Rd., Kirkwood, PA 17536. QUESTION Mrs. J. Burkholder is looking for a reasonably priced Big Oskar (Sunbeam) food processor in like-new condition. Call her at (717) 694-3796. QUESTION Michael Hopkins Jr. would like to know where he could purchase styrofoam egg cartons in jumbo and super jumbo sizes. He prefers a Pennsylvania source. QUESTION Charlotte Lippincott, Pile sgrove, N.J., would like to know how to start Royal Paulowina trees with purple flowers. She picked up some seed pods last winter. Inside are two large seeds and a lot of little seeds like fuzzes in each pod. She would like to start some trees. What should she do? QUESTION Dale Burkhart is looking for a lard can lid with the printing: Henry Burkhart Packing Co. Pure Lard 50 lb. Dayton, Ohio. Anyone have one they’d like to sell? QUESTION Susan Lingeris wants informa tion on hatching and raising all types of poul try. She and her husband also want a used brooder for sale that is in good shape. They also would like to purchase some fertile eggs in order to incubate eggs on a small scale. Write to the Lingeris at 2 Fats Hollow Rd., Ga leton, PA 16922. QUESTION Susan High recalls reading an article that appeared in this paper about a year ago regarding the history of Hershey Farms and Hershey chocolate. The article mentioned a contact person for anyone who had information concerning Hershey Farms or Hershey Choco late. She wants the name and address. Dose anyone know to which article she is referring? If so, please send the information requested. QUESTION - A Schuylkill County reader wants to know if anyone knows the value of an antique dress form from the early 1900 s. It is a press-and-shape to the form you want to fit. Any idea of a fair price? QUESTION - Ezra Gottschalk, 849 Martin Ave., Ephrata, PA 17522, is looking for some one who makes fish that hang on nylon cord from the ceiling. The fish are very attractive and move constantly in the air. Ezra would like to purchase five fish. QUESTION I. Wenger wants to purchase the following three books, but he sent no ad dress. The books are “More All-Of-A-Kind Fam ily” and “Ali-Of-A-Kind Family Uptown” by Syd ney Taylor; and “The Four-Story Mistake” by Elizabeth Enright. QUESTION Stephen A. Lapp, 69 Long Lane, Kirkwood, wants to know how to dehull oats and spelts. He has a mill to crimp them for oatmeal but doesn’t know how to get rid of the hulls. QUESTION E. Sheetz, Fleetwood, wants to know how to repair a burn mark on a leather table top or the name of a professional service that can fix it. QUESTION Doris Stahl wants the words to the song, “Don’t Go Out in the Woods Tonight.” QUESTION Brenda Kensinger, Martins burg, wants to know where purchase macad amia nuts in the area of Martinsburg, Pa. QUESTION Horst Schaper, Moosup, Ct., owns a horsedrawn machine gun cart model 1917, which needs some tender, loving care. Does anyone know of some books or pictures that would help him know how to repair the cart? QUESTION M. High wants to know if there’s anything that will remove black spots off an iron spatula, which accidentally burned in a trash fire. The spatula was her mother’s wedding present. QUESTION Nancy Landes, R.l, Box 286, Montrose, PA 18801 is looking for someone who can make a braided rug using four strands of material and a crochet hook. QUESTION Robin Baummer needs some one to repair a braided rug with a 10x10-inch section missing. She prefers someone from the York or Adams County area. QUESTION A reader is looking for a store that sells Hi-Yield products, hopefully in the Lebanon County area. They need them for this year’s growing season. QUESTION G. Sweitzer wants to know what chemicals to use for treating wood damaged/infested by Eastern Subterranean Termites. Also, what chemicals are used out side the house and where can they be pur chased? QUESTION Alice Faust from Kutztown is looking for an old bam beam loom. Does any one know where to find one or have one to buy? If so, please contact her at (610) 756-6488. QUESTION A Pennsylvania reader wants the words to the poem "When the Honeymoon in the Bam is Over.” QUESTION A reader would like to know if Lawrence Organ Mfg. Co. from Easton is still in business. Or, is anyone interested in a 1918 organ in working condition and original finish. Anyone know what it is worth? QUESTION A Schuylkill County reader wants to know where to find instructions on making baskets from birch bark. ANSWER A Lititz reader is looking for a 1990 Rose Art puzzle number 72348 55555 by Kodak. The picture is of 15 babies in sleepers all lined up in a row. The reader would like to frame the puzzle but has two pieces missing. Thanks to a reader who wrote that they also had one piece missing in a 3,ooo>piece puzzle. They matched it up to the picture on the puzzle box cover and traced the missing piece on the cover box. She pasted it to a thick piece of car board and peeled off the cardboard layers until it was the same thickness as the puzzle pieces. The picture looks great after the puzzle glue was on. Note: Cut pattern of missing pieces a little larger (Va-inch or 1/10-inch), so you have a little extra to push into place. ANSWER A faithful reader wanted to know if someone knows about a polish for laminated tables that produces a real good shine. Thanks to a Manheim reader who writes that her daughter works at a place that laminates wood. The best way to clean laminated wood is to wash it with warm, soapy water, rinse, and dry. Use a no-wax polish because wax will just sit on top and leave prints and marks. Laminating is like a plastic film, which cannot absorb wax. ANSWER Robert Finke, Seven Valleys, wanted to know if anyone has a fig tree of the bronze skin variety that is mature enough to bear fruit this year. Thanks to Marcus Martin, 136 N. Muddy Creek Rd., Denver, PA 17517-9196, who writes that his family has a mature tree. ANSWER Janet Spangler, York Springs, wanted a manual for a Jari sickle bar mower with a Briggs and Stratton motor and decals. She asks if the model may have been made by Gravely, what year was it made, and where is the company located? Thanks to a reader who writes that he proudly lived in Schuykill County for many years and owned a Jari mower to use on his Christmas tree farm. The mower was great. He found parts from Koch’s Farm Equip ment, New Ringgold. Phone (570) 943-2367. The parts are made by Year Round Cab Cor poration of Mankato, Minn. He wrote there to get an owner’s manual before he discovered Koch’s. ANSWER Ada B. Zook, Quarryville, wanted the book “Shoofly Girl,” by Lois Lensky. Thanks to Harry Fox who writes that he has a copy for $7. If interested, write to him at 756 Rt. 14 A North, Penn Van, NY 14527. ANSWER E. Rantonizy, Glassport, wanted to know how to eliminate wild chrysanthemums from gardens and lawns. Thanks to S. Abdullah who writes that after a good soaking rain, weed, weed, weed, but make sure to get as much of the runners as possible. The runners grow under the mulch and soil surface. It is te dious work, but well rewarded. ANSWER V. Miller, Honesdale, discovered (Turn to Page B 17)